The Private Collection At Thunder’s Mansion

The Private Collection At Thunder's Mansion - Lego MOC

Johnny Thunder has spent decades collecting the rarest treasures and artifacts from all over the world. An impressive accomplishment seeing that his archenemy, Baron Von Barron seems to have kept a few of his own treasures (which can be found in the new Lego Haunted House 10273). This Lego MOC, called Thunder’s Mansion, is created by Caleb Saw. This creation features a massive room that even fits a skeleton hanging from the rafters. The floor is a great design, being built out of 1×1 headlight pieces in groups of four. The end result is a pattern remarkably close to houndstooth. There is a rug on the floor that even has upturned edges, all completely done with Lego. Inside you will find Egyptian murals, a copy of Moby Brick, samurai helmets, tribal headdresses, a golden idol (Indiana Jones might want this back!), a golden staff, old swords, and many many treasure maps. There is so much stuff crammed in here. Every time you look at the details you will find something new. The whole thing is aglow in a nice warm light, provided by built in LEDs. A great way to light a Lego MOC.

The Private Collection At Thunder's Mansion - Lego MOC Detail

You can find a higher resolution photo of Thunder’s Mansion and zoom in to your delight over here:

A Place To Keep All Your Tools: A Lego Garage.

A Place To Keep All Your Tools: A Lego Garage.

This Lego Garage is the perfect place to store all of your tools. This “Grownup’s Toy Box” is created by Daniel Church. The Lego build is an entry into the Iron Builders challenge, this time it is to use Minifigure wrenches and hammers in unique ways. You can find some of the wrenches being used to hold up a ladder, as handles and parts in the lawn mower / snow blower, and as part of the roof. The hammers can be found holding up a bunch of shelves and even the motorcycle. This Lego garage is a perfect example of using lighting to help make the presentation look better. The soft afternoon glow, mixed with the green background (seen through the windows) gives off a very nostalgic feeling. The only thing missing from this garage, are a bunch of spiders hiding everywhere.

A Place To Keep All Your Tools: A Lego Garage Detail.

You can find out more about “Grownup’s Toy Box” Lego MOC over here:

Which Side Will Prevail In This Lego Battle Of The Seasons?

Which Side Will Prevail In This Lego Battle Of The Seasons? Intro.

Four powerful mages have been fighting it out, and it has come down to one final battle. Each mage is fighting to protect and expand their own season. This is a Battle of the Seasons, a Lego MOC created by Blue Builder. The whole scene took over four months to build, but took over two years to plan. With 73 Minifigures this battle will change the world. The idea for this build was inspired by the Heroes of Might and Magic video game series. Real time strategy games that are well known on the PC. The spring warriors feature humans, fauns, fairies, and even a dragon. The summer time is mostly humans with pegasus and other winged creatures. Fall warriors include snakes, wolves, minotaurs, and orcs. And, the deadly winter army is mostly undead, skeletons, vampires, and ghosts. The whole scene is centered around a magic scroll, setting the scene with some text: “In a battle of might and magic who will prevail…”

Which Side Will Prevail In This Lego Battle Of The Seasons? Whole Build.

A neat feature in this Lego MOC is the lighting effects. Hidden behind the scroll, in the center, are multi-colored LEDs. They shine up through the transparent bricks, representing magic rivers. All combining in the center where the winners crown is perched.

Which Side Will Prevail In This Lego Battle Of The Seasons? Detail.

For more story, information, and photos go check out this Battle Of The Seasons Lego model over here:

The Lego Friends Visit Animal Park!

The Lego Friends Visit Animal Park! Lego Zoo MOC, Dolphins

Animal Park is a huge Lego creation built by Anne Mette Vestergård and Lasse Vestergård. This Lego Friends styled Zoo is full of plants and animals. Originally created in 2015, Animal Park got an update in 2020. The new version features new animals and new plants that were released after 2015. Animal Park was recently on display at Lego World in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is one of those massive Lego models that is best seen in person.

The Lego Friends Visit Animal Park! Lego Zoo MOC, Bears

Just like many theme parks and zoos around the world, this park features a train circling its border. Once inside the Lego Friends can enjoys a water show by the entrance fountains. Afterwards they can grab a bite to eat in the food court. Pizza is always a good choice!

The Lego Friends Visit Animal Park! Lego Zoo MOC, Polar Bears

This Lego zoo has all the animals. The bears are enjoying some fish, while the polar bears and their cubs are also having a fish snack. The penguins and seals seem happy, but may be a bit jealous watching the bears eat.

Lego Friends Zoo MOC, Detail

The Friends might spot some elk, a pack of wolves, some hungry panda bears, a few giraffes, some turtles, a flock of flamingos, and even some deer. Basically, any and all of the Lego animals are here.

Lego Friends Zoo MOC, Food Court Pizza

There are even a few secrets to look out for. Olaf from Frozen is hiding around the park, as is Sweet Mayhem from the Lego Movie 2. Before you finish the day, make sure to visit the ferris wheel, and catch a ride on the train!

The Lego Friends Visit Animal Park! Lego Zoo MOC

You can find more photos, and details about this Lego Animal Park over here:

There is even a short video tour, although it is the original version of the park. You can find that below or over here:

Going On Holiday With Lego

Getting Carried Away on Holiday, Lego MOC

This is “Getting Carried Away on Holiday” a Lego creation built by Ted Andes. A humorous scene with a bunch of out-of-towners getting caught up in some sheep. There is a lot going on here. The European style cottage is a great build on its own. With a gray sloped roof and very clean white walls. The white Lego snake piece used for chimney smoke is a great detail. The farm grounds, and the small street in front look like the proper scale. And the herd of sheep are great. These little animals have exposed studs recreating their wool fur. A great example of using texture in a Lego build. The best detail might just be the brick built background. With giant 3D clouds and an ocean horizon, it helps establish the rest of the scene. The barge in perspective is just genius.

Going On Holiday With Lego, Detail

Check out this Lego scene called “Getting Carried Away on Holiday” over here:

Timmy’s Lego Bedroom / Laboratory

Timmy’s Lego Bedroom, Laboratory Lego MOC

Timmy’s Bedroom is created by lokiloki29 as an entry in MOC Wars. Specifically for “Category 20: Self-Repro Bricktime,” a challenge where the scene must feature a laboratory that is replicating Lego bricks, and it must include at least one propeller piece. The designer decided to set the scene in a Lego bedroom, with an at home science setup. It would seem that in between video games, skateboarding, and soccer, Timmy is researching his new self-replicating Lego tree. There is a whole story created for this Lego MOC. The room itself has a bunch of fun mini-builds. Such as the little potted plant in the foreground, the microscope, and the bed. The bed even features a Mario pattern, created with a variety of 1×1 and 1×2 Lego bricks. You can even spot a Lego propeller used in the ceiling fan above the bed.

Check out “Timmy’s Bedroom” and read more about self-replicating Lego plants over here:

Relaxing In A Bath — A Lego MOC

Relaxing In A Bath — A Lego MOC

After a hard day at work nothing is more relaxing than a bath. This Lego MOC, called “The Bath” is created by Krzysztof J. This build has a few main parts to the scene. The woman is an impressive build. It is not a simple pose, with one leg up out of the water. The bathtub is another great model. The clawfoot tub has gold accents, the faucet is surprisingly detailed. With a gold Lego plate with a reverse 2×2 white round plate as the shower head. The bathtub is a bit more complicated than at first glance. The exterior is grey, with an interior in white, and a layer of transparent Lego bricks for the water. Thats a lot of layers. The whole scene is built on a base depicting a bathroom tile floor. The repetitive tile design looks great, and you can even see a cut out for the pluming. A great detail. A bath mat, and a pair of high heels finish the scene. Just remember your Lego needs a warm bath too.

Relaxing In A Bath — A Lego MOC

You can find more photos, and details about this “The Bath” Lego MOC over here:

Tahu Uniter, A Bionicle Build

Tahu Uniter, A Lego Bionicle Build

Lego Bionicle is a completely separate theme from Lego, with its own lore and specialized pieces. These type of models live on today in the recent Star Wars figures theme. This Lego MOC called “Tahu Uniter,” and created by Patrick Biggs is a reimagining of two popular Bionicle characters. Combining the 2016 versions of Tahu and Ikir, the two fire characters who worked together. This version is much more detailed than the official one. This build has a very striking red, gold, and blue color theme. The wings in particular look amazing. The use of 2×2 flat round gold plates overlapping created a great effect. Looking like scales and like armor at the same time. The circles are carried over onto the chest armor which creates a nice flow to the design.

Tahu Uniter, A Lego Bionicle Build Detail

You can find more information and photos of the “Tahu Uniter” over here:

This Brick Built Deadpool Has A Lot Of Love

This Brick Built Deadpool Has A Lot Of Love - Lego MOC

This Lego MOC called “A Pool of Love” is created by Bryce Dempsey. Lego Deadpool was built as an entry into an Iron Builders challenge, specifically to use Minifigure hammers and wrenches in unique ways. You can find a few of those pieces used in the hands, the strap over his chest, and used as duel sword hilts. The inspiration for this Lego build came after noticing that two Lego wrenches can replicate the heart hand pose from the Valentine’s Day variant film poster. This is a great build, and it would be interesting to see the whole body. A brick built Deadpool is a good Deadpool.

You can find this Deadpool Lego MOC called “A Pool of Love” over here:

Stupid Lego Invader Zim

Stupid Lego Invader Zim MOC

This Lego Invader Zim build is created by MadLEGOman. It is based off the animated show from 2001 to 2002. A very short lived cartoon that ended up having a huge influence on popular culture. Appearing in comic books, action figures, clothes, video games, and even in theme park rides. The story of an alien secretly living among humans as they research how to conquer the world resonated with a lot of people. This Lego MOC features Zim, and his robot servant Gir. Created as an entry into the Iron Builders challenge, the goal of which is to use as many Lego hammers and wrenches in a build as possible. You can find a bunch here, Zim’s antennae, his fingers, and the text of the flaming sign. Can you find all 22 wrenches and 10 hammers? A great detail for this build is the tiny Earth being crushed. A great Lego sphere, that even has oceans and continents.

Stupid Lego Invader Zim

Check out more photos of this Invader Zim Lego MOC called “Stoopid Pun-ny Humans!” over here: