This Lego Hulkbuster Armor Is Ready To Fight The Hulk

KaLor's Lego Hulkbuster, Iron Man

Most Lego Hulkbuster Armor builds focus on size. Most of them end up towering over the official Hulk figure. Although there is a certain charm to seeing a such a massive Iron Man, having a more proper scale version is awesome. Over on Lego Ideas, Ka.Lor has proposed their version of the Hulkbuster. By not having to design a full pilot cage for an Iron Man Minifigure, Ka.Lor is able to focus on mobility and structure. The end result is a Hulkbuster that is amazingly tiny, yet still incredibly imposing. Some of the details here are great, such at the Lego binoculars being used for fingers, Minifig hands being used for various clips, and even tiny Lego pistols being used to define the chest shape.

KaLor's Lego Hulkbuster, Iron Man Back

Check out, and vote for this Lego Hulkbuster over on Lego Ideas:

There is also the Lego Iron Man: Hulkbuster Project over here:

A Chibi Gundam Made with Lego

Moko's Lego Chibi Gundam 01

Lego and robots are a very popular theme (see here). Sometimes these themes combine to create something cool. This chibi styled Lego Gundam (という訳でガンダム。初代ガンダム。), by Moko, is one of those prefect Lego MOCs. The cute little mecha features SNOT techniques that create a remarkably articulated model. The Mobile Suit needs all of this movability if it is going to survive the war. Lego has been releasing robot themed models at in increasing rate. Maybe someday something as complicated and sleek as this Chibi Gundam will have an official release. We can only hope.

Moko's Lego Chibi Gundam 03

Not only does this Gundam come with a huge gun, and shield but Moko went as far as creating a whole arsenal. It appears that there is access to two sniper rifles, two “light sabers,” a huge mace, and a ball-and-chain. Nothing can stop this robot.

Moko's Lego Chibi Gundam 02

Check out more of this Chibi Gundam over on Moko’s website: