Majora’s Mask, A Lego Legend of Zelda MOC

Majora's Mask - A Lego Legend of Zelda MOC

Majora’s Mask is one of the most famous items in the Legend of Zelda series. The mysterious mask ends up in the Skull Kids hands. Where it eventually influences the wearer to destroy Termina with the help from an evil moon. This Lego version of the mask is the creation of speedyhead. The build features the colorful mask displayed on a stand. The mask recreates the weirdly hypnotic eyes surprisingly well. With red Lego croissants used to recreate the red outlines. The rainbow colored horns/spikes match the video game too. Leave it to Nintendo to make one of the most evil items so colorful. Just make sure to never put the mask on, maybe it is best if the Happy Mask Salesman keeps it for now.

You can find this Lego Majora’s Mask over here:

There a more Lego Zelda builds on EveryDayBricks over here:

DoodleBot – The Lego Robot

DoodleBot - The Lego Robot

There are so many Lego Robots out there. And many many more come into being every day. There are so many ways to build them. Big or small or really small? Sleek or complicated? This Lego Robot is called DoodleBot, and it is small and sleek. Created by Ivan Martynov, who specializes in weird mechanical beings. What makes DoodleBot stand out is the armor plating. The big curvy shapes have been matched and put together surprisingly well. Underneath all that armor is a complicated build or joints and connectors. The metal tube arms and legs are wonderfully retro. All of which is supporting a unique head. The 1×1 transparent orange bulbs make great eyes, and the Lego Minifigure ratchets works well as antennas.

Check out this Lego DoodleBot over here:

Lego Twin Peaks And The Black Lodge

Lego Twin Peaks And The Black Lodge

In the small town of Twin Peaks something strange has been going on. FBI agent Dale Cooper is on the case of a mysterious murder. Along the way, there are some weird dreams, larger than life characters, and some damn fine coffee. Throughout the investigation Coop keeps finding himself in The Black Lodge (also known as the red room, and the waiting room). This Lego version is the creation of Dylan Lane. They have recreated the red curtains, modern furniture, and zig zag flooring. The curtains are brick built and look just as mysterious as on the television show. The iconic flooring is made out of a bunch of 1×2 flat place turned up on their sides. This Lego Twin Peaks build also features a handful of characters. Including: FBI Agent Dale Cooper, the Giant Man, the Man From Another Place, Laura Palmer, the Log Lady, and Bob. All of which use official Lego parts.

Lego Twin Peaks Minifigures

You can see more of The Black Lodge over here:

And, you can find some more Lego Twin Peaks on EveryDayBricks over here:

You Encountered A Lego Shiny Charizard!

You Encountered A Lego Shiny Charizard!

The Lego Shiny Charizard may be the rarest Pokémon of them all. Most Pokémon can be caught easily as long as you know where they are hiding. But, every once in a while you might see a super rare shiny version. These alternate color versions pop up so rarely that you may only catch one or two while playing the video game. This Lego Shiny Charizard is created by Tiago Catarino. They put in around 2,500 Lego pieces into this model. The stand out features are the brick built wings, and the flaming tail. The designer mentions creating an orange version of the Charizard, but only if their YouTube video gets enough likes.

You Encountered A Lego Shiny Charizard! Tail.

You can find (and capture) this Lego Charizard over here:

And, if you want to see a video with all the details, you can find that below, or over here:

The Grand Billund – A Modular Hotel

The Grand Billund - A Modular Hotel - Lego MOC

The Grand Billund is a huge Modular style Lego MOC, created by Will. It is a corner building that features a very fancy hotel, modern elevator, a hotel restaurant called the Billund Bistro, and a swanky rooftop pool. Most of the official Lego modular buildings are three floors, but this hotel stands at five floors. A multi-story hotel sign similar to the Cafe Corner points to the front door. Which has doors (similar to the Palace Cinema) manned by a bellhop that open up into a spacious lobby. The second floor through the forth are small but completely furnish hotel rooms. Three per floor. The fifth floor features a penthouse suite. A perfect room to spend a night in after getting married at the nearby Town Hall.

The Grand Billund - A Modular Hotel - Night - Lego MOC

The biggest (litereraly) feature of the building is the modern glass elevator. Lit up with bright green lights it is the quickest way up to your floor. The Grand Billund hotel is all wired up for night. The different color temperature LEDs shows off the older part of the building and the newer remodeled area, a great detail.

The Grand Billund - Hotel Room Lego MOC

The bridal suite has very lavish furnishings. A huge bed, massive mirror (from the Assembly Square), balcony access, and a full kitchen. All thats left is the rooftop. The only way up to the top is by the glass elevator, but once outside your Lego Minifigures can enjoy a refreshing pool, hot tub, and lounge around in the sun. The SNOT style flooring is especially eye catching.

The Grand Billund - Pool Lego MOC

There are a lot more photos and details (including how the elevator works) for The Grand Billund over here:

You can also find a lot more Lego Modular themed stuff on EveryDayBricks over here:

The Lego Daisy Hill House

The Lego Daisy Hill House Landing

Lego lends itself to modern architecture surprisingly well. The geometric and clean designs can be replicated with SNOT building techniques. A great modern style Lego MOC is the Daisy Hill House created by Sarah Beyer. The actual build is unfinished but some of the interior rooms are done. A bedroom, kitchen, and upstairs landing have been completed. The results are amazing. The landing uses a variety of patterns and geometric shapes. The Lego bookcases look very good, and OSHA would approve of the the railing. The bedroom features a lot of natural light, achieved by building the windows sideways. The plant adds some life to the room.

The Lego Daisy Hill House Bedroom

Downstairs is an open floor plan kitchen. The different patterns on the walls, the windows, and the grid aligned floor all combine well. The sofa is nice and clean, and the houseplants look happy. This modern house would make many a Lego Minifigure happy!

The Lego Daisy Hill House Sofa

You can see more of this Lego Daisy Hill House, by Sarah Beyer, and find more information over here:

The Modular Bait Shop And Grocery – An Alternate Old Fishing Store

The Modular Bait Shop And Grocery - An Alternate Lego Old Fishing Store

This is the Modular Bait Shop And Grocery Lego MOC created by Versteinert. This whole building is an alternate build for the Old Fishing Store (21310). It uses 1,995 pieces of the original 2033. These type of builds are always really interesting. Being constrained by the parts of another set forces you to get creative. The end building looks like it could be an official Lego set. The Bait Shop and Grocery store are fully detailed inside. The Grocery specializes in seafood, and the Bait Shop is fully stocked for any outdoor outing. The second floor is an apartment with bed, sofa, and even a telescope. Perfect for looking into rear windows. The stairs up from the apartment lead to a neglected attic hiding some forgotten TNT. This is a great modular building, the green planks work well, and the food sign is full of a lot of character.

The Modular Lego Bait Shop And Grocery Rear - An Alternate Old Fishing Store

It you happen to have the Old Fishing Store, and want to transform it into the Bait Shop and Grocery Modular Building the designer has created a set of instructions. They look just like the official manuals, and even cover such topics as what to do with stickers.

The Modular Bait Shop And Grocery Interior

You can find information and instructions for this Alternate Old Fishing Store over here:

Harold’s Hazardous Hermitage – Lego MOC

Harold’s Hazardous Hermitage - Lego MOC

Go find the furthest place from civilization and you will probably find a hermit living there in peace. This Lego MOC, called Harold’s Hazardous Hermitage, is created by valerius_maximus. Built as part of the “Style It Up” challenge for the InnovaLUG contest. The goal is to build something that is only supported by four studs. Which is the exact amount of studs that precariously hold this island up. The most difficult part of this creation was achieving the proper balance, so Harold would not tip over when left alone. Harold’s little Lego cottage is wonderfully run down. The uneven design of the stone work, and the brick built door work great. A great detail here is that a food source has been thought about, Harold fishes and grows a few carrots.

Harold’s Hazardous Hermitage - Lego MOC - Version Two

Check out this Lego MOC called “Harold’s Hazardous Hermitage” over here:

Don’t Look, It’s A Lego King Boo

Don't Look, It's A Lego King Boo

Haunted mansions in the Luigi (and Mario) video game series always seem to be infested with Boos. These poltergeists are actually really shy, and cannot stand to be looked at. But, one Boo in particular has a bit more courage than the rest. This Lego King Boo is created by Vaionaut, who built this little MOC as an entry in the RogueOlympics. He features his trademark crown, and lazy tongue. This King Boo has a tongue that is actually an old style Minifigure cape, his scepter is a Sonic Screwdriver, and even has a One Ring crowning his… crown. So grab a vacuum cleaner and find some courage, this boss is ready to fight.

Check out this King Boo Lego MOC over here: