This Lego Garage is the perfect place to store all of your tools. This “Grownup’s Toy Box” is created by Daniel Church. The Lego build is an entry into the Iron Builders challenge, this time it is to use Minifigure wrenches and hammers in unique ways. You can find some of the wrenches being used to hold up a ladder, as handles and parts in the lawn mower / snow blower, and as part of the roof. The hammers can be found holding up a bunch of shelves and even the motorcycle. This Lego garage is a perfect example of using lighting to help make the presentation look better. The soft afternoon glow, mixed with the green background (seen through the windows) gives off a very nostalgic feeling. The only thing missing from this garage, are a bunch of spiders hiding everywhere.

You can find out more about “Grownup’s Toy Box” Lego MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30041364@N08/49851119562/