Lego StarCraft: Ultralisk

Lego and StarCraft have always seemed like a great fit. It seems like an official Lego StarCraft theme is probably not in the future. The developers of StarCraft, Blizzard, have recently teamed up with Mega Bloks (the arch nemesis of Lego) to produce World of Warcraft sets. If anything, the mediocre sets produced by Mega Bloks has just increased the desire for an official Lego set. The space creatures and aliens would make for some amazing MOCs. For instance the StarCraft Ultralisk. This build has been scaled back a bit, the Ultralisk is normally 20 meters long, and 5 meters high. An organic tank. The zerg swarm use these alien behemoths to support its zergling and hydralisk armies. Featuring a super strong carapace, gigantic scythes known as “kaiser blades,” and extremely violent tendencies. Any terran marine would be unlucky to cross paths with one of these.

retinence's Lego StarCraft Ultralisk

This Ultralisk is an amazing Lego MOC. With good clean lines, no stray studs, and some really inventive uses for basic Lego bricks. Check out the main attraction: those tusks are simply genius. Giving a great impression of an organic structure with incredible deadliness. The properly proportioned feet look perfect for trampling and stomping. Even the Lego built face is pulled off well, with mandibles and and other details bringing this Ultralisk to life. Searching for Lego StarCraft you can find all sorts of amazing builds like this.

retinence's Lego StarCraft Ultralisk Side

Go check out more photos and details of this Lego Ultralisk on Retinence’s Flickr page:

Also check out his Charizard, previously featured on LegoGenre:

Lego CUUSOO 005 Review, NASA’s Mars Rover Curiosity Go!

It is official, NASA’s Mars Rover Curiosity is ready to… launch… as the next Lego CUUSOO project. Coming as no surprise to anyone (they have already approved 3 other science based CUUSOO projects). Curiosity was one of three projects considered, the other two were a Star Wars Jawa Sandcrawler, and a Portal 2 theme. No word was said about the Sandcrawler, but there is a little bit said about Portal 2. I will not ruin the surprise (don’t get too excited), you will have to watch the whole video to learn more.

Other CUUSOO news, still no official word or update on the upcoming Back to the Future Delorean Time Machine. Doc. Brown is getting impatient.

Lego Star Trek: Resistance Is Futile

Halfbeak's Star Trek: Resistance Is Futile

“We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” — Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: Into Darkness is looking like a great film, possibly with the most realistic lens flare ever. And, although everybody’s favorite Klingons are rumored to be in the film, everybody’s second favorite villains are missing… the Borg. They are coming soon, resistance is futile.

Halfbeak, of Flickr, created Resistance is Futile. The greebling technique here is used to full effect, rendering the Borg Cube in frightening detail. In all that mess can you spot the clockwork key? Then, by creating a mini build of the Starship Enterprise the illusion of a gigantic Cube is enforced. Using a white Lego minifig torso for the body of the Enterprise is genius, and solves a lot of connection problems that arise when working at this scale.

Resistance is Futile:

Lego My Eggo by AuntiePesto!

AuntiePesto's Lego My Eggo

Lego art is awesome. Not only does Lego inspire people to go to great lengths to create elaborate builds and MOCs, but it inspires people to create in other mediums too. Starting today Lego doodles, drawings, graffiti, paintings and sculptures will be featured in the new Art category.

Lego and Eggo have gone together since the dawn of time. Recently in the funny weird LeggoMyLegoEggoLeglessLegoLegolas meme. If I was a red Lego Spaceman, I too would float towards a giant Eggo.

Check out Lego My Eggo over at Tumblr, it was drawn by the super cool AuntiePesto. Her site is full of fun doodles. And, according to AuntiePesto, make sure to listen to some Chaka Khan during your future Lego doodles.

StarCraft Marine

Luis Castenada's Lego StarCraft Marine

“You wanna piece of me, boy?”

There are many units from StarCraft and the Space Marine is the most basic Terran infantry unit. Just put him in a bunker and watch him rain death.

This little guy is a very impressive MOC by Luis Castenada. He has been made with an assortment of Lego parts, mostly Hero Factory, mixed in with normal Lego pieces. Although criticized for their lack of usefulness, the Hero Factory Lego parts pop up from time to time in amazing builds. Here they are used in great effect to create the Marines Pressurized Power Suit. The C-14 rifle is also a great example of the standard Lego bricks being put to good use, and looks like it could take out a few hundred Zerg. The only non-Lego piece is the face, which is a painted custom part.

In the past few years this Lego StarCraft Marine has gotten around, even appearing on the cover of BrickJournal: Issue 17. You can check him out on Mark Stafford’s Flickr page:


Ryloth Refinery Battle

I Scream Clone’s Ryloth Refinery Battle

Star Wars: Clone Wars is an interesting series, that doesn’t inspire as many MOC builds as the other Star Wars themes. This scene jumps out at you for its excellent use of color. The gooey green looking toxic water, and the tall dangerous looking red tanks. It all has a wonderfully industrious feel to it.

“The planet of Ryloth is the scene for a desperate battle between Shaak Ti, Eeth Koth and Commander Gree’s clones against the might of the Trade Federation. The refinery must be held lest the planets resources fall into the Separatists hands.”

I Scream Clone built the Ryloth Refinery Battle. Go check out the Ryloth Refinery Battle on Flickr:

I Scream Clone’s Ryloth Refinery Battle Detail

Ender’s Game: Battle Room

Bricko’s Battle Room Gymnasium

A new movie is on its way based on the Ender’s Game novel by Orson Scott Card. Most of the scenes in the upcoming film look like they have been exaggerated based on what is written in the novel. While this could be great for the film, one major difference is the Battle Room. It always seemed like an enclosed room, that is pretty nondescript, filled with stars and full of teams of students trying to freeze each other. Best of all it is located in the center of the Battle School space station, where gravity is at a minimum.

A great example of this is in Battle Room Gymnasium, which gets a lot of the details right for a build that is not technically a recreation of the Battle Room from Ender’s Game (just influenced from it). From the stars (black squares) to the enemy gate. And, best of all the directionless feeling that fighting in space has. Remember the enemy’s gate is down.

Battle Room Gymnasium is built by Bricko and can be viewed over at Flickr.

Lego Super Star Destroyer MOC, Release the KR-KN!

OchreJelly’s Super Star Destroyer: Release The KRKN

“After the death of the Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader, the Empire made a last ditch attempt to thwart their enemies by rushing to complete their fleet of Venator class super star destroyers. However, by the time these vessels could be deployed, the Rebel Alliance had already developed its own super weapon, designation KR-KN.”

Iain Heath, also known as Ochre Jelly on Flickr, created Release the KR-KN!  His original goal was to liven up the Super Star Destroyer from is grayness. Make sure to read the whole store here. Lets make this happen in Star Wars VII.

Lego Space Madness Wallpaper

LegoGenre: Space Madness

Introducing the new LegoGenre Wallpapers with the most popular Space Madness! Lego Space has never been so mad.

These new wallpapers are the best of the best, and are available in *NEW* widescreen. Then to make it even better, there are no watermarks!

Go check them out now: and keep an eye out for more…