In Star Wars Stormtroopers and the Galactic Empire have all the coolest toys. AT-ATs, AT-STs, Star Destroyers, a Death Star. Why not add a gigantic robot spider to their arsenal? This Lego Bio-Storm Mechanical Spider Stormtrooper is the creation of Yichen King. It is a giant over engineered mecha with a bunch of lasers. We all know how well trained Stormtroopers are with lasers. The whole robot features an open cockpit. Perfect for sight-lines, and fresh air. Maybe not so safe in battle. Well it should be okay, the pilot is wearing a helmet. As a Lego MOC there is a lot going on. The greebling is top-notch. The fuel canisters and engine in the back look great. And the spider robot even has its own face, with cute little black fangs.

Check out this Lego Bio-Storm Mechanical Spider Stormtrooper over here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158069963930912