The Post Apocalypse In Reno, Nevada

The Post Apocalypse In Reno. The Gate Of Nevada 2075 Lego MOC.

Welcome to Reno, the biggest little city in the world. In the post apocalypse a pair of survivors have found refuge in Nevada. Their current shelter is a ruined airplane that they found in the high desert. This Lego vignette is called “The Gate Of Nevada: 2075” and is created by Mr.MOCsProductions. Built as an entry into the Vignweek 2020 challenge. The specifice theme for this entry is: post apocalyptic. The crashed biplane is a great build. It is emerging from the sandy soil. The plane has a lot of detail especially in the wings. The support structure is a complicated system of bars and clips; the end result looks great. There are also a few rubber bands being used to look like some minor repairs have been done. The two Minifigures look appropriatly end-of-the-worldish. They both come equipped with custom guns. The flags hanging from the telephone pole look great, which is helped by a few custom printed flags. The biggest feature of the vignette is the Reno sign. It has an appropriatly retro look to it, created by using some of the new Lego Dots bricks. Hopefully the nuclear fallout has passed, otherwise the future is going to get a lot harder for these two.

The Post Apocalypse In Reno. The Gate Of Nevada 2075 Lego MOC. Sign Detail.

You can see more photos, and find more details for this Lego MOC called “The Gate Of Nevada: 2075” over here:

This Lego Fabuland Village Has Everything!

This Lego Fabuland Village Has Everything - New Version

Lego had a theme back in 1970s and 1980s called Fabuland. A kids theme that features a village of cute animals. Well over 100 sets were released in those two decades. It was extremely popular in Europe, where they had their own TV show, puzzles, vinyl records, and all sorts of merchandising. There were two defining features of the theme, bright primary colors, and the Fabuland figures (bigger than a Minifigure, but not as big as a Duplo figure). Today, Fabuland is enjoying a long retirement. But, with the release of Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch there is new interest in the theme.

This Lego Fabuland Village Has Everything - Old Version

This Lego Fabuland Village is called “Bring back Lego Fabuland” and is created by Lasse Vestergård and Anne Mette. The neat thing about this creation, is that it comes in two parts. They have created a village using modern Lego building techniques and colors, and they have built an exact clone but using techniques and colors used in the original Fabuland sets. A lot of work has gone into making both versions the best possible.

Bring Back Lego Fabuland Village - New

Both villages have the same features. It is like looking into another dimension where everything is the same but different. The main street has cars, motorcycles, and a double decker bus. The town has a large collection of houses, including a windmill and a gas station. Everything is positioned around a crystal clear blue river with a beautiful Paddle Boat (Paddle steamer). There is even an airplane flying over everyone.

Bring Back Lego Fabuland Village - Old

Reviving the Fabuland theme would certainly be a hit. The animal villagers all have a lot of personality and Lego made sure that a lot of them have a backstory. Each one is unique and has their own name. The elephants in particular are a favorite.

Lego Fabuland - New Boat Detail

You can see a lot more photos, and find a lot more details on this Lego Fabuland Village over here:

Lego Fabuland - Old Boat Detail

You can find more Lego Fabuland creations on EveryDayBricks over here:

This FW-808 Skyraider Has Nice Curves

This FW-808 Skyraider Has Nice Curves, Lego MOC

This is the Lego FW-808 Skyraider created by Vince_Toulouse. The super stylish airplane is a mixture of a bunch of different styles. The end result works well, and stands out from the crowd. The first thing you notice about this flyer are the finger like wings which are made with Lego Technic Helicopter blades. They look great in this application and they look like could flap in the wind. The other major impression this flyer leaves is just how sleek it is. All the curves flow into each other and nothing looks bolted on. The double engine grabs your attention and is contained in dark green curves. The two bubble domes seem very fitting when matches with the retro avocado color scheme. Although the most impressive part of this build is the landing gear. Besides the curving supports, each wheel has a protective ring around them. It all works well.

This FW-808 Skyraider Has Nice Curves Rear Detail, Lego MOC

You can see more of this FW-808 Skyraider over here:

This FW-808 Skyraider Has Nice Curves, Lego MOC Engine Detail

The Lego SeaDragon Needs An Ace Pilot

The Lego SeaDragon Needs An Ace Pilot

Airplanes are only as good as their pilots. A well loved, well taken care of, well piloted plane can take you anywhere. This Lego airplane called the “SeaDragon” is the creation of Sylon-tw. An ace pilot is exactly what this sea plane needs. The prop plane has been build using SNOT techniques, and the few exposed studs represent steel rivets. A giant engine is needed to fly this propeller plane, and this one has details using little Minifigure pistols. The cockpit is open, but contains all the features needed. A seat, dials, and joystick are all present in Lego. The wing airfoils are a great shape, and the flaps look especially good. All bringing this together is a careful use of custom stickers.

The Lego Sea Dragon Needs An Ace Pilot Details

Check out more of this “SeaDragon” and its Ace Pilot over here:

A Lego Gee Bee Z Super Sportster Airplane

buggyirk's Lego Gee Bee Airplane

Over on Lego Ideas a Lego Gee Bee Z Super Sportster airplane has landed. This iconic plane features a yellow and black paint job that is instantly recognizable. The sleek fuselage and clean lines proved to be a challenge for the designer, buggyirk, to replicate in Lego. The Lego Gee Bee Z achieved its final shape with only 521 Lego pieces, and a wingspan of 34 studs. You might recognize the Gee Bee from the film “The Rocketeer” but it has a much more interesting history.

buggyirk's Lego Gee Bee Airplane Wingspan

“This iconic plane was originally designed in the golden age of air racing, 1931 by Granville Brothers Aircraft of Springfield, Massachusetts USA. The name “Gee Bee” is short for the (G)ranville (B)rothers name. Designed in the middle of the Great Depression with money from investors, it was dubbed the “City of Springfield”. The Gee Bee Z won every race it had entered including the prestigious Thompson Trophy race. Shortly after the Thompson Trophy win, one of the pilots of the Gee Bee Z, Lowell Bayles, would beat the world speed record of 278.48 mph(448.17 km/h). He beat the record with 4 passes by going an average of 281.75 mph(453.43km/h). Unfortunately, in order to officially beat the record, the airplane had to go 4.97 mph(8 km/h) faster than the previous record. Bayles made his final attempt to beat the record on December 5, 1931. This final attempt would end in disaster. The plane crashed, ending Bayles’s life. On January 14, 1932, Lowell Bayles was posthumously awarded the world speed record of 281.75 mph(453.43 km/h) from his previous attempt.” — buggyirk

Go vote for the Lego Gee Bee Z Super Sportster airplane over on Lego Ideas:

Lego Friends MOC: Mia’s “Beauty”

Shuppiluliumas's Lego Friends MOC: Mia's Beauty

“Taking her concerns for animal health and welfare to the skies, Mia teams up with veteran gunner Oscar and takes to the skies in ‘Beauty’ a retro-inspired, environmentally conscious low-emission long range scout.”

A Lego Friends MOC with humor and great design is Mia’s “Beauty.” This is a great 1930’s style airplane. With a very fun use of a Lego Friends sticker to create the pin-up girl art, that was so common during this era. “Beauty” is outfitted with a twin propeller (twin-prop) engine and a really cool glass canopy. Mia is ready to fly the skies in her lime green long range scout. Mia’s copilot is her hedgehog “Oscar.” A dangerously cute gunner.

Mia’s “Beauty” is a great example of combining the Lego Friends theme with the other Lego themes. This, along with the Lovely Hotel is one of the most memorable Lego MOCs in the recent years.

Shuppiluliumas's Lego Friends MOC: Mia's Beauty 2

The Lego Friends MOC: Mia’s “Beauty” has been designed by Shuppiluliumas, and can be viewed over on Flickr:

Shuppiluliumas has been previously featured on LegoGenre with another Lego Friends MOC: Olivia’s “Flash” and Cyberpocalypse