In Animal Crossing someone keeps sending balloons to your island. These unexpected gifts announce their arrival with a subtle swooshing sound. Once you track one down it is a mad rush to get out a sling shot. Only when popped will the balloons drop their glorious loot. Maybe it is a few pieces of clay, some iron, a random piece of furniture, or maybe it is 10,000 bells! This Animal Crossing Balloon Lego build is created by bekonen7. The micro scale island is a great creation all on its own. The mini version of Nooks Cranny is instantly recognizable to anyone who has sunk a few hours into the video game. It even has the dropbox and chalkboard with todays hot item. The stone bridge and waterfall are also perfectly simple. The fun thing about this Lego scene is that the balloon is hooked up to power functions and it mimics the swaying motion from the game. The technic pieces and gears are surprisingly complicated for something that looks simple. It really makes you want to get out there and start popping balloons!
You can find more about this Lego Animal Crossing Balloon scene over here: https://twitter.com/bekonen7/status/1266692681876402179
If you are looking for more Animal Crossing Lego stuff check out this link on EveryDayBricks: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/animal-crossing/