A beautiful sunset is one of the most calming events in life. This Lego MOC called “Let’s Float Away” is the creation of ForlornEmpire. Who managed to capture the beauty by building a brick built lego sunset as a background to their hot air ballon adventure. This lego scene in actually an entry into the MOC Wars 2020, for category 25: Unique Stays. These MOC competitions have been going on for years, but recently they seem to be dominating the hobby. “Let’s Float Away” is a great lego scene using the new ballon pieces, a Lego Architecture style building, and a simple mosaic for the lego sunset background. This is a perfect example of “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

Check out “Let’s Float Away” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/eliwillsea/49591598456/