Lego Minecraft MOCs by Lego Junkie

LegoJunkie's Minecraft Mooshroom

Lego and Minecraft are a perfect match. The blocky pixelated art direction of the video game is relatively easy to mimic in Lego. Most people directly compare the two, saying Minecraft is like a Lego computer game, or that Lego is like Minecraft in real life. The best part is that the love for both properties are equally deserved. Even Lego has recognized this symbiotic relationship and released an official set based on Minecraft (21102). In fact that set was one of the first approved Cuusoo projects, and was closely followed and campaigned for by Notch.

LegoJunkie's Minecraft Seananners

Lego Junkie has created a few Lego MOCs based on Minecraft. These are completely made from standard Lego bricks. All three models show here are roughly in the same scale, and shown what can be achieved with basic building skills. If and when Lego releases more sets, it would great if they made an official set in a large scale.

The Lego Mooshroom was designed for a T-shirt competition, and although it was passed over the model is awesome. It’s not very often you see builds based off of the more obscure characters. The other two builds are persons, Minecraftians, based off of Seananners, and Captainsparklez.

LegoJunkie's Minecraft Captainsparklez Minecraftian

Lego Junkie’s MOCs can be viewed on Flickr:

“The Lannisters send their regards.” — Lego Red Wedding, Game of Thrones

Diegoboy's The Lannisters Send Their Regards: Lego Red Wedding, Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones SPOILERS!


There is one moment in the Game of Thrones series that takes place in A Storm of Swords that changes everything that is expected. The Red Wedding just happens to take place about half way through the book, which is also odd because usually the climax of a story happens near the end.  This moment that every GoT fan knew was coming finally took place on the television series. And, fans of the novels were pleased at just how accurate the show portrayed this infamous moment; while fans who had not read the books watched in horror.

This MOC has some creative use of pieces, for instance the use of the red flower for a bloody wound, and red snakes for entrails. The best part of this depiction of the Red Wedding is just how happy Roose Bolton looks.

Diegoboy created “The Lannisters send their regards” and you can see all the “fun” details on the Flickr page:


Check out House Stark and House Lannister in Lego:

A Lego Game of Thrones Godswood, Weirwood Tree:

The Iron Man: Hulkbuster Project

Jonsanpedro's Iron Man Hulkbuster Project

In the Marvel universe every superhero will have to fight the Hulk at least once. Hulk vs. Thor, Hulk vs. Wolverine, Hulk vs. Juggernaut… the DC Comics superheroes are not immune to the Hulk with Hulk vs. Superman, and Hulk vs. Batman. Even Iron Man has had his share of Hulk fights. In such a fight, Tony Stark usually comes prepared and brings out his custom Hulk fighting armor… the Hulkbuster!

Jonsanpedro's Iron Man Hulkbuster Project 2

Jonsanpedro has created a project for an official Lego Iron Man: Hulkbuster set over at the Lego Cuusoo page. The Hulkbuster proposed in this project is an amalgamation of  many suits. This particular version is an exoskeleton that fits over the standard Iron Man armor.

This build merges together two of the most popular Lego themes out there. Iron Man and Mech suits, creating a huge fan base. This Hulkbuster is fully posable with multiple articulation points. Even the little Iron Man minifigure nestles in and become the “head” of the Mech. These details create a build that has a huge amount of charm and personality. Just look at this photo of Iron Man and Pepper Potts…

Jonsanpedro's Iron Man Hulkbuster Project 3

Go and read more about the Lego Iron Man Hulkbuster Project here:

Lego Stark Industries Armory / Iron Man Hall of Armor

becauseBATMAN's Stark Industries Armory, Iron Man Hall of Armor

The Iron Man Hall of Armor has proven to be a very popular Lego MOC build, even Lego has offered an official version of their own. From the small to the big, each MOC has its own charm. This version of the Hall of Armor is amazingly complete. Coming in at 5 stories, 4 of which store Iron Man suits, this build has to be one of the most ambitious. The first floor features Tony Starks lab, and the top floors contain the workshop, and even storage for a huge Hulkbuster Suit.

becauseBATMAN's Stark Industries Armory, Iron Man Hall of Armor LabbecauseBATMAN's Stark Industries Armory, Iron Man Hall of Armor Hulkbuster

What makes this build impressive is the massive amount of custom Iron Man minifigures. With 31 unique suits of armor, Tony Stark must feel like a kid in a candy store. Custom Iron Man minifigures are practically a whole separate genre of custom minifigs at this point. Some of the best work is coming out of this theme.

Some of the custom minifigures featured in the Stark Industries Armory are: Stealth Artillery Suit, Silver Centurion Mk. 2, Deep Space Suit, Enhanced Reactor suit, Prototype Stealth suit,  Hot Rod Red, Deep Sea Hydro suit, Long Distance suit, Silver Centurion retro-inspired suit, Hyper Velocity suit, War Machine 2.0 prototype suit, Prometheum-armor inspired suit, War Machine Heavy Duty, Godkiller armor, Bleeding Edge armor,  “Bones,” War Machine, Mk. 42 prototype, Mk. 42, Iron Patriot, Radiation-zone suit, Super Stealth suit, “Shotgun”, “Gemini”, and “Heartbreaker.”

becauseBATMAN's Stark Industries Armory, Iron Man Hall of Armor Detail 1

becauseBATMAN's Stark Industries Armory, Iron Man Hall of Armor Detail 2

becauseBATMAN's Stark Industries Armory, Iron Man Hall of Armor Detail 3

This build is actually a revised version. Another whole version of the Armory was built that originally showed more of the Hulkbuster. For all the details of becauseBATMAN’s Lego Stark Industries Armory / Iron Man Hall of Armor, check it out on Eurobricks:

Are you looking for even more Lego Iron Man Hall of Armor builds? Check these out:

Jared Chan’s Hall of Armor:
Review of the Lego Iron Man Malibu Mansion set:
Lego instructions for an Laboratory / Hall of Armor:
Keshen8’s video imagining Tony Stark getting ready:

Bioshock Infinite: Beast of America

CoolWhip's Lego Bioshock Infinite: Beast Of America


“The year 1912. Deep in debt, Brooker Dewitt has only one opportunity for a clean slate: rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood in the flying city of Columbia.”

CoolWhip's Lego Bioshock Infinite: Beast Of America Detail

Bioshock Infinite is one of those video games that just oozes story and style. Everything from the colonial Americana design, to the patriotic propaganda helps to reinforce the wonder and horror of the world of Bioshock. Many great MOCs have been built based off of Bioshock concepts, usually around the Big Daddy character. This build is one of the first seen based off of the newest Bioshock game, and certainly one of the only ones that try to recreate the setting in Lego.

Note all the details contained in this section of the flying city of Columbia. Brooker Dewitt and Elizabeth hiding behind a vending cart for safety. The Tin Soldier, Turret and Handyman all mixed in with the chaos. There is even a billboard. This is a great MOC that will hopefully inspire more Bioshock builds.

CoolWhip's Bioshock Infinite: Lego Tin Soldier

Cool Whip built these Lego Bioshock Infinite MOC’s and you can view more on Flickr:

Harry Potter Meets A Rancor

“Hagrid has always been obsessed with strange and dangerous creatures…but his newest pet may prove to be more than he bargained for!”

Lego Harry Potter has always seemed like a theme that hasn’t received the proper respect it deserves. And, that is why it is good to see a very well made video mixing up Harry Potter and Star Wars. I especially like the use of non-Lego parts in the backgrounds, they seem to blend in very well.

Harry Potter Meets A Rancor, created by TheBrickShow, is now on YouTube:

LegoGenre | 00265

LegoGenre 00265: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring.

New The Lord of the Rings Lego sets on sale now: 79005, 79006, 79007 & 79008

The second series for the Lord of the Rings Lego theme is now available for sale on These sets help to fill out a lot of the missing characters from the first release. Such minifigures as Elrond, Arwen, Saruman, Gandalf the White, the Mouth of Sauron, the King of the Dead, and many others. These sets are great, and it looks like the Tolkien themes may have many more updates in the future. You can even get an exclusive Lego Eagle that can help you set up plot holes and your favorite Deus ex machina! (HAHA!)

The Lord of the Rings Lego: The Wizard Battle (79005)

The Lord of the Rings: The Wizard Battle (79005)

The Lord of the Rings Lego: The Council of Elrond (79006)

The Lord of the Rings: The Council of Elrond (79006)

The Lord of the Rings Lego: Battle at the Black Gate (79007)

The Lord of the Rings: Battle at the Black Gate (79007)

The Lord of the Rings Lego: Pirate Ship Ambush (79008)

The Lord of the Rings: Pirate Ship Ambush (79008)

Old Lego Truck

Carl Merriam's Old Lego Truck

This old style Lego truck makes you wish that Lego would release some historical sets. Treat it like the current architectural sets, but with a more historical/museum quality theme. This Lego Old Truck is designed by Carl Merriam, and can be viewed on Flickr. Using a window piece worked out perfectly for the old style radiator, and including such details as wooden spoked tires, and a wooden truck bed help to sell the retroness of this vehicle.

The wood tiles used to create the truck bed, were specifically chosen to showcase the custom printing from Print-A-Brick. They help to create a retro look to the pickup that would be harder to achieve without. The logo featured on the door is also a custom brick from Carl Merriam.