Lego Civilization: Beyond Earth, Worker Mech Unit

Lego Civilization Beyond Earth Worker Mech

Lego Ideas (CUUSOO) has been a huge success for Lego. Most of the proposed projects involve established properties that need to be licensed in order to release them. The program has been so popular that a few of the projects have even been supported by companies who would like to see their properties licensed through Lego. For instance, Lego Minecraft. It is super rare that a company actually supports and even submits their own projects into Lego Ideas. Here is an example of such a project.

Firaxis Games has submitted a Lego Ideas project based on their Civilization series of video games. The set would include a Worker Mech based on the Civilization: Beyond Earth unit. The mech would be accompanied by a worker, a minifigure with options to be either male or female. The designer, AndrewClark2, built 180 of these sets as a studio gift on the release of the game. Since this has been produced (although not officially) a set of instructions have been drafted. The whole build only uses 187 Lego pieces. Even if this never makes it through the Lego Ideas process, it is an extremely nice gesture from AndrewClark2 and Firaxis Games to share.

Lego Civilization Beyond Earth Instructions

“When human beings settle alien planets, they’re going to need to build farms, quarries, paddocks for alien wildlife, habitation domes, and generators. Who gets to do all that hard work? The Worker unit! Designed by concept artist Mike Bazzell, the worker unit in Civilization: Beyond Earth will change equipment depending on its current job. This model is based on the front end loader, used to build quarries and mines. This Worker is ready to tackle any world, from harsh arid planets to miasma-laden fungal planets.”

Go vote for the Lego Civilization: Beyond Earth Worker Mech over on Lego Ideas:

This Lego Pumpkinbot Has A Lot Of Spice.

Chris Maddison's Lego Pumpkinbot

If you are looking for a way to spice up your Lego pumpkins this year, then this Pumpkinbot is for you. The whole thing transforms from an innocent looking pumpkin into a deadly battle bot. This Lego Pumpkinbot is the work of Chris Maddison. Who wants everyone to have a Happy Halloween this year with these complementary instructions. Now you too can build your own. The first thing you will need is a part list:

  • 30602 – 16 Orange slopes
  • 3020 – 8 Orange 2×4 plate
  • 6141 – 15 Dark Bley Circular 1×1 flat
  • 6141 – 2 Reddish Brown Circular 1×1 flat
  • 6141 – 1 Trans-Red Circular 1×1 flat
  • 87087 – 2 Dark Bley 1×1 with Stud on 1 Side
  • 61252 – 8 Dark Bley 1×1 with open O clip
  • 3794b – 1 Dark Bley 2×1 with 1 stud center
  • 60478 – 2 Dark Bley 2×1 with handle on end
  • 2540 – 1 Dark Bley 2×1 with handle on side
  • 2555 – 2 Dark Bley 1×1 with clip on top
  • 3062b – 2 Dark Bley 1×1 round grey tall
  • 30162 – 2 Dark Bley Binoculars
  • 3023 – 1 Dark Bley 2×1 Plate
  • 32002 – 2 Dark Bley Technic 3/4 Pin
  • 30033 – 1 Dark Bley 2×2 with bar frame
  • 11090 – 1 Dark Bley Bar holder with clip
  • 98138 – 1 Trans-Red Flat-top 1×1
  • 6246a – 1 Dark Bley Utensil Tool Screwdriver
  • 4740 – 1 Orange 2×2 Radar dish
  • 4081b – 1 Dark Bley 1×1 with clip
  • 4081b – 1 Reddish Brown 1×1 with clip
  • 4285b – 1 Orange 6×6 Webbed Radar Dish
  • 4599 – 1 Orange 1×1 Tap
  • 33183 – 1 Bright Green Carrot Top

If you need to purchase everything it should add up to about $15-20 depending on shipping. And, if you are lucky enough to own everything already… get building.

Chris Maddison's Lego Pumpkinbot Instructions

Check out Chris Maddison’s Pumpkinbot and the Instructions over on Flickr:

Thanks to Reddit and JimmyLegs50 for the parts list:

This Lego Hulkbuster Armor Is Ready To Fight The Hulk

KaLor's Lego Hulkbuster, Iron Man

Most Lego Hulkbuster Armor builds focus on size. Most of them end up towering over the official Hulk figure. Although there is a certain charm to seeing a such a massive Iron Man, having a more proper scale version is awesome. Over on Lego Ideas, Ka.Lor has proposed their version of the Hulkbuster. By not having to design a full pilot cage for an Iron Man Minifigure, Ka.Lor is able to focus on mobility and structure. The end result is a Hulkbuster that is amazingly tiny, yet still incredibly imposing. Some of the details here are great, such at the Lego binoculars being used for fingers, Minifig hands being used for various clips, and even tiny Lego pistols being used to define the chest shape.

KaLor's Lego Hulkbuster, Iron Man Back

Check out, and vote for this Lego Hulkbuster over on Lego Ideas:

There is also the Lego Iron Man: Hulkbuster Project over here:

A Chibi Gundam Made with Lego

Moko's Lego Chibi Gundam 01

Lego and robots are a very popular theme (see here). Sometimes these themes combine to create something cool. This chibi styled Lego Gundam (という訳でガンダム。初代ガンダム。), by Moko, is one of those prefect Lego MOCs. The cute little mecha features SNOT techniques that create a remarkably articulated model. The Mobile Suit needs all of this movability if it is going to survive the war. Lego has been releasing robot themed models at in increasing rate. Maybe someday something as complicated and sleek as this Chibi Gundam will have an official release. We can only hope.

Moko's Lego Chibi Gundam 03

Not only does this Gundam come with a huge gun, and shield but Moko went as far as creating a whole arsenal. It appears that there is access to two sniper rifles, two “light sabers,” a huge mace, and a ball-and-chain. Nothing can stop this robot.

Moko's Lego Chibi Gundam 02

Check out more of this Chibi Gundam over on Moko’s website:

Lego Friends Mech, Bone Crushingly Cool

bermudafreze's Lego Friends Mech

The Lego Friends have been finding themselves in all sorts of Lego MOCs lately. Especially in the Space or Science Fiction theme. Bermudafreze, of Flickr, has build this deadly Lego Friends Mech. The Mech features a gatling gun, a massive clamp, missiles and bone crushing treads. In fact the treads are especially nice, built out of ball joint pieces. That idea looks great in this build. This mech unit is ready for whatever is thrown at it.

Check out this Mech over on Flickr:

Look At These Tiny Lego Robots!

FLAVIO'S Tiny Lego Robots, WIFFY: Rotary Saw

Look at these tiny Lego robots. They look so cute, you almost want to give them a hug (watch out for the chainsaw arms!). These WIFFY robots are the creation of Flickr user F L A V I O. They look like they belong in a Mega Man video game. And, could fit in with the Tachikoma walker/robots from the Ghost in the Shell universe. In which case lets hope they never learn to revolt and overthrow their human masters. Their cuteness could kill us all.

FLAVIO'S Tiny Lego Robots, WIFFY: Explorer

Check out these WIFFY robots over on Flickr:

Bobsuit: A Tiny Lego Mech Suit

Bowbrick's Bobsuit, A Tiny Lego Mech Suit

Just look at this guy (Bob?). Look how happy he is. He should be too. With that super expensive mech suit he has on. The Bobsuit is a perfect example of a tiny mech suit in the minifigure scale. All the Lego clips, bricks, and bits come together in a very detailed suit. Working at this scale is not easy, and some of the connections on this Bobsuit look extremely delicate. Still, Bob looks happy and that is what matters.

The Bobsuit was created by Bowbrick, and can be found on Flickr:

Lego, Nintendo 64, Transformers. Mashup.

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64, Transformers. Mashup.

This Lego Nintendo 64 with Controller, and Donkey Kong 64 and Golden Eye 007 (James Bond) video games sums up a whole lot of childhoods in one image. Baron Julius von Brunk created this great tribute to the last great cartridge system. With some amazing attention to detail. The controller ports on the front of the Nintendo 64 are perfect. There is even a red LED bit on the front, perfect for knowing when you have hit the power or reset buttons (also present!). Not only that, this MOC has that wonky AC adapter, a save cartridge in the controller, and more. It all comes together in a pretty realistic version of a Nintendo 64. Kinda makes you want to boot up an old system and play some multiplayer Golden Eye 007.

But, thats not all. This Nintendo 64 and accessories Lego creation has a secret. It can transform into a variety of robots. For instance the iconic Nintendo 64 controller can turn into a robotic scorpian.

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64, Controller Transformed

While the Nintendo 64 itself can transform into a deadly robot. With shoulder cannon and magazine (conveniently made from the save pack).

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64 Robot

Best of all is the Lego Donkey Kong 64 game. It can transform into a robotic gorilla. Ready to throw barrels and pound the ground. Or maybe just eat a banana.

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64, Donkey Kong 64 Robot

Check out the whole project on Baron Julius von Brunk’s Flickr page: