Lets Build Lego Rainbows Together

Lets Build Lego Rainbows Together

“Lets Build Together” is a Lego creation built by Tiago Catarino. A bunch of Lego Minifigures are creating a rainbow together. It is a great message that we as people can come together and build great things. The monochrome Minifigures are all different, not an easy thing to pull together. The bright colors limit what each figure is made out of. They will certainly need to work together to finish their Lego rainbow. This Lego MOC is an entry into the Lego challenge, #LetsBuildTogether. The goal is to build and share rainbows, and Lego will donate 500,000 sets to children in need.

Check out “Lets Build Together” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/catarino0937/49756155418/

You can find more information, and participate in the #LetsBuildTogether challenge here: https://twitter.com/LEGO_Group/status/1248204034663690241

Chicks And Bunnies, The Lego Peeps

Chicks And Bunnies, The Lego Peeps

Peeps have been around for over 65 years. The marshmallow and sugar candies are pretty much only available in the spring. There are two different classic peeps, chicks and bunnies. And, a serving size is 5 at a time, which seems very plentiful. These Lego Peeps are the creation of allysongaillego. Who has been building a lot of Easter and Holiday themed creations. They are in the classic pink and yellow colors. With the black brick outline it really helps to give these definition. I wonder if you leave them in the car, if they too will melt into a weird mega Peep?

Check out allysongaillego and the Lego Peeps over here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2oQMdpZwc/

The Empire Has Occupied Jedha City – Lego Star Wars MOC

The Empire Over Jedha City - Lego Star Wars MOC

In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the Empire has occupied the holy city of Jedha. Sending a Star Destroyer and a whole legion of Stormtroopers and TIE Fighters. Things did not turn out very well for the city. This Lego MOC depicts just that moment. Titled “The Empire Over Jedha City” and built by onecase. The scene contains over over 5,000 Lego pieces. The land has been expertly built up with a huge stack of plates. The color variety and differing shapes is a great way way to recreate the mesa. The whole scene is topped off with a giant floating Lego Star Destroyer. A few well placed transparent bricks do their best at hiding the structure involved to achieve this effect.

The Empire Has Occupied Jedha City - Lego Star Wars MOC

Even though the finished build is massive, everything is set in a microscale. With most of the tiny building being done inside the city walls. Check out that skyline. It has mini TIE fighters flying around the jumble of rooftops. The tallest building is actually the Temple of the Kyber, which was one of the most important buildings for the Jedi order. Full of history and a major source of Kyber crystals. Jedha City is what really makes this Lego MOC work.

Jedha City - Lego Star Wars MOC

Check out “The Empire Over Jedha City” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138419110@N08/43347174625/

There are even instructions available for building your own version of this Lego Jedha City, you can find out how to obtain them over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138419110@N08/44703403274/

Looking For A Pocket With This Clueless Prospector

Looking For A Pocket With This Clueless Prospector, Lego MOC

The gold rush was a huge gamble for most people. Buy a claim of land, and hope that you can find some gold. Always looking for that fabled pocket of riches. This is the Clueless Prospector, a Lego MOC built by Brick and Mortay. It is a scene that is very familiar with tales from the gold rush. The Prospector and his best friend are having a good day gold mining. They just discovered some nuggets while panning for gold. Certainly a sign of more riches to come. This scene has some great details, the old Lego trees fit perfectly here, and the small stream looks great. The big detail here is the hidden cave of gold that is underground. A well done detail, especially having some gold hanging from the ceiling. Hopefully he can find his little pocket.

Looking For A Pocket With This Clueless Prospector, Panning For Gold Lego MOC

Check out this Lego MOC titled “The Clueless Prospector,” and many more creations over here: https://www.brickandmortay.com

Space Drag Racing With The Lego DR4G-5T3R

Space Drag Racing With The Lego DR4G-5T3R

Space Drag Racing is all the rage throughout the universe. An extremely competitive and dangerous sport for the drivers, and spectators. The Neo Classic Space inspired dragster, known as the DR4G-5T3R, is the work of Rubblemaker. The blue spaceman pilot is the only guy brave enough to drive the fastest land vehicle in Space Drag Racing. This Lego MOC features a two wheel design, with a gigantic engine, and more exhaust pipes than a fuel refinery. The dragster is based on swivel-ball tech, meaning super fast all terrain turns. This is achieved with the gigantic rear wheel, which is actually a Lego Death Star piece from the Lego Star Wars Planet Sets. A tough piece to work with, as it doesn’t have a lot of studs and connection points. The blue, grey, and yellow design is a perfect call back to classic space, which makes you go faster. But, is it enough to win the drag race?

Space Drag Racing With The Lego DR4G-5T3R Dragster
Space Drag Racing Lego Dragster

Check out this Lego dragster “DR4G-5T3R” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/164260086@N06/49748938591/

A Lego Walkman And An Awesome Mix

A Lego Walkman And An Awesome Mix, Sony TPS-L2

Grab your Awesome Mix cassette tape, a few batteries, and don’t forget your Walkman. It’s time to go on an adventure, and maybe save the galaxy. This is the Lego Walkman, specifically the Sony TPS-L2 Walkman, built by H.Y. Leung. The iconic blue, silver, and orange portable cassette player was first released in 1979. This Lego version has the clear window, all the various buttons and sliders, and even the duel headphone ports. The orange foam headphone covers stand out, a very hard shape to make with Lego. A smooth flatish oval with no studs showing. The only thing not Lego here is the headphone cord. The whole build even come with two different cassette tapes. Featuring the Awesome Mix Vol. 1 from Guardians fo the Galaxy, and a blank tape ready to record whatever. Both can be inserted and removed from the Lego Walkman.

A Lego Walkman And An Awesome Mix, Sony TPS-L2, Awesome Mix Tapes

You can find more of this Lego Sony TPS-L2 Walkman over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76190514@N06/48428650777/

Chapter 5: The Gunslinger, A Lego Mandalorian MOC

Chapter 5: The Gunslinger, A Lego Mandalorian MOC

“Chapter 5: The Gunslinger” is another entry in the Lego Mandalorian series created by ctr_bricks. This time around we are on the most famous of Star Wars planets, Tatooine. Which just happens to be one of ctr_bricks favorite locations. The desert sand of this Lego MOC is spilling over its display base. A great effect. This time around there are four Minifigures featured: the Mandalorian, Toro Calican, and two different Tusken. Toro Calican uses a rubber band to represent a bandana/mask. Toro is trying to trade with the Tuskens and their Bantha. The lumbering beast is actually brick built with a variety of odd pieces. Brown Lego vines, whips, and droid arms are all used to great effect. Even tan radar dishes are being used as giant lips.

Chapter 5: The Gunslinger, A Lego Mandalorian MOC Minifigures

Check out the Lego MOC “Chapter 5: The Gunslinger” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ctr69lego/49745248183/

You can also find other Mandalorian Lego stuff, including Baby Yoda over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/mandalorian/

A Giant Tiger Prawn Made Out Of Lego

A Giant Tiger Prawn Made Out Of Lego

Prawns are crustaceans that live in salt water, and fresh water. Although the Tiger Prawn prefers salt water. Often interchangeable with large shrimp. This is the “Giant Tiger Prawn” Lego MOC designed by midian454. The designer was inspired to build these prawns after thinking that the Lego Minifigure microphone piece looked like an eye. Which you can see being used as one here. Two versions were built, the brown and blue one is how the prawns look alive, while the orange and yellow version is how they look after being cooked. Too bad for the orange one. A display stand has been designed specifically so that when the prawn is displayed the tail is curled up underneath the model, the Lego prawn can be also be removed easily. That way, everything can be unfolded.

A Giant Tiger Prawn Made Out Of Lego Opened
A Prawn Made Out Of Lego

The Lego Tiger Prawn has been submitted to Lego Ideas, which you can find more info and such over here: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/c557d1cd-5b0e-4b15-987d-ac3be8b64eb2

Trucking With A Lego Peterbilt 379

Trucking With A Lego Peterbilt 379, Semi Truck

The Peterbilt 379 truck is one of the most popular trucks ever made. Manufactured between 1987 and 2007, this vehicle was one of the largest trucks ever sold. Besides rolling down highways, the Peterbilt has been starring in films and video games. Most notably appearing as Optimus Prime from the Transformers series. This Lego Peterbilt 379 truck is built by Vladimir Drozd. Like the real life version, this is a huge Lego MOC. The truck features 6 wheels, and a sleeper cab. The shape and details are all spot on. Especially the hood and grill. The various lights and antennae are also well built. The truck also comes with a long trailer. It looks like it is shipping various Lego pipes made out 1×1 round bricks. There is even a spare tire in the back. A lot of interesting features have been included in this semi truck. There is a technic undercarraige, giving the back tires a suspension system that can adjust about 1 brick in height. The hood also opens up to reveal a fully detailed engine. All the better to drive cross country.

Trucking With A Lego Peterbilt 379, Truck Trailer

Check out this Lego Peterbilt 379 truck over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/legov94/49746672486/

Trucking With A Lego Peterbilt 379 Truck Engine