Lego Justice League (JLA)

Bryant's Lego Justice League

The Justice League of America (JLA) is the ultimate superhero team. DC Comics first put the Justice League together in 1960. Originally featuring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. Since then the superhero team has had a sort of revolving door for membership. Here, Flickr user Bryant, has imagined a Lego version of the team featuring the core members, plus Hawkman, Green Arrow, the Atom, and the Black Canary. Someday Lego may get around to creating official Lego minifigures for all the major DC Comics superheroes, until that time custom minifigs will have to fill in the missing heroes.

Bryant's Lego Justice League: Hawkman & Atom

Here are two of the custom Justice League Lego minifigures. Hawkman is a combination of decals and painting, while the Atom is a custom painted Lego trophy. That little Lego trophy makes a perfect Lego Atom.

Bryant's Lego Justice League Martian Manhunter & Green Lantern

Here is the custom Lego Martian Manhunter and the Green Lantern. Decals were used again to achieve the torso prints.

Bryant's Lego Justice League: Aquaman & Flash

The final two custom JLA members are Aquaman and the Flash. Once again showing off custom decals for the torsos. The old style Lego space helmet works great here too.

Lego Legion of Doom

Bryant's Lego Justice League Villains

But, we cannot forget the supervillains, even super friends have super enemies. Bryant has created a super lineup (based on Justice League Doom, Legion of Doom, and Super Friends) featuring Amazo, Captain Cold, Darkseid, Lex Luthor, Joker, Bizarro, Solomun Grundy and Black Adam. The big stand outs here are Darkseid, and Solomun Grundy. Adding a plate between the legs and torso works well but leaves me wondering how it was accomplished.

Check out all of Bryant’s work on Flicker here: 

Lego StarCraft: Ultralisk

Lego and StarCraft have always seemed like a great fit. It seems like an official Lego StarCraft theme is probably not in the future. The developers of StarCraft, Blizzard, have recently teamed up with Mega Bloks (the arch nemesis of Lego) to produce World of Warcraft sets. If anything, the mediocre sets produced by Mega Bloks has just increased the desire for an official Lego set. The space creatures and aliens would make for some amazing MOCs. For instance the StarCraft Ultralisk. This build has been scaled back a bit, the Ultralisk is normally 20 meters long, and 5 meters high. An organic tank. The zerg swarm use these alien behemoths to support its zergling and hydralisk armies. Featuring a super strong carapace, gigantic scythes known as “kaiser blades,” and extremely violent tendencies. Any terran marine would be unlucky to cross paths with one of these.

retinence's Lego StarCraft Ultralisk

This Ultralisk is an amazing Lego MOC. With good clean lines, no stray studs, and some really inventive uses for basic Lego bricks. Check out the main attraction: those tusks are simply genius. Giving a great impression of an organic structure with incredible deadliness. The properly proportioned feet look perfect for trampling and stomping. Even the Lego built face is pulled off well, with mandibles and and other details bringing this Ultralisk to life. Searching for Lego StarCraft you can find all sorts of amazing builds like this.

retinence's Lego StarCraft Ultralisk Side

Go check out more photos and details of this Lego Ultralisk on Retinence’s Flickr page:

Also check out his Charizard, previously featured on LegoGenre:

Lego Mike & Sully, Monsters Inc.

MacLane's CubeDude Mike & Sully, Monsters Inc

Mike Wazowski and James P. “Sulley” Sullivan are an unstoppable pair of monsters. Both of them successfully managed to save Monstropolis and usher in a new era full of laughter. Monsters, Inc is one of Pixar’s best films, and its prequel (Monsters University) has recently hit theaters. What kind of adventures did these two monsters get into during college? Maybe it’s time to go watch the film. A tiny Lego Boo would turn this duo into a frighteningly awesome trio.

Angus MacLane has made a whole mess of CubeDudes (A squarish Lego figure), including this Monsters Inc set. So, go check them out on his Flickr page:

Moss: “Flip, it’s an iPhone, it’s a flipping iPhone in the crane machine!” – It Crowd

“Flip, it's an iPhone, it's a flipping iPhone in the crane machine!” Moss — It Crowd

“…it’s beautiful.”

This vignette, created by Powerpig, stars Maurice Moss in one of his most famous scenes from the IT Crowd. In the episode “”Italian for Beginners” Moss walks by a claw machine in an arcade and immediately notices an iPhone is a prize. The normally subdued Moss soon ends up inside said crane machine in an attempt to acquire an iPhone without paying Apple. This Lego Moss and crane machine are perfect. Now to watch the whole series over again.

Check it out on Flickr:

“Starting to get pretty lonely now…”

Lego Indiana Jones / The Office of Professor Jones at Barnett College

PuCCi0's Lego Indiana Jones, Professor Jones' Office at Barnett College

Indiana Jones is a professor at the fictional Barnett College, located in Fairfield, New York. It is here that he is a professor of archaeology. Professor Jones is known to be very popular with his female students. Almost too popular. The creator of this great MOC is known on Flickr as PuCCi0. Here, PuCCio, has imagined and built Indiana Jones’ private artifact collection. There are a lot of tiny details, such as a snake, skull and crossbones, Thor’s hammer, and even a Stormtrooper helmet. A whole lot of these details have been hidden in the office clutter. It is hard to imagine if Indy can finish any work during office hours. This is probably why he is often out on location (Temple of Doom!).

Find more Lego stuff by PuCCio on Flickr:

Iron Man 2: Custom Lego Whiplash

Surprisingly it is tough finding custom builds based on Iron Man 2. The recent Iron Man 3 and the original Iron Man get all the attention. Although some amazing work has come out of Iron Man 2. For instance, this custom Whiplash minifig. What really sets this minifigure apart is the custom lighting. Here “EL Wire” (Electroluminescent Wire) has been integrated into the figure, creating an amazing effect for the whips, Arc Reactor and backpack. Anton Vanko certainly looks ready to take on Lego Iron Man.

Dawn of the Brick's Lego Iron Man 2 Whiplash 1

This custom Whiplash is the work of Dawn of the Brick, and can be viewed on Flickr:

Dawn of the Brick's Lego Iron Man 2 Whiplash 2

Lego Back To The Future: DeLorean Time Machine — Minifigure Details!

Just a few days ago the Lego Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machine release date and early images were released. At the time the question was whether or not minifigs would be included. Now, BrickNews has verified that minifigs will come with the set when it is released on July 18th. A little Marty McFly and Emmett Brown (Doc) minifig will be piloting the DeLorean. The inclusion of these two minifigs has resparked interest in this new set, which will certainly be popular.

Not only that, but the DeLorean Time Machine will include instructions with alternate builds for the DeLorean. Featuring 3 different versions that will cover the whole trilogy. It also looks like instruction manual will include information and details from the Back to the Future trilogy will be included. Awesome!

BrickNews Lego Back To The Future: DeLorean Time Machine Details

The Back to the Future DeLorean Time Machine details were leaked just a few days ago, details here: