Han’s Solo.
Category: Star Wars
HispaBrick 019 – Technic Snowspeeder, The Minifig, The Lego Movie & More!
Hispabrick Magazine is back with a brand new issue. Issue 019 is available now for download in English or Spanish. Make sure to get it now, it is easily the best Lego digital magazine out there. And, best of all it is free.
This issue features a great Technic Star Wars Snowspeeder, a massive Tiger’s Nest Monastery MOC, the Lego Movie, and Minifigs. The usual suspects are here too, with Miniland, Technic, and Mindstorms. Plus many interviews and reviews from the world of Lego. A total of 107 pages of content!
Download the full issue here: http://www.hispabrickmagazine.com/en/content/english-hispabrick-magazine-019
Lego Star Wars Sandcrawler (75059) Officially Revealed
Lego just released new details on their newest Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collector’s Series Sandcrawler (75059). This being an upgrade to the 2005 Lego Sandcrawler (10144). There will be 7 minifigures (Luke Skywalker, Uncle Owen, C-3PO, and 4 Jawas) plus 6 droids (R2-D2, an R2 unit, an R1-series droid, Gonk droid, R5-D4, and the Treadwell droid) included. With a total of 3,296 pieces and a price tag of $299.99. This thing is big.
The final design of the Sandcrawler contains a whole lot of exposed studs. It looks like a lot of SNOT techniques are used to achieve some of the odd angles but Lego opted to not hide the studs. Giving the Sandcrawler a more messy appearance then expected. The final model is almost entirely made up of shades of brown. Keeping with the source material. So if you are looking to rapidly expand your collection of brown bricks, this will be the set for you.
The new Lego Sandcrawler is not just a brown box. The Lego designers have squeezed an impressive amount of features into the design. With 2 fully working cranes, knob based steering, 6+ opening panels, and a whole lot of hidden barrels and storage space. The treads on the Sandcrawler are especially notable and should prove popular with the tank building crowds.
Collect a true icon of the classic Star Wars™ universe — the mighty Sandcrawler™!
Recreate unforgettable scenes from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope with this amazing LEGO® incarnation of the Jawas’ desert-going vehicle, the Sandcrawler™. Turn the knob at the rear and steer the Sandcrawler into position, lower the front ramp and offload the droids using the 2 working cranes. Luke Skywalker™ and his Uncle, Owen Lars, are sure to be impressed with the selection on offer: there’s R2-D2, an R1-series Droid, an R2 unit, R5-D4™, a Treadwell Droid™, Gonk Droid™ and even C-3PO™. When the sale is complete, lift the side panels and top to reveal more great features inside, like the engine, storage bay, cockpit and more. There’s even a speeder bike for when the Jawas need to venture outside. Includes 7 minifigures: Luke Skywalker™, Uncle Owen, C-3PO™ and 4 Jawas™, plus R2-D2™, R2 unit, an R1-series Droid™, Gonk Droid™, R5-D4™ and a Treadwell Droid™.
Ages 14+ 3,296 Pieces
US $299.99 – CA $3499.99 – DE 299.99€ – UK £249.99 – DK 2,799.00 DKK
Jabba Lives in this Lego Star Wars MOC!
Jabba was not killed by Princess Leia, but merely put into a catatonic state from which he quickly regained consciousness. He suffered major injuries in his escape from the exploding sail barge. During his lengthy recovery and rehabilitation, Jabba lost almost all control of his criminal empire. He lives now, unfavored in the Hutt community, in self-exile, planning his ultimate revenge against Solo and his friends. — SparkArt!
People argue that the Lego Big Figures and the BURPs (Big Ugly Rock Piece) are hard to use in any way other then what was intended. Then someone comes along and does something completely original and proves otherwise. Here, SparkArt!, removed Jabba’s lower half and replaced it with a robot body. Creating the universes most disgusting cyborg. This idea is completely plausible as it has precedence in the Clone Wars series. The blaster holster is strangely adorable.
Check out “Jabba Lives” by SparkArt! over on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_sparkart_/12859712993/
Finn’s Basement – The Lego Movie Set is at Legoland California
Legoland in Carlsbad, California has recently opened a new exhibit. Finn’s Basement, which is the actual set that was used in the filming of The Lego Movie. It is a massive set with almost every scene from The Lego Movie built in Lego. The whole set up is just like every kids (and adults) dream. A massive basement level Lego studio, with a whole collection of Lego spanning decades of collecting. Even though this is only a set, it is extremely awesome!
It appears that these photos were taken before the final exhibit was finished. In newer photos there is a plexiglass wall surrounding each set, making sure that hands stay away from all the hard work on display. The amount of work that went into building this set is staggering. A few poor souls are probably still recovering from calloused hands. The detailing involved in this set is amazing. With hand drawn signs, warning labels and posters which all appeared in The Lego Movie.
Finn’s Basement is organized into different sections. Each one representing a theme from the film. Represented are City, Castle, Wild West, Pirates, Space, Cloud Cuckoo, etc.
Based on the Classic Space section it looks like Benny got his spaceship! Spaceship!
Legoland California has a great exhibit here. Hopefully it will stick around for a long while.
Check out the full series from Finn’s Basement posted by ared22 over on Imgur: http://imgur.com/a/w3WB2
Lego Star Wars Relativity
M.C. Escher created one of the most memorable works of art in 1953, titled Relativity. Since then there have been hundreds of representations of this work by other artists. This Lego Star Wars version of Relativity is the work of Paul Vermeesch. He has created this gravity defying and perspective distorting work completely out of Lego. It is completely seamless and the SNOT techniques used here are flawless. In fact, I don’t think there is one errant stud present. Lego Star Wars Relativity sums up the original Trilogy in roughly six scenes. The puzzling nature of this is amazing.
Go check out Star Wars Relativity here: http://paulvermeesch.com/lego/untitled/
LegoGenre | 00340: Darth Vader and the Empires
Jud & Fancy May, An H-Wing Alphabet Starfighter
The Star Wars style Alphabet Fighter (X-wing, Y-wing) and Lego are a perfect match. From Bricks to Bothans recently posted a call for entries in an Alphabet Fighter tournament. This contest is a head-to-head tournament to see which starfighters are the last ones standing. Here BrickJunky has created an H-Wing nicknamed “Fancy May” which is piloted by Jud and his astromech R9D9. The printed Gungan Sub bricks have been put to a good use. It also looks like there is some sort of Space Cat stowing away.
“Jud rebuilt this H-Wing from the pipes up and named her “Fancy May”. He retro fitted her with two high speed repulsor cannons on the front flanks, as well as a pivoting double barrel on her belly. In the rear his copilot astromech R9-D9 helps control the underbelly cannon, as well as keeping all systems running efficiently. The long wings raise and lower for take off and landing, while using the powerful under thrusters to maintain vertical lift.”
“The H-Wing ‘Fancy May’ getting some work done to her by Jud. She might need constant upkeep, but she has never let him down in action! Her wings fold during landing, originally to get more fighters into a hanger bay. Now she is one of the only H-Wings of her kind left. “Good ol’ girl” Jud always says. Just like Fancy, R9-D9 has seen some modifications by Jud. After losing his astromech body in a gun battle, R9 was fitted with a more simpler style of coverings. The H-Wing has retractable landing gear and the double barrel repulser cannon on her underbelly.”
Check out Jud and “Fancy May” over on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/66334317@N04/11039464953/
The “FBTB 2013 Moc Madness Tournament Announcement: Alphabet Fighters!” has recently been closed. With all 64 entries filled. It looks like this H-Wing will be in good company.
Skywalker Family Fun / Lego Thanksgiving by DigiNik13
Thanksgiving is one of those times where the whole family comes together. It doesn’t matter if they are on the Light side or the Dark side. Or if they are part of a Rebel Alliance or a great Empire. It’s a time to set aside differences and get together, and eat way too much food. “Skywalker Family Fun – Dad is about to cut the turkey.” Is a great photo vignette from DigiNik13.
Check out the Skywalker Family Fun on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/flipimages/11070999946/
“Brick Patrol I” by Peter Fendrik, Lego Star Wars 3D Art
There are a couple of (internet) famous art pieces done involving Lego. One of those is “Brick Patrol I” by Peter Fendrik. This 3D Lego Star Wars render is almost perfect. The composition works well, the depth of field is great, and the color are vibrant. This is how everyone imagines their Lego bricks while building. What really makes this are the two Lego built planets in the background. These Lego Stormtroopers make a perfect desktop background.
Peter Fendrik’s amazing 3D art portfolio can be found here: http://pupii.cgsociety.org/gallery/147531/