Olivia’s “Flash” – A Lego Friends MOC

Shuppiluliumas's Lego Friends MOC: Olivia's Flash

“I spend hours inventing things. I can reuse and recycle almost anything.” — Olivia (Lego.com)

According to the Lego Friends website, Olivia would like to be a scientist or engineer. Fast forward to the semi-distant future and it looks like Olivia has accomplished her goal. Having just completed building her new spaceship, nicknamed “Flash,” Olivia is ready to see the universe. Knowing that it would be a lonely adventure, Olivia also invented and built a robot copilot named SNAFU (Stellar Navigation Artificial Friend Unit).

This is a super retro Lego rocket ship designed by Shuppiluliumas. This Lego Friends MOC is featuring a very sleek design, dinner plates for engine details, and even an umbrella for the rocket. Accompanying Olivia is a fun little robot, made out of a bunch of tiny parts. This is one elegant starship.

Shuppiluliumas's Lego Friends: Olivia's Flash 2

Check out Olivia’s “Flash” over on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34338074@N06/6773122406/

Shuppiluliumas has been previously featured on LegoGenre with the Lego Friends MOC: Mia’s “Beauty,” and Cyberpocalypsehttp://everydaybricks.com/cyberpocalypse-a-lego-cyberpunk-city/

Lego Batman: The Video Game: Lego Cake

Elisa Strauss's Lego Batman Video Game Lego Cake, Photo by William Eng

Lego Batman: the Video Game: the Cake sure looks delicious. Designed and baked by Elisa Strauss, www.confetticakes.com, for the official Lego Batman: The Video Game launch party. Luckily, William Eng was there to capture this beautiful Lego cake before it was eaten. Featuring Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Catwoman, the Joker, Harley Quinn, and the Riddler as fondant minifigures. The cake itself is red velvet.

Check out the Lego Batman: the Video Game: the Cake on Flickr:

Lego Friends MOC: Mia’s “Beauty”

Shuppiluliumas's Lego Friends MOC: Mia's Beauty

“Taking her concerns for animal health and welfare to the skies, Mia teams up with veteran gunner Oscar and takes to the skies in ‘Beauty’ a retro-inspired, environmentally conscious low-emission long range scout.”

A Lego Friends MOC with humor and great design is Mia’s “Beauty.” This is a great 1930’s style airplane. With a very fun use of a Lego Friends sticker to create the pin-up girl art, that was so common during this era. “Beauty” is outfitted with a twin propeller (twin-prop) engine and a really cool glass canopy. Mia is ready to fly the skies in her lime green long range scout. Mia’s copilot is her hedgehog “Oscar.” A dangerously cute gunner.

Mia’s “Beauty” is a great example of combining the Lego Friends theme with the other Lego themes. This, along with the Lovely Hotel is one of the most memorable Lego MOCs in the recent years.

Shuppiluliumas's Lego Friends MOC: Mia's Beauty 2

The Lego Friends MOC: Mia’s “Beauty” has been designed by Shuppiluliumas, and can be viewed over on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34338074@N06/6671163259/

Shuppiluliumas has been previously featured on LegoGenre with another Lego Friends MOC: Olivia’s “Flash” and Cyberpocalypsehttp://everydaybricks.com/cyberpocalypse-a-lego-cyberpunk-city/

Despicable Me Lego Minions by BricksBen

BricksBen's Despicable Me Lego Minion

There is just something about these Despicable Me Minions. They are cute, funny, and enduring. But, most importantly they are Lego. Lego Minions are quickly becoming a genre of Lego thats all their own. It helps that their goofy personality and silly charm translates into Lego perfectly. There are so many great Lego Minions out there. The newest has been designed by BricksBen and can be viewed over on Flickr. A great minion, with an inventive smile, tiny feet, and good volume.BricksBen's Despicable Me Lego Minions 02

Make sure to check out this Lego Minion over on Flickr. And, while your at it, check out BricksBen: http://bricksben.com

More Minions?

LegoTessa has also designed some Minions (and included instructions!) find out more here:

Also check out the Minions and their Minion Party here:

Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2 are available at Amazon.

E-Mote: Lego Robots with Personality

Legohaulic's EMOTE Lego Robots: Butterflies

E-MOTE: Butterflies

Lego robots have made a lot of progress in the last few years. With the increased variety of Technic / Bionicle / Hero Factory parts, and people getting more comfortable with mixing them in with standard Lego bricks the options for Lego robot builders have blossomed. Flickr user, Legohaulic, has recently created a very charming series called E-MOTE. A series of scenes between two extremely expressive robots.

Legohaulic's EMOTE Robots: Bashful

E-MOTE: Bashful

With detailed hands, some eyes, eyebrows, and posable limbs, these little Lego Robots can emote almost anything. One of the great tiny details is the use of a transparent brick to represent the heart on each of these bots. These robots are extremely minimal in design, making it easy to study the techniques and assembly. These two Lego bots have set a new standard in expression, humor and personality.

Legohaulic's EMOTE Lego Robots: Bot-y Building

E-MOTE: Bot-y Building

Check out the whole series of E-MOTE (over 15 photos!) over at Legohaulic’s Flickr page:

The Lego Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon’s Chopper by Project Azazel

ProjectAzazel's Lego Walking Dead: Daryl Dixons Chopper

The Lego Walking Dead is probably the last theme Lego would ever license. Easily one of the most emotionally devastating comic/television/video game series out there. The creator and author of the Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, made a wise decision to focus on the living characters instead of the zombies. The scariest moments are always what the humans are doing to themselves. With truly horrific characters, such as the Governor, Negan, and Merle Dixon. But for every memorable villain there are many more memorable “heroes,” and everyone has a favorite. (Lee Everett!)

Here, Flickr user, Project Azazel has created a Lego vignette titled “The Walking Dead ‘DD’ Chopper.” Showing off a Lego Daryl Dixon and his motorcycle. A perfectly assembled scene, completely capturing the character of Daryl. Everyones favorite good guy with a bad guy reputation. He is easily underestimated, even though he may be one of the strongest in the surviving group. Nobody is going to mistake this as anything other then the Walking Dead. The Lego motorcycle may be the star here, it is a great example of how to assemble seemingly useless pieces into something greater.

Check out more Lego Walking Dead over at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/project_azazel/9218969092/

Lego Minifigures by 713 Avenue

The Lego Minifigures have sure made an impression. There are well over 150 minifigures spread across 10 releases (and 1 special Olympics release). From several Roman soldiers, to futuristic spacemen and robots, these collectable (or is it collectible?) minifigs have covered almost every topic and theme imaginable. It is hard to imagine just how many of these blind packages figures have been created. There are just so many…

713Avenue's Lego Minifigures Group 01

Flickr user 713 Avenue has created many group photos showing off the amazing variety of these collectable minifigures. These would make for some great backgrounds if high resolution photos are ever released. For now 1024 pixels wide versions on Flickr will have to do.

713Avenue's Lego Minifigures Group 02

Lego Minifigures on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seven13avenue/9246224307/

Lego Despicable Me Minion Party

derjoe's Lego Despicable Me Minion Party

It looks like the Lego Despicable Me Minions are having a party, celebrating the release of their new film: Despicable Me 2! These goofy guys make for some great Lego MOC figures. Full of personality and charm, these Minions will be there when you need them. Just don’t expect them to successfully assemble that Ages 6+ Lego set. These Lego Minions are the creation of derjoe, and can be found over on Flickr. The use of the Lego Magnifying Glass is impeccable, and the eyes are decivingly clever (white Lego round plate with hole, and brown pneumatic tubing). These Minions sure have a lot of SNOT (Studs Not on Top) going on!

derjoe's Lego Despicable Me 2 Minions: Dark Purple

Find more Lego Despicable Me at derjoe’s Flickr page:

LegoTessa has also designed some Minions (and included instructions!) find out more here:

Despicable Me Lego Minions by BricksBen: http://everydaybricks.com/despicable-me-lego-minions/

Lego Justice League (JLA)

Bryant's Lego Justice League

The Justice League of America (JLA) is the ultimate superhero team. DC Comics first put the Justice League together in 1960. Originally featuring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. Since then the superhero team has had a sort of revolving door for membership. Here, Flickr user Bryant, has imagined a Lego version of the team featuring the core members, plus Hawkman, Green Arrow, the Atom, and the Black Canary. Someday Lego may get around to creating official Lego minifigures for all the major DC Comics superheroes, until that time custom minifigs will have to fill in the missing heroes.

Bryant's Lego Justice League: Hawkman & Atom

Here are two of the custom Justice League Lego minifigures. Hawkman is a combination of decals and painting, while the Atom is a custom painted Lego trophy. That little Lego trophy makes a perfect Lego Atom.

Bryant's Lego Justice League Martian Manhunter & Green Lantern

Here is the custom Lego Martian Manhunter and the Green Lantern. Decals were used again to achieve the torso prints.

Bryant's Lego Justice League: Aquaman & Flash

The final two custom JLA members are Aquaman and the Flash. Once again showing off custom decals for the torsos. The old style Lego space helmet works great here too.

Lego Legion of Doom

Bryant's Lego Justice League Villains

But, we cannot forget the supervillains, even super friends have super enemies. Bryant has created a super lineup (based on Justice League Doom, Legion of Doom, and Super Friends) featuring Amazo, Captain Cold, Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Joker, Bizarro, Solomun Grundy and Black Adam. The big stand outs here are Darkseid, and Solomun Grundy. Adding a plate between the legs and torso works well but leaves me wondering how it was accomplished.

Check out all of Bryant’s work on Flicker here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jordanlegolee/7503546668/ 

Lego StarCraft: Ultralisk

Lego and StarCraft have always seemed like a great fit. It seems like an official Lego StarCraft theme is probably not in the future. The developers of StarCraft, Blizzard, have recently teamed up with Mega Bloks (the arch nemesis of Lego) to produce World of Warcraft sets. If anything, the mediocre sets produced by Mega Bloks has just increased the desire for an official Lego set. The space creatures and aliens would make for some amazing MOCs. For instance the StarCraft Ultralisk. This build has been scaled back a bit, the Ultralisk is normally 20 meters long, and 5 meters high. An organic tank. The zerg swarm use these alien behemoths to support its zergling and hydralisk armies. Featuring a super strong carapace, gigantic scythes known as “kaiser blades,” and extremely violent tendencies. Any terran marine would be unlucky to cross paths with one of these.

retinence's Lego StarCraft Ultralisk

This Ultralisk is an amazing Lego MOC. With good clean lines, no stray studs, and some really inventive uses for basic Lego bricks. Check out the main attraction: those tusks are simply genius. Giving a great impression of an organic structure with incredible deadliness. The properly proportioned feet look perfect for trampling and stomping. Even the Lego built face is pulled off well, with mandibles and and other details bringing this Ultralisk to life. Searching for Lego StarCraft you can find all sorts of amazing builds like this.

retinence's Lego StarCraft Ultralisk Side

Go check out more photos and details of this Lego Ultralisk on Retinence’s Flickr page:

Also check out his Charizard, previously featured on LegoGenre: