“Avast ye bots big and small!
We be the jigbot pirates, proud and tall.
Our heads be flappy and our pay is crappy.
But the job is fun! with lots of Rum!
So we be pillaging yee all.”
If you have ever wondered what you could use your Lego Star Wars planets (+ Death Star) for then look no further. You can create a Jigbot. These surprisingly cute robots are a combination of Lego pieces, Bionicle pieces, and Technic pieces. These Lego pirate Jigbots are the result of a team build, specifically Team Jigsaw, which consists of Simon Liu, Nick V, Lego Junkie, and Legonardo Davidy. Borris the Pirate was created in 2013, and a little over a year latter was joined by Momo the Pirate, Admiral Horrace, and Arnold the Pirate.

“Sailing the seven seas taking, searching for pirate scum and bringing their days of looting and pillaging to an end, recruiting them as toilet cleaners and barrel makers for his majesty the King. More barrels = more ale, and the toilets… yeah. Pirate Jigbots beware!” — Legonardo Davidy

Momo the Pirate is a typical ragtag bandit. Put together with a more random assortment of parts then the other Jigbots.

“Although intended for destruction and world domination, Borris has chosen to instead live his life as a free-spirited, swash-buckling pirate. With his rusty cutlass and his bottle ‘o rum always at hand, nothing excites Borris more than adventure, trespassing and pillaging minifig towns.” — Nick V.
The only odd ball is Argali the Iron Jigbot. Not actually part of the Pirate Jigbots. Argali was originally built for an Iron Builder Competition.
“Argali is a peculiar fellow, who enjoys classy activities such as kite-sailing, scarf making, and abstract conversation. Also known as the Giver of Bagpipes, Argali is not mentally stable, and can not be trusted.”

Check out all the Lego Jigbots here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/si-mocs/15092508554/
Borris the Pirate and Argali the Iron, created by Nick V can be found on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickthing/9932258196
Mom the Pirate, created by Lego Junkie, can be found on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/legojunkie/15526873048/
Arnold the Pirate, created by Simon Liu, can be found on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/si-mocs/15092508554/
Admiral Horrace, created by Legonardo Davidy, can also be found on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidhensel/15093058463