The giant rogue wave is a rare event that can happen almost anywhere. There have been many documented waves reported from lighthouse keepers and ships. The real life version can reach up to 100 feet or 30 meters. Over time these rogue waves have been elaborated on, and have reached mythical proportions. This Lego MOC called “New Wave” depicts one of those mythical waves. The scene is built by Ralf Langer. The wave effect was achieved by using a lot of Lego hinges, and a lot of transparent blue pieces. The end result is awe inspiring. You can spot two tiny ships probably in the process of battening down the hatches. A brick built peninsula is getting ready to hold its own agains the forces of nature. The tiny village is well built, and the local lighthouse is a great mini build all on its own. There are a lot of interesting building techniques here. Check out the mini tree; built with a Lego carrot top, and two Minifigure hands.
You can find more details about this “New Wave” Lego creation over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/154489981@N04/45821603714/