Finn the Human, Finn the Doctor, or is it Finn the Superman?

ColmiYveul Lego Finn the Superman

Lego has created one of the most funny Minifigure heads in their new Lego Dimensions Adventure Time Level Pack. Finn the Human has a goofy smile, and on the back side a derpy smile. Reddit user ColmiYveul realized the potential that this piece had and combined it with other well known Lego Minifigures. As you can see the results are something to remember. Then they quickly put together a small series with Tolkien and Disney Minifigs.

If you want to make your own, the good news is that the Adventure Time Level Pack is new, and still in stock at most retailers. Who knew one piece could has so many uses.

ColmiYveul Lego Finn the Wizard ColmiYveul Lego Finn the Pirate

You can find the Reddit page for ColmiYveul Lego Adventure Time stuff over here:

Doctor Who and Wall-E Are Coming To Lego, The Second 2014 Lego Ideas Review

Lego Ideas Second 2014 Wall-E

The Lego Ideas Second 2014 Review has been released. Two new sets have been announced for the next releases. Wall-E made the cut, and from the last Lego Ideas Review, Doctor Who has been approved. Wall-E was originally designed and submitted by Angus MacLane, who actually worked on the original film as an animator and director. It sounds like this model was designed during production. Then years later submitted for review on Lego Ideas. We can now bombard Lego with EVE.

Doctor Who and Companions has also passed the review system. This might just be the most demanded Lego theme in the recent past. Originally created by AndrewClark2, his proposal had a whole lot of competition. The details on which Doctor Who and what companions was not revealed, but we can assume that the TARDIS will be there. Whenever this set is released it will probably be extremely hard to find.

Lego Ideas Second 2014 Doctor Who

Lego passed up a lot of interesting proposals. The Hubble Space Telescope seemed to be a favor for this review, but it didn’t pass. Science and space stuff has had great success in the past. The other proposals, the Invisible Hand, X-Men X Mansion, Lego Lightsabers, UCS AT-AT, Wayne Manor, and the Ghostbuster Headquarters were also passed on. These were all huge sets, and Lego seem to be most comfortable in the $30-50 range.

Lego Ideas Second 2014 Review

The next review will be coming in late spring. Look out for the results on Avenger Helicarrier, Labyrinth Marble Maze, F7A Hornet, The Goonies, The Natural History Museum, The Lord of the Rings Minas Tirith, Jurassic Park, Piano, and the Flying Dutchman. We can all guess at the status of the Helicarrier…

Lego Ideas Third 2014 Review

Check out the full review below, which has some fun Lego behind the scenes stuff worked into it:

Lego Ideas First 2014 Review Results: Birds, Big Bang

Lego has finally posted the results of the first 2014 Lego Ideas review. For all the projects that didn’t pass (Lego Apple Store, Back to the Future Train), Lego said nothing. The good news is that one of the best Lego Ideas (Cuusoo) projects has been approved. The Lego Birds will be an official Lego set. These little guys are super cute, and are a great way to introduce the spherical building techniques. to new Lego builders. It is interesting to see Lego go back and forth with licensed sets and original ideas.

Lego Ideas, Lego Birds

Lego also announced another winner for this review. In a surprising announcement Lego revealed that the Big Bang Theory will be an official set. This opens up a whole new theme in Lego Ideas. Current television properties.  This could be the beginning of a tidal wave of projects based on popular culture. The proposed Big Bang Theory project has a whole lot of references to science fiction, and comic books. Lets hope that these details make into the final product.

Lego Ideas, Big Bang Theory

Not only did Lego announce two winners in the first 2014 review, but they also teased us with two projects that are still pending. The Doctor Who projects are still being considered. Since Lego announced that the license is available, it seems that these have a good chance at approval. The biggest problem is probably figuring out what direction to take the project and who to credit for the idea.

Lego Ideas, Doctor Who Lego Ideas, Doctor Who Characters

Doctor Who

Bruceywan’s Doctor Who

Check out this fun Doctor Who MOC built by Bruceywan on Flickr. The Eleventh Doctor is sporting a cool red fez and a Sonic Screwdriver. The snot techniques here are all top notch with no stud unaccounted for. The use of the Lego fez for the bow tie is brilliant. This build is a part of the Iron Builder challenge, which is a Builders’s Lounge sponsored competition. The challenge piece is the dark red cone (fez) and is currently in Round 6: BruceyWan vs. CMaddison.

“It’s a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool!” —