The Lego Collector’s New Shipment Just Arrived!

The Lego Collector's New Shipment Just Arrived!

As you start to collect Lego after a while it starts to take over. First a box, then a shelf, a room, and before you know it a whole house (and maybe a storage unit or office). But what happens when your Lego collection starts collecting Lego. That is exactly what is going on with this Lego MOC called “Just arrived” created by brick_expert. You can go vote for it over on Lego Ideas. The Lego Collector has let Lego overrun their room. But that doesn’t slow down amassing new sets. His newly finished Lego Star Destroyer looks great, but where should it be displayed? There are a lot of details in this build that are similar to real life. The overpacked shelves full of Lego models, the boxes of sets stacked up in the corner, and the carefully sorted drawers full of awesome pieces. A great detail is the brick built carpet on the floor. And the drawers in particular ended up being an amazing build. You can never have enough Lego bricks!

The Lego Collector's New Shipment Just Arrived!

Go check out more details and more photos of this “Just arrived” Lego MOC over here:

The Private Collection At Thunder’s Mansion

The Private Collection At Thunder's Mansion - Lego MOC

Johnny Thunder has spent decades collecting the rarest treasures and artifacts from all over the world. An impressive accomplishment seeing that his archenemy, Baron Von Barron seems to have kept a few of his own treasures (which can be found in the new Lego Haunted House 10273). This Lego MOC, called Thunder’s Mansion, is created by Caleb Saw. This creation features a massive room that even fits a skeleton hanging from the rafters. The floor is a great design, being built out of 1×1 headlight pieces in groups of four. The end result is a pattern remarkably close to houndstooth. There is a rug on the floor that even has upturned edges, all completely done with Lego. Inside you will find Egyptian murals, a copy of Moby Brick, samurai helmets, tribal headdresses, a golden idol (Indiana Jones might want this back!), a golden staff, old swords, and many many treasure maps. There is so much stuff crammed in here. Every time you look at the details you will find something new. The whole thing is aglow in a nice warm light, provided by built in LEDs. A great way to light a Lego MOC.

The Private Collection At Thunder's Mansion - Lego MOC Detail

You can find a higher resolution photo of Thunder’s Mansion and zoom in to your delight over here:

Three Droids And A Princess, A Lego Star Wars Collection

Miro Dudas Lego Star Wars Collection Leia And Droids

Here is a Lego Star Wars collection of brick built figures based on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. There is Princess Leia (the only human), R5-D4, R2-D2, and C-3PO. They are built mostly in scale with each other. R2-D2 and R5-D4 are great little builds with a lot of character. In fact the R2-D2 reminds me of the new and rare R2-D2 polybag (30611) from Lego. C-3PO is a great build, and a lot of time went into making sure he was perfect. The key was finding all the correct gold pieces. The Lego vent pieces as the torso wiring is a great solution. Last but not least is Princess Leia. Her brick built figure has the famous hair buns, and is much more posable then she looks. Check out the photos below to see what she can do. A rather large set was also built of the space ship Tantive IV. Allowing a recreation of one of the most famous scenes in the series.

Miro Dudas Lego Star Wars R2D2 And Leia

The Princess Leia and R2-D2 were built as a tribute for Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker. Below, you can really see how well these Lego figures work together. The title of this photo is “”Did you miss me?”

Miro Dudas Lego Star Wars Princess Leia R2D2 Hug

This Lego Star Wars collection of figures is the creation of Miro Dudas. Who will be at the upcoming Bricks LA if you want to find out more. See here for details:

Also, check out more Lego Star Wars stuff on LegoGenre over here:

The Lego Lounge is a Basement in a House Designed for Lego

Jeffrey Pelletier Lego House Basement

Finding a place for a Lego collection can be a very difficult task. Every year more and more pieces get added, and eventually (for most of us) they end up in a huge unsorted pile. Slowly consuming a spare room, garage, basement, or office space. Most people never get past the point of sorting their collection into a few drawers and storage containers.

Jeffrey Pelletier, an architect, put his knowledge and skills into creating the perfect space for his Lego collection. His whole house has been designed to accommodate Lego. There are well over 250,000 pieces stored in this collection, and most of them are located in what looks like the most friendly basement ever built. With 9 foot ceilings, a full bar, and a whole room dedicated to building, this is the type of space that adults dream about.

Jeffrey Pelletier Lego House Basement Bar

The whole house is located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, and was originally built in 1902. After an extensive remodel in 2013, the 3,300 square feet house is a great example of how to showcase your love for Lego. The living space features extensive built-in shelving systems, modern furniture, and super colorful walls. Even the Lego Modular buildings have their own space.

Jeffrey Pelletier Lego House Rooms

Go check out all the details and photos of this Lego collection and house over on Houzz:

And, make sure to see the short video below, for even more details.