First Photos from the upcoming Lego Minifigures Series 11

Lego Minifigures Series 11 Photos: Yeti, Welder, Female Robot, Evil Robot, Scientist

The first photo of the upcoming Lego Minifigures Series 11 has been leaked. Featuring an Evil Mech, Scientist, Yeti, Female Robot, and a Welder. Not pictured here, and not yet confirmed are the figures Jazz Musician, Constable, Holiday Elf, Bavarian Woman, Scarecrow, Mountain Climber, Grandmother, Tike Warrior, Gingerbread Man, Barbarian and Dinner Waitress. The early rumors say that the set will be available sometime around September.

Lego seems to be going strong with the collectible minifigs. No one would have predicted 11 series for this theme. The detail and number of unique parts is what keeps these things going. So far this set is looking pretty good. And, hopefully the distribution will be reasonable. (Stupid Skydiver!)

Series 10 was just recently released, so make sure to pick up a couple of those before this one hits stores. Maybe you will even find a Mr. Gold?

Thanks to Bricks & Bloks and Brickshelf for the early info:


Full details and images for Series 11 here:

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 Trailer

It is E3 this week, which means there is an overwhelming amount of video game news. The Lego Marvel Super Heroes video game is coming out soon and it doesn’t want to be left out of the festivities. New details and a new trailer debuted this week, reaffirming early impressions that this will be a great game. The first piece of great news is that it will feature open-world gameplay, like Lego City Undercover, and also include the traditional platforming gameplay, like Lego Star Wars. It has also been confirmed that New York city, Manhattan, and Loki’s Lair will all be playable locations.

Lots of Marvel characters will be featured in the game, with Wolverine, Captain America, Johnny Storm (Human Torch), Mr. Fantastic, Thor, Deadpool, the Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Sandman, and Loki all getting the digital Lego treatment. More characters will be announced closer to the release date.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is currently available for pre-order on

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 trailer is available on YouTube:
Also check out the original trailer here:

Lego House Lannister & House Stark of Game of Thrones

There are probably millions of characters in the Game of Thrones series. It is overwhelming at first, but once you get into the novels, or through half of the TV show they all start to become familiar. Arguably the two most important families (sorry Targaryen, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Tyrell, & Martell) of a Song of Ice and Fire are House Lannister and House Stark. These two families alone have over 13 characters, and that is not counting friends and associates. Amazingly, Lego minifigures translate pretty well into the GoT universe. With the recent increase in detail and variety of minifigs, people have many more options when creating their own figures. This version of House Lannister and House Stark has been created by th_squirrel, and is one of the highest quality builds using standard Lego pieces.

First up is House Stark which features, in order from left to right: Sansa, Eddard, Rob, Rickon, Catelyn, Bran, Hodor, Arya, and Jon Snow.

A Game of Thrones: House Stark

Everyones favorite family to hate, House Lannister, in order from left to right: Tyrion, Jaime, Cersei, Tywin, and Joffery Lannister.

A Game of Thrones: House Lannister

House Lannister:
House Stark:


Also check out the Lego “Red Wedding” from a Game of Thrones:

Skylanders: Shroomboom & Trigger Happy

IScreamClone and Tazmaniac's Skylanders He Shoots He Spores

I Scream Clone and Taz-Maniac have created a pair of Skylanders Lego MOCs. Skylanders is a genre busting series of Action Figures that you can collect and play inside a digital world.  First showing up a few years ago, the concept and execution of the Skylanders system completely surprised everyone. The pure popularity of the game/figure system means Activision is printing gold. Here, in Lego, are two of the Skylanders: Giants characters, Shroomboom and Trigger Happy. They use many of the more advanced building techniques which in this case makes them a bit more fragile. These two little creatures sure look cute, but I’m sure they can hold their own.

Sadly these will not work with your Portal of Power. Maybe someday.

Tazmaniac's Skylanders Trigger Happy

Check these out on Flickr: He Shoots, He Spores!:
and Trigger Happy:

Normandy SR2 — Mass Effect Lego

BennyBrickster's Normandy SR2 - Mass Effect Lego

The Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the most famous modern RPGs of all time. The epic story of Commander Shepard and his legendary crew have inspired an almost unparalleled amount to fan art. Including countless Lego models. The main focus for most Lego builders is the sleek Normandy SR2 starship. The SR2 is the successor of the cutting edge SR1. Making its first appearance in Mass Effect 2, this Cerberus built ship has no comparison, everything about it is lightyears ahead of its closest competition.

Benny Brickster, of Flickr, took over seven months to complete this MOC. The sleek design is especially troublesome, and was recreated here without being too bulky. Curves are always hard to do correctly in Lego, but the larger scale of this spaceship allows it to keep a smooth profile. Also note the beautiful Normandy text, and the SR2 logo; completely made out of standard Lego bricks.

“I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite” starship in the galaxy.

BennyBrickster's Mass Effect Normandy SR2 Detail 2

BennyBrickster's Normandy SR2 - Mass Effect Lego Detail

Check Mass Effects Normandy SR2 here:

Lego the Lord of the Rings: Pirate Ship Ambush (79008) Reviewed

LegoFreaks's Lego Lord of the Rings: Pirate Ship Ambush 79008 Review

The new Lego Lord of the Rings sets are now available, and the reviews are starting to come in. The big set of this wave is the Pirate Ship Ambush (79008) and comes with 756 pieces, 9 minifigures, and a whole lot of printed shields. Although a tad on the expensive side, the set does include a giant boat, and when compared to other boat sets, the price is just about right ($99 US). Oddly enough a tiny catapult is included with the set; perfect for your Army of the Dead to attack. The boat/corsair comes with some strange pieces, such as 24 shields (printed and unprinted), dragon wings, and a loaf of bread. Just in case Gimli gets hungry.

LegoFreak's Lego Lord of the Rings: Pirate Ship Ambush 79008 Review Detail

Speaking of Gimli, he just happens to be included with this set. As is Aragorn and Legolas, just in case you missed them in the first wave of the Lord of the Rings releases. The new minifigs are surprisingly great, and are almost worth the price of the set. The King of the Dead, and two Soldiers of the Dead are the center attraction here. They feature a pasty green color scheme, and even glow in the dark (just like in the film!). There is also two Orcs and a corsair of Umbar included. I would have liked to have seen more pirates, but I guess Orcs are good too. The one corsair of Umbar included is based off of the cameo that Peter Jackson made as a Castamir of Umbar in the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings: Return of the Ring.

LegoFreaks's Lego Lord of the Rings: Pirate Ship Ambush 79008 Review Minifigs

Check out the full review of the Pirate Ship Attack (79008) by Lego Freak over at Eurobricks:

“Do Not Feed” — Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick's “Do Not Feed” Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick created this wonderful 3D mosaic window display titled “Do Not Feed.” This display is currently up in the Sherway Gardens Lego store in Toronto. It is not everyday that you see people combining a typical Lego mosaic with 3D objects, which is a shame because it can look great. As usual the pixelated 8-bit style design is a great fit with the blocky Lego. Everything is just so cute.

Make sure to check out this project over at Threadless, where you can vote to see it on a T-shirt!

Check out more creations by Hilary Leung on Flickr:
and check out Stedibrick’s page on Flickr:

Hilary Leung has also been featured before on LegoGenre: Lego Mosaics By Hilary Leung: