EveryDayBricks | 00427: Spider-Girl

The 80s and 90s Batman movies are pure entertainment. The Tim Burton films are wonderfully weird and dark, and the later two film perfected the big budget summer movie formula. Alex TheLegoFan has created a whole set of Batman villains as Lego Minifigures. Each film is separated into groups by their base. The Joker from Batman features the slicked back green hair, and purple suit. You can even find some goo from Axis Chemicals on the base. Batman Returns features Catwoman, Max Shriek, The Penguin all hanging out on an ice burg (accompanied by a few penguins from the old zoo).
Next up from Batman Forever, you can find The Riddler, Two-Face hanging out on a grey/white base. I wonder if they flipped a coin on who would stand where?
The last film, Batman and Robin features Minifigures for Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy, and Bane all wrapped up in vines.
You can find more details about these Lego Minifigure Batman Villains from Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/alex_thelegofan/49985283812/
This is the Millennium Batwing created by amusered. It is an epic crossover between Lego, Star Wars, and Batman. Specifically, the red, black, and grey colors fit in with Batman Beyond. This is not a part swap build of the Lego Millennium Falcon, it is a wholly unique design. The biggest differences include the cockpit, and in the front the connected mandibles (is there a better term for those?). From design to the finished build the whole project took about a year. There is an incredible amount of greebling here. So many ports, grills, tubes, hoses, and transparent pieces. You can even find a pair of Lego keys. There is a furnished interior, but that will remain a mystery. I like to think that Batman spends some of his time playing chess. A question about this Batwing that comes to mind is… does Batman let Robin pilot?
You can read more about this Star Wars and Batman crossover Millennium Batwing over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/grom4y/millennium_batwing_after_a_year_of_tinkering_and/
This Lego MOC called “A Pool of Love” is created by Bryce Dempsey. Lego Deadpool was built as an entry into an Iron Builders challenge, specifically to use Minifigure hammers and wrenches in unique ways. You can find a few of those pieces used in the hands, the strap over his chest, and used as duel sword hilts. The inspiration for this Lego build came after noticing that two Lego wrenches can replicate the heart hand pose from the Valentine’s Day variant film poster. This is a great build, and it would be interesting to see the whole body. A brick built Deadpool is a good Deadpool.
You can find this Deadpool Lego MOC called “A Pool of Love” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickbuiltreplicas/49864290573/
Every film version of Batman’s greatest enemy, the Joker, has been memorable. But none are as memorable as Heath Ledger’s Joker from The Dark Knight film. With smeared on lipstick, uneven white makeup, and oily green hair. This Lego MOC tries to recreate that look. “Why So Serious?” is a Lego bust of the Joker created by timofey_tkachev. This build uses a lot of olive green Lego leaves to recreate the hair, and it works well. A few dark green leaves help to give the hair texture and definition. The smile is built out of a variety of Lego horns, and a red crowbar, it is a fine detail that gives the model personality. The purple suit is recreated just enough to give an impression of more, while still putting focus on the face. A SNOT style Joker playing card is also included.
This Lego Joker model has a full set of instructions available. The finished bust uses 1,093 pieces, and takes 413 pages to build. The playing card is a separate build, that also has a set of instructions. With 102 pieces and 23 pages. Check below for more information.
You can find a FREE set of instructions for the Joker playing card over here: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-42014/Timofey_Tkachev/joker-card/
And, if you are looking for instructions for the full “Why So Serious?” Joker Lego bust can be found here: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-42009/Timofey_Tkachev/joker/
Years ago Lego was putting out a few X-Men themed sets. But due to some (comic/film) licensing issues most X-Men toys were shelved. Since that time the occasional mutant would show up in other Marvel themed sets. Such as Deadpool or Scarlet Witch. So fans have been creating their own creations. This Lego MOC, called “Wolverine vs The Sentinels” is created by I Scream Clone.
I Scream Clone spent well over a year designing the Lego Sentinels. Finding the perfect balance (literally) so that they could stand up on their own while looking accurate. These giant robots even have some LEDs wired in their eyes and chest. Perfect for detecting mutants at night.
The whole scene looks like something ripped straight out of a comic book. The spotlight on Wolverine reminds me of Days of Future Past (issue 141). Wolverine is probably going to have a bad night. The Lego wall separating the characters looks great. Large and imposing, and yet ruined and crumbling. Inside the junk pile you can find skeleton bones, street signs, and other warning signs. All made out of Lego!
For more information and photos, you can check out the Lego MOC “Wolverine vs The Sentinels” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/iscreamclone/43620605420/
The Playstation 4 Spider-Man video game is one of the best open world video games. The game chose to feature a Spider-Man that is unique to it, by mixing a bunch of previous versions into theirs. As he swings around Manhattan, Peter Parker eventually creates a new Advanced Suit. Which is the version that Ethen T used for his giant Lego mosaic. The whole build is 128×192 studs, which is a lot of space to work with. In another dimension, it is over 5 feet tall. This mosaic uses a few techniques besides the normal mosaic style, the blue and black areas are multi-level greebled patterns. The white logo is made out a bunch of 1×2 grate pieces. Altogether over 17,000 pieces (which is like 6 1/2 modular buildings worth of Lego). Because of the variety of pieces and techniques, this mosaic look different in various lighting situations. Check out a more more dynamic low light version below. Peter Parker would certainly be impressed with this Lego portrait.
Swing on over, and check out this Advanced Suit Spider-Man Lego mosaic over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/137864009@N08/49765258716/
Slaughter is the best medicine. A perfect pun seen on the semi truck that Joker has stolen from Hyams Amusement Parks. This “The Dark Knight Joker Truck” is the creation of The Eleventh Bricks. The build has a huge custom sticker on the trailer for Hyams. Huge stickers are not always popular but in this case everything is accurate to the film, and the branding fits in perfectly with this Lego MOC. The semi truck has some nice features too. The off center license plate, and the side mirrors are well built. The sunlight screen/bug protector is another great detail that looks great in Lego. The truck has been built to scale to fit in with the recent Lego Speed Champions theme. Which means that two Minifigs can fit in the cab, side by side. Joker will flip out when he sees Lego MOC.
Check out a lot more photos of this “The Dark Knight Joker Truck” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/162930136@N03/49755532151/
And, if you are looking for more Lego trucks there are some over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/truck/