LegoGenre | 304: “If My Calculations Are Correct…”

LegoGenre 00304 : “If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour…”

“If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour…”

Maybe You Shouldn’t Touch That

jjackowski's Maybe You Shouldn't Touch That

“Two explorers wearing special protective gear approach a glowing green object with some trepidation.”

Maybe You Shouldn’t Touch That, by jjackowski, is an example of what careful planning and heavily controlled lighting can achieve. Wow.

Check out Maybe You Shouldn’t Touch That over on Flickr:

Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020) Reviewed by Csacsa234 @ Eurobricks

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Review 01

The new Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020) has officially been released and is starting to show up at some retailers. This set comes with 4 minifigures (Slave Leia, Max Rebo, Weequay, and Ree-Yees), 1 bigfigure (Jabba the Hutt) and 1 droid (R2D2). It contains many hidden play features, and some nice details. Jabba’s Sail Barge comes in at 850 pieces and a $119.99 price tag. Which is a good deal cheaper then the previous Jabba’s Sail Barge (6210) on the secondary market.

Eurobricks user Csacsa234 has already posted a full photo review. Noting that there are hidden pirate cannons, flick firing missiles, undercarriage wheels, a removable deck/roof, and foldable sides/walls. This set is full of play features.

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Review 02

Inside Jabba’s Sail Barge is a kitchen, jail, throne room, and a music stage. Max Rebo and his futuristic piano (or is it an organ?) steal the show from Jabba in this set. He just happens to be a perfect Lego minifigure, oozing cuteness and a hot blue color scheme. Interestingly, Lego has provided film (thin plastic) sails for the Sail Barge which will hopefully last a long time. There are also 26 stickers, which luckily are not required. Jabba’s Sail Barge looks great with and without stickers.

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Review 03

The Lego minifigures are extremely detailed. With a newish version of R2D2 (grey top, and better printing), Slave Leia, Jabba the Hutt, Ree-Yees, Weequay, and Max Rebo. While the Jabba the Hutt and his goons look great the real star is Max Rebo (sorry Leia). Just look at that little blue dude.

Csacsa234's Lego Star Wars Jabba's Sail Barge 75020 Minifigures

Go check out the full review of the Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020) with more photos and details over at Eurobricks:

Jabba’s Sail Barge is usually on sale for a few dollars off over at Amazon, check it out: Lego Star Wars: Jabba’s Sail Barge (75020)

LegoGenre | 00302: “Wait a minute, Doc.”

LegoGenre: Wait a minute, Doc. Ah… Are you telling me that you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?

“Wait a minute, Doc. Ah… Are you telling me that you built a time machine… out of a DeLorean?”

Lego Minifigures Online, An MMO for 2014

Funcom's Lego Minifigures Online MMO video game

It looks like another Lego video game is on its way. This time it is an MMO style game where you are collecting the various minifigure characters and their powers. It looks like an interesting way to combine the collectable minifigures into their own video game. Lets hope that Funcom and Lego can keep this one online longer then the short lived Lego Universe.

“Get ready! The minifigures are coming! Get ready to collect your favorite minifigures, master their unique abilities and bring them out on grand adventures through themed LEGO worlds together with thousands of other players! LEGO® Minifigures Online is launching on PC, iOS and Android platforms during the second half of 2014. 

For more information visit or”

Check out the first Lego Minifigures Online trailer here:

A Lego Cabin Cuckoo Clock, with Video

Mark of Falworth's  Lego Cabin Cuckoo Clock

Cuckoo Clocks are fun. Lego is fun. What could go wrong. Nothing. Not only is this Lego Cabin Cuckoo Clock a great clock, but it is a strong tudor style home MOC. The clock is almost a bonus. Some of the detailing is notable, like the chimney, the roofing details, and the propeller thingy. While this Lego Cuckoo Clock doesn’t keep time, it does have some automated features. A little bird flies in and out of the homes attic, while the clock spins out of control. Check out the video here:

Check out this Lego Cuckoo Clock in full detail over on Flickr:

This Lego Gingerbread Man is Half Robot, Half Biscuit, Still Delicious

Astralstate's Half Robot Half Biscuit (Lego Gingerbread Man Robot)

Get ready for X-Mas, because this season is going to be deliciously deadly.

Lego minifigures are completely modular. You can change and swap their heads, torsos and legs. To go a little bit further, with a little force you can even swap their arms, individual legs, and hands. Meaning that with just a few minifigures you can combine all the various pieces into many different characters. The only limitation is your imagination.

The gingerbread man is part of the recently released Minifigures Series 11:

Check out Astralstate’s “Half Man, Half Biscuit” over on Flickr: