This Lego Invader Zim build is created by MadLEGOman. It is based off the animated show from 2001 to 2002. A very short lived cartoon that ended up having a huge influence on popular culture. Appearing in comic books, action figures, clothes, video games, and even in theme park rides. The story of an alien secretly living among humans as they research how to conquer the world resonated with a lot of people. This Lego MOC features Zim, and his robot servant Gir. Created as an entry into the Iron Builders challenge, the goal of which is to use as many Lego hammers and wrenches in a build as possible. You can find a bunch here, Zim’s antennae, his fingers, and the text of the flaming sign. Can you find all 22 wrenches and 10 hammers? A great detail for this build is the tiny Earth being crushed. A great Lego sphere, that even has oceans and continents.

Check out more photos of this Invader Zim Lego MOC called “Stoopid Pun-ny Humans!” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/madlegoman/49864490633/