Lego Life of George (21200, 21201) Review (Build Your Brain with George): Awesome!

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, Box

A few years ago Lego released Life of George, a building game involving Lego and your phone. It has been an under appreciated experiment of combining Lego with technology. The original release of Life of George (21200) has recently been updated and repackaged as Life of George (212001). It seems like the only difference between the two is a redesigned box. The original box has almost no details and was quite minimalist. The packaging appears to have been created before the iPhone app was completed, so there are almost no similarities with the box and the app. There is also no mention of the Android version. All of these oddities have been corrected in the new release. The original box is pictured here.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, Contents

Life of George contains:

The normal retail price is $29.99 but can be found for much less. Amazon currently has it listed at ±$20.00.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App 01

Life of George

Life of George is a world wide tour where George is filling out his travel journal with photos. George finds himself exploring North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Each continent has many journal “pages” with a good amount of photo challenges to do. There is even a special Holiday 2012 chapter filled with many more levels.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App 02LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App 03

If you happen to finish all of the include content, then you can move on (or skip) to the user generated challenges. This is where the creativity of Lego shines. The hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of online user challenges offer many many hours of Lego fun. With just 144 Lego bricks and 6 colors, the variety of what can be built is limitless. Pikachu, Spiderman, Mario, Link, Jake, Mickey Mouse, Boba Fett, and Angry Birds are just a few of the challenges in the User Gallery.

There is also a Build Your Own mode, where your own creations can be photographed, documented, and uploaded for other Life of George users to view and build.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App User Content

If you happen to have some friends or family around, there is a multiplayer mode to try out. After five quick challenges the scores are totaled and a winner declared. If you can find them, Life of George supports up to 4 different players.

To play Life of George, you need to use the included Lego bricks, the play mat, and your phone. Select which “photo” challenge to do, and then build it as fast as possible. There is a generous timer counting down, which can really build up the tension.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App Thor

When the challenge is completed, you place the model on the play mat, and line up the board with the camera on your phone. This portion of the game can give some people trouble, but I found that if the whole play mat is in the camera frame then the app worked perfectly.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App Thor Camera

Life of George then compares your photo to the model, and assigns a score based on accuracy and quickness. The app needs to be balanced for people of all ages. So it can be pretty difficult to get a full 5 star score. To earn 1-2 stars you really need to mess up, most scores seem to land in the 3-4 range.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George Review, iOS App Thor Results

Overall the Life of George app is full of fun. Everything looks good and works well. Lego has been focused on making this a great experience. It alone is worth the price of admission.

Build Your Brain with George

Build Your Brain with George is another app that works with the Life of George set. Build Your Brain is free on the various phone app stores. This time around the focus is on small challenges that test your ability to recognize patterns, and non-traditional Lego instructions.

LegoGenre: Lego Build Your Brain with George Review, iOS App 01

This time around George is now a host of a game show. Randomly assigning tasks from six different categories. Such as Silhouette challenges, Logic puzzles, Bonus modes, Memory challenges, and Shape Finding.

LegoGenre: Lego Build Your Brain with George Review, iOS App 02LegoGenre: Lego Build Your Brain with George Review, iOS App 03

Some of these challenges are super easy, and some are really difficult. Once again the game can be played between 1-4 players. Competing for high scores, and the largest ”Brain Level.”

LegoGenre: Lego Build Your Brain with George Review, iOS App 04

Build Your Brain with George is not as smooth of an experience as Life of George. A lot of the challenges can be unclear, and the camera recognition is not as accurate. The nature of Build Your Brain can lead to frustration, and the small technical issues do not help. It is still a good experience, and has a whole lot in common with the Nintendo games “Brain Age” and “Big Brain Academy.”

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George (21200) Review, Angry Birds


Lego Life of George is a whole lot of fun. Even the box says so: “Awesome!” The whole package adds up to be a good value. It is amazing to see what can be built with only 144 basic Lego bricks.

Lego Life of George (21201) is currently available at Amazon.

LegoGenre: Lego Life of George (21201) Review, Star Wars Boba Fett

Lego Marvel Super Heroes Released & GameTrailers Review

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is out now. It looks like this one is another great game from TTGames. Featuring well over 100 different Marvel characters. Such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, the Hulk, Wolverine, Deadpool, Captain America, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Howard the Duck, and even Stan Lee. Keeping with the recent trend, the whole game features great voice work. Lego Marvel Super Heroes is available now for almost every videogame system: PS3, XBox 360, Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Playstation Vita, and the PC. With future releases planned for the XBox One, and Playstation 4. Available through Amazon now.

All the early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. Such as this Lego Marvel Super Heroes review from GameTrailers:

A Lego Infantile Cloud Custom Model, Celebrating Guild Wars 2

Brickstorms's Lego Guild Wars 2 Infantile Cloud

Two of the best things in the world, Guild Wars 2 and Lego, combine in this Lego Infantile Cloud. Brickstorms is celebrating the Super Adventure Box event in Guild Wars 2 by offering instructions to build your own Infantile Cloud. This tiny Lego creation represents the Super Adventure Box event very accurately. Preserving the retro, 8-bit influenced design seen in game. One could even combine this Infantile Cloud with the Lego Minecraft sets for a truly epic build.

Guild Wars 2 Super Adventure Box, Infantile Cloud

Brickstorms is kind enough to host detailed instructions so you too can create an Infantile Cloud. As they say: “Download the instructions and build your own rainbow hovering friend today.”

Brickstorms's Guild Wars 2 Lego Infantile Cloud Instructions

Check out Brickstorms for more details and the Lego Infantile Cloud PDF instructions:

Lego, Nintendo 64, Transformers. Mashup.

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64, Transformers. Mashup.

This Lego Nintendo 64 with Controller, and Donkey Kong 64 and Golden Eye 007 (James Bond) video games sums up a whole lot of childhoods in one image. Baron Julius von Brunk created this great tribute to the last great cartridge system. With some amazing attention to detail. The controller ports on the front of the Nintendo 64 are perfect. There is even a red LED bit on the front, perfect for knowing when you have hit the power or reset buttons (also present!). Not only that, this MOC has that wonky AC adapter, a save cartridge in the controller, and more. It all comes together in a pretty realistic version of a Nintendo 64. Kinda makes you want to boot up an old system and play some multiplayer Golden Eye 007.

But, thats not all. This Nintendo 64 and accessories Lego creation has a secret. It can transform into a variety of robots. For instance the iconic Nintendo 64 controller can turn into a robotic scorpian.

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64, Controller Transformed

While the Nintendo 64 itself can transform into a deadly robot. With shoulder cannon and magazine (conveniently made from the save pack).

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64 Robot

Best of all is the Lego Donkey Kong 64 game. It can transform into a robotic gorilla. Ready to throw barrels and pound the ground. Or maybe just eat a banana.

Baron Julius von Brunk Lego, Nintendo 64, Donkey Kong 64 Robot

Check out the whole project on Baron Julius von Brunk’s Flickr page:

The Lego Movie: Movie-Inspired Building Sets & Other News

The Lego Movie: Movie-Inspired Building Sets

Another Comic-Con San Diego announcement from Lego today. There will be an official movie-inspired building theme for the upcoming The Lego Movie. No release date announced, but these new sets can be expected to hit stores sometime around the films release date of February 2014. Lego will be going all out with this upcoming theme. Featuring 17 total sets. Since the film has mishmashed all the Lego themes into a single giant Lego theme, these sets will cover a whole lot of ground. There will be a whole collection of highly detailed vehicles and structures showcasing the broad versatility of Lego. For instance, these sets will represent Lego City, Wild West and Space themes. As for minifigures, there should be at least 16, representing the cast and characters of The Lego Movie.

Not only will these new sets be released, but TT Games is working on a new video game based on the film. With 90 playable characters inspired by the film and 15 levels.

Plus there will be a whole lot of other The Lego Movie themed products on the shelves:

“Movie-Inspired Merchandise A roster of global licensees covering several categories will immerse filmgoers in the world of “THE LEGO MOVIE.” Perennial publishing partners Scholastic, Penguin, Ameet and DK Publishing will offer a range of readers, sticker books, activity books and movie guides. Apparel partners include T-shirts from Mad Engine, Isaac Morris, Kabooki, TV Mania and Casco Blu, hoodies from TV Mania, pajamas from SGI Apparel, TV Mania and Kabooki and undergarments from Handcraft Mfg. and Kabooki. Carry Gear and Grown Up will offer bags, including backpacks and cinch bags. Clic Time is producing clocks and buildable watches. MZB Imagination and Funtastic are creating an array of stationery items including notebooks, journals, folders, pens, pencils and pencil cases, erasers, rulers and luggage/bag tags. Functional key lights featuring movie characters are being produced by IQ HK. Storage partner ROOM Copenhagen is producing a lunchbox, lunch set, drinking bottle and storage and sorting boxes.” — Lego

Thats a lot of Lego.

Check out The Lego Movie poster and trailer here:

LegoGenre Giveaway Giveaway

Lego Lord of the Rings Giveaway

LegoGenre is off to a great start. To celebrate our 3 month anniversary, LegoGenre will be having a contest to give away a digital copy of the Lego Lord of the Rings PC video game.

To enter the drawing, follow @LegoGenre on twitter and tweet the following:

“A free copy of the Lego Lord of the Rings video game? Details at: — @LegoGenre / #3LegoGenre”

That’s not all! We are also going to give out a digital copy of the Lego Batman video game. You can enter this giveaway by tweeting about your favorite posts (with link) at One entry per day, feel free to enter everyday until the end.  In order for your entry to be counted add “@LegoGenre / #LegoGenre3” to the end of your tweet. Example:

“Trooper Class Photo. @LegoGenre / #LegoGenre3”

The giveaway will end at midnight on 06/30, and the winner will be notified shortly thereafter! Good Luck.

UPDATE ~ Winners!

Twitter user @PaulBZee won the Steam copy of Lego Lord of the Rings.
And, Twitter user @encurtit won the Steam copy of Lego Batman.

Congratulations to each winner, and thanks for following LegoGenre!

Lego Atari Pong

Quy's Lego Atari Pong

This Lego MOC of the Atari Pong system is spot on. From the fake wood cabinet, to the joysticks everything has been carefully thought through. Speaking of which, those joysticks are genius; using Lego tires worked well. Here the retro styling works well with Lego. The system currently doesn’t work, which like most Atari Pong systems is accurate.

Atari Pong, built by Quy, can be found on Flickr:

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 Trailer

It is E3 this week, which means there is an overwhelming amount of video game news. The Lego Marvel Super Heroes video game is coming out soon and it doesn’t want to be left out of the festivities. New details and a new trailer debuted this week, reaffirming early impressions that this will be a great game. The first piece of great news is that it will feature open-world gameplay, like Lego City Undercover, and also include the traditional platforming gameplay, like Lego Star Wars. It has also been confirmed that New York city, Manhattan, and Loki’s Lair will all be playable locations.

Lots of Marvel characters will be featured in the game, with Wolverine, Captain America, Johnny Storm (Human Torch), Mr. Fantastic, Thor, Deadpool, the Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Sandman, and Loki all getting the digital Lego treatment. More characters will be announced closer to the release date.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is currently available for pre-order on

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 trailer is available on YouTube:
Also check out the original trailer here:

Skylanders: Shroomboom & Trigger Happy

IScreamClone and Tazmaniac's Skylanders He Shoots He Spores

I Scream Clone and Taz-Maniac have created a pair of Skylanders Lego MOCs. Skylanders is a genre busting series of Action Figures that you can collect and play inside a digital world.  First showing up a few years ago, the concept and execution of the Skylanders system completely surprised everyone. The pure popularity of the game/figure system means Activision is printing gold. Here, in Lego, are two of the Skylanders: Giants characters, Shroomboom and Trigger Happy. They use many of the more advanced building techniques which in this case makes them a bit more fragile. These two little creatures sure look cute, but I’m sure they can hold their own.

Sadly these will not work with your Portal of Power. Maybe someday.

Tazmaniac's Skylanders Trigger Happy

Check these out on Flickr: He Shoots, He Spores!:
and Trigger Happy:

Lego City: Undercover

If you happen to be one of the lucky few people out there to own a WiiU, Lego City: Undercover is considered one of the best games available. It has been 8 years since TT Games first released Lego Star Wars and many people think that the formula is wearing thin. The co-op action-adventure game does many things right, but the same complaints (wonky camera, bad AI, etc.) have haunted the series for years. And, although these complaints are valid, overall the Lego series of video games are some of the most charming available.

TT Games and TT Fusion surprised many people by creating an open world action-adventure game. Lego City: Undercover is a breath of fresh air. It has successfully merged the gameplay of more adult titles such as Grand Theft Auto into a more friendly package.  It is also rare to see a Lego game not based on a licensed property, and this may be the first video game to do one of the core Lego themes justice. Lego City has never been this interesting before.

Check out this surprising review from GameTrailers: