Captain Cook’s Galleon

PippoZane's Lego Captain Cooks Galleon

Pirate ships are one of those classic Lego themes. Lego has had a tough time creating a good mini Pirate ship (3 hull pieces or less). It is a tough scale to work in and usually the proportions end up weird. Here Pippo Zane has succeeded in creating Captain Cook’s Galleon. Using a brown, gold, and red color scheme works well. With careful attention to detail with the main Cabin, Poop deck, and Forecastle. The red carpet and curtains into the main Cabin are an especially nice touch.

PippoZane's Lego Captain Cooks Galleon Detail

Check out Captain Cook’s Galleon over on Flickr:

A Lego Cabin Cuckoo Clock, with Video

Mark of Falworth's  Lego Cabin Cuckoo Clock

Cuckoo Clocks are fun. Lego is fun. What could go wrong. Nothing. Not only is this Lego Cabin Cuckoo Clock a great clock, but it is a strong tudor style home MOC. The clock is almost a bonus. Some of the detailing is notable, like the chimney, the roofing details, and the propeller thingy. While this Lego Cuckoo Clock doesn’t keep time, it does have some automated features. A little bird flies in and out of the homes attic, while the clock spins out of control. Check out the video here:

Check out this Lego Cuckoo Clock in full detail over on Flickr:

Look At These Tiny Lego Robots!

FLAVIO'S Tiny Lego Robots, WIFFY: Rotary Saw

Look at these tiny Lego robots. They look so cute, you almost want to give them a hug (watch out for the chainsaw arms!). These WIFFY robots are the creation of Flickr user F L A V I O. They look like they belong in a Mega Man video game. And, could fit in with the Tachikoma walker/robots from the Ghost in the Shell universe. In which case lets hope they never learn to revolt and overthrow their human masters. Their cuteness could kill us all.

FLAVIO'S Tiny Lego Robots, WIFFY: Explorer

Check out these WIFFY robots over on Flickr:

This Lego Gingerbread Man is Half Robot, Half Biscuit, Still Delicious

Astralstate's Half Robot Half Biscuit (Lego Gingerbread Man Robot)

Get ready for X-Mas, because this season is going to be deliciously deadly.

Lego minifigures are completely modular. You can change and swap their heads, torsos and legs. To go a little bit further, with a little force you can even swap their arms, individual legs, and hands. Meaning that with just a few minifigures you can combine all the various pieces into many different characters. The only limitation is your imagination.

The gingerbread man is part of the recently released Minifigures Series 11:

Check out Astralstate’s “Half Man, Half Biscuit” over on Flickr:


New Prime Minister of England Lady Margo Hatchet: The Iron Lady

HammersteinNWC's The Iron Lady

“The Year is 1872 – England is a battlefield.

From within the smoking hulk of Parliament a woman has (literally) fought her way to the top.

As the New Prime Minister of England Lady Margo Hatchet seeks to quell the rebellious Unions of the North.

The Proletariat are revolting (at least that is what she says), and the “Iron Lady” is intent on once more making Britain ‘Great’ but this time with herself as Commander in Chief and a puppet Monarch to do her rubber stamp her authority. Privilege and Wealth must be restored at all costs.” — Hammerstein NWC

The Iron Lady is the creation of Hammerstein NWC. This lady happens to be loosely based on the real life Margaret Thatcher. This delightfully creative Lego duo is made even better by a fun backstory. After reading the few paragraphs, a whole story and world is imagined where The Iron Lady can make sense. A few of the details here really add to the whole story too. The gigantic fists, chromed swords, power armor all come together perfectly. Margo Hatchet’s robot companion, Goliath, is also ready to stomp out evil. Just don’t tell it that it has been made out of genie lamps, waiting trays, clockwork, and other random Lego parts.

“Lady Margo is armed with twin powerfists, knuckle duster, The holy sword of Westminister and a Titanium Cricket Bat gifted to her by W. G. Grace himself from the Long Room Armory at Lords”

Check out The Iron Lady on Flickr:

Lego Valor Hover Bike Inspired by Radio Kootwijk

Silvain's Lego Valor Hover Bike Inspired By Radio Kootwijk

Silvain, from Flickr, has created this futuristic hover bike out of Lego. There is a whole lot of detail and Lego pieces crammed into this little bike. The hover bike has been biult around an unofficial Lego piece, the BrickForge Tan Scooter. The Scooter does an admiral job blending in and looking like the official Lego pieces. There are also a few modified Lego pieces to assist with connections. And, a rare Lego Motorcycle Windshield from the 1980’s. This hover bike is fantastic.

Just remember to wear your helmets while flying the skies of New New York.

Check out the Valor Hoverbike over on Flickr:

Bobsuit: A Tiny Lego Mech Suit

Bowbrick's Bobsuit, A Tiny Lego Mech Suit

Just look at this guy (Bob?). Look how happy he is. He should be too. With that super expensive mech suit he has on. The Bobsuit is a perfect example of a tiny mech suit in the minifigure scale. All the Lego clips, bricks, and bits come together in a very detailed suit. Working at this scale is not easy, and some of the connections on this Bobsuit look extremely delicate. Still, Bob looks happy and that is what matters.

The Bobsuit was created by Bowbrick, and can be found on Flickr:

This Ogre is the Cutest and Greenest General in Existence

Max Pointner's Lego Ogre The General

Combining and assembling Lego minifigures can result in some great figures. Here is Max Pointner’s The General. The cutest and greenest general in existence. The series 9 minifigure, the Ogre, has ended up being one of the most versatile minifig heads out there. Lets hope that Lego will make a full Ogre theme in the future. It would be awesome.

Check out Max Pointner’s The General on Flickr:

Lego Mars Attacks! — Ack! Ack! Ack!

Baronsat's Lego Mars Attacks Ack Ack Ack

Mars Attacks! is having a bit of a resurgence this year with the release of the original trading cards, comic books, collectors book, and an upcoming all new set of trading cards. BaronSat is the one responsible for this creation. A great Lego Mars Attacks Alien trooper. The ray gun looks great, and the back pack is spot on. Even the weird dangly brain pieces near the mouth are there. Just imagine those dangly things shaking while it is talking. “Ack! Ack! Ack!” indeed. Will Mars win this war?

There is also, this great Lego Mars Attacks! Alien Ambassador:

Check out this Lego Mars Attacks Alien over on Flickr:
and on BaronSat’s website:

Lego Mars Attacks! Alien Ambassador.

Lino M's Lego Mars Attacks Alien Ambassador

Mars Attacks! is an interesting sci-fi universe. First appearing in 1962 with a surprisingly successful set of trading cards. Since then Mars Attacks has stayed in the collective subconscious with a sporadic series of releases. With a series of comic books and reprinted trading cards through the 1980’s. It ultimately lead to science-fiction-comedy film directed by Tim Burton in 1996, titled Mars Attacks!. Recently a re-release of the original trading cards, a collectors book, and comics have lead to an all new trading card set, to be released in the near future.

Lino M, over on Flickr, created a great Lego Alien Ambassador from Mars Attacks. Featuring the iconic brain, spindly body, and a cosmic ray gun. Also, check out that throne. Super alien looking, with a minimal use of Lego parts.

Check out this Lego Mars Attacks! Alien Ambassador, by Lino M, over on Flickr: