Shinjen the Samurai

[Rhymes_Shelter]'s Shinjen The Samurai[Rhymes_Shelter]'s Shinjen The Samurai Left

Shinjen the Samurai is a wonderful Lego figure. Packed full of little details with amazing Lego building skills. Using a combination of Lego bricks, Bionicle and Hero Factory almost seamlessly. The design for Shinjin is based from the idea of a hybrid of the Chinese lion statue and the samurai. The green eyes, built with the Lego lime dome really help to sell this little guy. Using the balljoints for the hair/lion mane is another great unique use. And, the shingled armor around the waist is actually built with a piece I have never seen, but it looks good.

Check out Shinjen the Samurai, built by [Rhymes_Shelter], on Flickr:

Lego House Lannister & House Stark of Game of Thrones

There are probably millions of characters in the Game of Thrones series. It is overwhelming at first, but once you get into the novels, or through half of the TV show they all start to become familiar. Arguably the two most important families (sorry Targaryen, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Tyrell, & Martell) of a Song of Ice and Fire are House Lannister and House Stark. These two families alone have over 13 characters, and that is not counting friends and associates. Amazingly, Lego minifigures translate pretty well into the GoT universe. With the recent increase in detail and variety of minifigs, people have many more options when creating their own figures. This version of House Lannister and House Stark has been created by th_squirrel, and is one of the highest quality builds using standard Lego pieces.

First up is House Stark which features, in order from left to right: Sansa, Eddard, Rob, Rickon, Catelyn, Bran, Hodor, Arya, and Jon Snow.

A Game of Thrones: House Stark

Everyones favorite family to hate, House Lannister, in order from left to right: Tyrion, Jaime, Cersei, Tywin, and Joffery Lannister.

A Game of Thrones: House Lannister

House Lannister:
House Stark:


Also check out the Lego “Red Wedding” from a Game of Thrones:

Skylanders: Shroomboom & Trigger Happy

IScreamClone and Tazmaniac's Skylanders He Shoots He Spores

I Scream Clone and Taz-Maniac have created a pair of Skylanders Lego MOCs. Skylanders is a genre busting series of Action Figures that you can collect and play inside a digital world.  First showing up a few years ago, the concept and execution of the Skylanders system completely surprised everyone. The pure popularity of the game/figure system means Activision is printing gold. Here, in Lego, are two of the Skylanders: Giants characters, Shroomboom and Trigger Happy. They use many of the more advanced building techniques which in this case makes them a bit more fragile. These two little creatures sure look cute, but I’m sure they can hold their own.

Sadly these will not work with your Portal of Power. Maybe someday.

Tazmaniac's Skylanders Trigger Happy

Check these out on Flickr: He Shoots, He Spores!:
and Trigger Happy:

Normandy SR2 — Mass Effect Lego

BennyBrickster's Normandy SR2 - Mass Effect Lego

The Mass Effect Trilogy is one of the most famous modern RPGs of all time. The epic story of Commander Shepard and his legendary crew have inspired an almost unparalleled amount to fan art. Including countless Lego models. The main focus for most Lego builders is the sleek Normandy SR2 starship. The SR2 is the successor of the cutting edge SR1. Making its first appearance in Mass Effect 2, this Cerberus built ship has no comparison, everything about it is lightyears ahead of its closest competition.

Benny Brickster, of Flickr, took over seven months to complete this MOC. The sleek design is especially troublesome, and was recreated here without being too bulky. Curves are always hard to do correctly in Lego, but the larger scale of this spaceship allows it to keep a smooth profile. Also note the beautiful Normandy text, and the SR2 logo; completely made out of standard Lego bricks.

“I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite” starship in the galaxy.

BennyBrickster's Mass Effect Normandy SR2 Detail 2

BennyBrickster's Normandy SR2 - Mass Effect Lego Detail

Check Mass Effects Normandy SR2 here:

“Do Not Feed” — Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick's “Do Not Feed” Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick created this wonderful 3D mosaic window display titled “Do Not Feed.” This display is currently up in the Sherway Gardens Lego store in Toronto. It is not everyday that you see people combining a typical Lego mosaic with 3D objects, which is a shame because it can look great. As usual the pixelated 8-bit style design is a great fit with the blocky Lego. Everything is just so cute.

Make sure to check out this project over at Threadless, where you can vote to see it on a T-shirt!

Check out more creations by Hilary Leung on Flickr:
and check out Stedibrick’s page on Flickr:

Hilary Leung has also been featured before on LegoGenre: Lego Mosaics By Hilary Leung:

Lego Minecraft MOCs by Lego Junkie

LegoJunkie's Minecraft Mooshroom

Lego and Minecraft are a perfect match. The blocky pixelated art direction of the video game is relatively easy to mimic in Lego. Most people directly compare the two, saying Minecraft is like a Lego computer game, or that Lego is like Minecraft in real life. The best part is that the love for both properties are equally deserved. Even Lego has recognized this symbiotic relationship and released an official set based on Minecraft (21102). In fact that set was one of the first approved Cuusoo projects, and was closely followed and campaigned for by Notch.

LegoJunkie's Minecraft Seananners

Lego Junkie has created a few Lego MOCs based on Minecraft. These are completely made from standard Lego bricks. All three models show here are roughly in the same scale, and shown what can be achieved with basic building skills. If and when Lego releases more sets, it would great if they made an official set in a large scale.

The Lego Mooshroom was designed for a T-shirt competition, and although it was passed over the model is awesome. It’s not very often you see builds based off of the more obscure characters. The other two builds are persons, Minecraftians, based off of Seananners, and Captainsparklez.

LegoJunkie's Minecraft Captainsparklez Minecraftian

Lego Junkie’s MOCs can be viewed on Flickr:

Bioshock Infinite: Beast of America

CoolWhip's Lego Bioshock Infinite: Beast Of America


“The year 1912. Deep in debt, Brooker Dewitt has only one opportunity for a clean slate: rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood in the flying city of Columbia.”

CoolWhip's Lego Bioshock Infinite: Beast Of America Detail

Bioshock Infinite is one of those video games that just oozes story and style. Everything from the colonial Americana design, to the patriotic propaganda helps to reinforce the wonder and horror of the world of Bioshock. Many great MOCs have been built based off of Bioshock concepts, usually around the Big Daddy character. This build is one of the first seen based off of the newest Bioshock game, and certainly one of the only ones that try to recreate the setting in Lego.

Note all the details contained in this section of the flying city of Columbia. Brooker Dewitt and Elizabeth hiding behind a vending cart for safety. The Tin Soldier, Turret and Handyman all mixed in with the chaos. There is even a billboard. This is a great MOC that will hopefully inspire more Bioshock builds.

CoolWhip's Bioshock Infinite: Lego Tin Soldier

Cool Whip built these Lego Bioshock Infinite MOC’s and you can view more on Flickr:

Old Lego Truck

Carl Merriam's Old Lego Truck

This old style Lego truck makes you wish that Lego would release some historical sets. Treat it like the current architectural sets, but with a more historical/museum quality theme. This Lego Old Truck is designed by Carl Merriam, and can be viewed on Flickr. Using a window piece worked out perfectly for the old style radiator, and including such details as wooden spoked tires, and a wooden truck bed help to sell the retroness of this vehicle.

The wood tiles used to create the truck bed, were specifically chosen to showcase the custom printing from Print-A-Brick. They help to create a retro look to the pickup that would be harder to achieve without. The logo featured on the door is also a custom brick from Carl Merriam.

Lego Star Trek: Resistance Is Futile

Halfbeak's Star Trek: Resistance Is Futile

“We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” — Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: Into Darkness is looking like a great film, possibly with the most realistic lens flare ever. And, although everybody’s favorite Klingons are rumored to be in the film, everybody’s second favorite villains are missing… the Borg. They are coming soon, resistance is futile.

Halfbeak, of Flickr, created Resistance is Futile. The greebling technique here is used to full effect, rendering the Borg Cube in frightening detail. In all that mess can you spot the clockwork key? Then, by creating a mini build of the Starship Enterprise the illusion of a gigantic Cube is enforced. Using a white Lego minifig torso for the body of the Enterprise is genius, and solves a lot of connection problems that arise when working at this scale.

Resistance is Futile:

I Choose You Charizard!

Retinence's Pokemon Charizard

Pokémon Red and Blue had the best starting Pokémon of all the games. Each one was memorable and interesting. Squirtle, a water turtle, who would evolve and have a cannon on its back. Bulbasaur, a grass monster, who would end up with a giant poisonous flower growing out of it. And Charmander, a baby fire dragon. Although no poison flower  or cannon, Charizard was a dragon, which means he is the best. For many people, Charizard accompanied them all the way to the Elite Four. Who knows how and why Pikachu became the Pokémon mascot, Charizard eats Pikachus for breakfast.

Flickr user Retinence created Pokemon: Charizard MOC. Believe it or not Charizard is actually incomplete with a few minor details still being worked on. Go check it out: