Wicket The Ewok Just Wants A Hug

Wicket The Ewok Just Wants A Hug, Lego Star Wars

This is Wicket the Ewok as created by Bruce Lowell. A cute little teddy bear alien from Endor. He stars in such Star Wars movies as Return of the Jedi, the Rise of Skywalker, the Ewok Adventure, Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, and in Ewoks the animated show. Even though they helped destroy the Death Star with spears and traps, they are not very popular in certain crowds. But this Lego MOC will convince you that Wicket just wants a hug. This brick built Ewok is built using SNOT techniques in a very cartoon style. He features a spear, and his red poncho. He looks ready for a giant Ewok Celebration with their new golden god: C3PO.

Check out this Lego MOC called Wicket the Ewok over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bruceywan/17725619684/

An Epic Imperial Outpost On Endor — Lego Star Wars

An Epic Imperial Outpost On Endor — Lego Star Wars

In Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, the Imperial Outpost on Endor is the location of the shield generator protecting the new Death Star. On the ground the Ewoks and Rebels fight to shut down the outpost, while the Imperials try to defend. This location has been recreated in Lego in Minifigure scale. The Lego Imperial Outpost is created by Maciej Szymański. The finished build features thousands and thousands of bricks. There are multiple giant trees, the landing pad, an Imperial Shuttle (Lambda-class T4a), an AT-AT Walker, two AT-ST Walkers, multiple speeder bikes, and a whole lot of Stormtroopers.

An Epic Imperial Outpost On Endor — Lego Star Wars — AT-ST

The Imperial Outpost is completely wired with multiple electric and mechanical features. The whole base is lit up at night with LEDs, which are all hidden away. No cords in sight on Endor. The Imperial Shuttle features raising wings, working landing gear, an opening ramp, and the shuttle can take off and land on the platform. The mechanical stuff is all achieved with well hidden Lego Power Functions motors. Check out the video below to see it all in action.

An Epic Imperial Outpost On Endor — Lego Star Wars — Shuttle At Night

The scale of this build is massive. The end model is over four feet tall. Beginning with the first plan the construction of this Lego build took around 13 years. This epic outpost is a finished build, there are no plans to recreate the bunkers, generators, or massive radar dish. It would triple the size, and become too unwieldy for a single person. Let alone the cost…

An Epic Imperial Outpost On Endor — Lego Star Wars — Designer

You can find a whole lot of photos and more information about this Imperial Outpost over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dmaclego/albums/72157629127778577

If you want to see video showing off the lights, power functions and every angle you can check it out below, or over here: https://youtu.be/6cAc_P6rn6o

The Force is Strong with these Lego Star Wars Posters

For the 2015 Star Wars Celebration, held in Anaheim California, Lego created a whole series of Lego Star Wars posters. The posters are all recreations of famous Star Wars posters, except in Lego. The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith are based on the theatrical release posters, while A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are based on the Special Edition release. This collection makes for a great series by avoiding the teaser posters, and the original trilogy theatrical posters. A continuity is presented that just looks awesome. Maybe in the future Lego will revisit this idea and release more Lego Star Wars posters (the original Star Wars poster sure would be appreciated).

These Lego Star Wars posters were given out at the Star Wars Celebration, if you didn’t attend, there are many of these available online at various auction websites (eBay!).

Lego Star Wars A New Hope Poster Lego Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Poster Lego Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Poster Lego Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace Poster Lego Star Wars Episode 2 Attack Of The Clones Poster Lego Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith Poster

AlienwareSLO over on Imgur created these comparison views: http://imgur.com/a/9rUPs

Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020) Reviewed by Csacsa234 @ Eurobricks

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Review 01

The new Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020) has officially been released and is starting to show up at some retailers. This set comes with 4 minifigures (Slave Leia, Max Rebo, Weequay, and Ree-Yees), 1 bigfigure (Jabba the Hutt) and 1 droid (R2D2). It contains many hidden play features, and some nice details. Jabba’s Sail Barge comes in at 850 pieces and a $119.99 price tag. Which is a good deal cheaper then the previous Jabba’s Sail Barge (6210) on the secondary market.

Eurobricks user Csacsa234 has already posted a full photo review. Noting that there are hidden pirate cannons, flick firing missiles, undercarriage wheels, a removable deck/roof, and foldable sides/walls. This set is full of play features.

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Review 02

Inside Jabba’s Sail Barge is a kitchen, jail, throne room, and a music stage. Max Rebo and his futuristic piano (or is it an organ?) steal the show from Jabba in this set. He just happens to be a perfect Lego minifigure, oozing cuteness and a hot blue color scheme. Interestingly, Lego has provided film (thin plastic) sails for the Sail Barge which will hopefully last a long time. There are also 26 stickers, which luckily are not required. Jabba’s Sail Barge looks great with and without stickers.

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Review 03

The Lego minifigures are extremely detailed. With a newish version of R2D2 (grey top, and better printing), Slave Leia, Jabba the Hutt, Ree-Yees, Weequay, and Max Rebo. While the Jabba the Hutt and his goons look great the real star is Max Rebo (sorry Leia). Just look at that little blue dude.

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Minifigures

Go check out the full review of the Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020) with more photos and details over at Eurobricks: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=85841

Jabba’s Sail Barge is usually on sale for a few dollars off over at Amazon, check it out: Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020)