Get Ready To Blast Off With This Lego Tensegrity Sculpture

Get Ready To Blast Off With This Lego Tensegrity Sculpture

This Lego space fighter is landing, or maybe taking off in this Tensegrity Sculpture built by Lego Mfr. The optical illusion is a popular new trend in Lego MOCs, and there are some surprising creations. Some of the best are the ones that emphasize the space between the two parts. In this build, that would be the rocky outcropping and the hovering space fighter. Lego ropes and chains have been the favorite pieces to use for the key tension based structure. The ropes blend into the scenery better, while the chains work best when they are supposed to be seen. This build is one of the taller tensegrity creations out there. It uses a lot of SNOT techniques, and the end result would look great on its own. A quick question though, did the space ships engines start a fire, or is the ship hovering over an open lava pit?

You can find more information about this “Space Tensegrity” creation over here:

And, if you are looking for other creative Lego tensegrity sculptures you can find some on EveryDayBricks over here:

Biker Advanced Recon Commando On Patrol

Biker Advanced Recon Commando On Patrol, Lego Star Wars

This is the “Clone Patrol” Lego vignette built by Josh. It depicts the busy streets of Coruscant from Star Wars, and one of the Biker Advanced Recon Commando’s (BARC) on patrol. The trooper is riding on one of the cutest and smallest speeders around. This build uses a lot of newer pieces. You can find transparent Nexo Knights shields being used for architectural details, and the new 1×1 flat triangle plates for the flooring. The transparent blue windows look like they are upside down Lego Dimensions function circles. Details like these are a great way to lend a science fiction look to the scene. These type of small vignettes are a great way to display your Star Wars Minifigures.

You can find more details about “Cone Patrol” over here:

Ambush At The Sith Temple – The Old Republic Lego

Ambush At The Sith Temple - The Old Republic Lego

The Old Republic is a part of Star Wars that is often overlooked. This time period is currently being explored in the MMO video game. The setting of which takes place thousands of years before the Star Wars films. BobDeQuatre has created a Lego MOC based on the Old Republic called “Ambush at the old Sith temple on Takodana.” The planet Takodana has recently been seen in the Force Awakens. In this scene the forest type planet is the location of a hidden Sith temple. A neat detail with this build is the lighting built into the Lightsabers. Specifically they are the Lightailing brand LED lightsabers, which look great. Featuring Minifigures of Nidara Ludimi, Darth Severus, Nell Catagaan, and Grayman. There is a whole backstory for these characters that BobDeQuatre has posted with these photos. Who will win, probably the good guys!

Ambush At The Sith Temple - The Old Republic Lego Details

You can find more details and story about this Lego MOC set in the Old Republic over here:

It’s Time To Wake Up With A Lego Alarm Clock

It's Time To Wake Up With A Lego Alarm Clock

“Hey! It’s time to wake up! Don’t make me get loud.” — That is probably what this Lego Alarm Clock is yelling out every morning. This MOC is created by Vincent’s LEGO Creation. This cartoony timepiece features a mix of clock parts. It has digital LCD parts for the eyes / goggles. The round body of a traditional clock. The huge brass bells of an old fashioned alarm. Plus the clock has a mouth, arms, and hands (and large hammers in those hands). All of which are needed for it to perform its job to the highest standards. The shapes here are all well done. The feet have a great design, and the roundness of the clock is great too. It is not a perfect round Lego circle, as a few parts needed to be fastened onto it. I’m afraid what will happen if someone pushes the snooze button!

You can check out more info about this Lego Alarm Clock over here:

A Circular Rainbow Lego Creation

A Circular Rainbow Lego Creation

This is the Circular Rainbow, also known as Halo, created by Azurekingfisher. The Lego MOC is exclusively made up of Lego tree leaves. In the recent past, these elements have been released in an increasing number of neat colors. Some of these colors are really hard to find. This mobile style creation is balanced and held up with only the thinnest string. The inner core is a clever sphere made out out leaves. The outer Halo is uses an incredible amount of pieces, and are all held together with with their own stud connections. A very tricky build, as the plastic these pieces are made with do not have the strongest grip. It looks like the slightest bump can cause the whole build to self destruct in a glorious and colorful explosion. The end result, which looks like a planet, is actually better for our environment than most Lego creations. As most of these pieces are now made out of biodegradable plastics.

A Circular Rainbow Lego MOC

You can see more photos of the “Halo (Circular Rainbow)” Lego creation over here:

Shark vs. Penguin vs. Human At The Swim Meet

Shark vs. Penguin vs. Human At The Swim Meet, Lego MOC

This Lego MOC is called “Who is better at swimming?” and is created by brickmodified. This build has a really interesting way of creating water. Something that can show how people can get creative. Here a bunch of 1×1 round cylinders have been turned on horizontally and laid out to represent water. Every four studs they are separated by blue and red worm screw pieces. From the platform three competitors are getting ready to battle it out in the water. The human will probably win easily, and the shark-suit person, and penguin-suit person will probably need to be saved. Those wet suits will probably be a bit heavy. This 16×16 stud scene is a perfect example of the humor in Lego. A neat thing is that this Lego swim meet has been displayed at Lego House in Denmark.

You can find “Who is better at swimming?” over here:

Grab A Soda At The General Store, A Lego MOC

Grab A Soda At The General Store, Lego MOC

The General Store can be the last bastion of civilization before heading out into the wilderness. The calm before getting mixed up in a dark forest, or getting lost in the desert. A scene that has played out hundreds of times on film and television. This Lego General Store is created by Norton74. Inspired by these classic small town and rural American locations. A place where you can find a little bit of everything. You can fill up gas, buy some tools, pick up a soda, and make a phone call all in one place. This Lego diorama has a bunch of fun features. A really creative flag built with Lego 1×1 clips, the old time gas pump with a sea shell on top (shell gas), and the slightly uneven yellow siding on the main building. With a nice old man watching over everything. There is also a collection of Lego animals helping to fill out the scene, you can spy a pig, a cat, two dogs, a bird, a few chickens, and a skunk. This is a very busy store.

Check out this General Store Lego MOC over here:

Stay Underground In This Lego Star Wars Rebel Base

Stay Underground In This Lego Star Wars Rebel Base

In Star Wars, the Rebels always seem to build their bases underground. The nature of having to hide from the Empire / First Order. They have all sorts of neat underground hideouts, from icy caves to salty caves. This underground Rebel Base Lego MOC is created by Graham Gidman and Gareth Gidman. It features a desert / beech cave landscape with two main doors leading inside. There are a variety of speeder bikes outside, and even a lookout post. As with most Star Wars locations there are a large amount of giant laser cannons. Inside there are three rooms built. A logistics / cargo bay / meeting room, a short hallway, and the command center. This Lego build is a great example of building landscape. A variety of stacked plates, slopes, and small bricks create a great terrain. The rocks change the building direction, usually a technique used for SNOT style builds, but here the studs are showing off. They give a great impression of rough dirt.

Stay Underground In This Lego Star Wars Rebel Base Inside

Go check a lot more photos and details about this Lego Star Wars Rebel Base over here:

Stay Underground In This Lego Star Wars Rebel Base Details

Filming King Kong vs. Godzilla

Filming King Kong vs. Godzilla, Lego MOC

King Kong vs. Godzilla is one of those classic film match ups. Everyone imagines how they think the fight would go down. In the film King Kong vs. Godzilla, from 1962 the two monsters fight it out on top of Mount Fuji, with Kong eventually emerging as the winner. An interesting story, but a lot of fans wanted to see them fight in a big city. This Lego MOC called “Filming a Giant Monster Movie” is created by Luis Peña. He imagines a big city battle between the giants in a film studio. The lighting trusses are a great use of the large Lego pieces. The black boxes work well as a frame, giving the scene the appearance of a set without adding too much detailing. The Lego architecture style buildings are a perfect use here, but the best detail might be all of the mini cars and vehicles. There is even a tiny fire engine doing its best at damage control. Maybe this time Kong will let Godzilla win?

Check out the “Filming a Giant Monster Movie” Lego creation over here:

A Deadly Lego Chainsaw Build

A Deadly Lego Chainsaw Build

This Lego Chainsaw, called the “Cutting Edge” is created by Bryce Dempsey. This is a great tool for cutting down Lego Trees, and even the Lego Undead. Built as an entry into an Iron Builder challenge. The specific challenge involved using the Minifigure stud shooter in unique ways. You can find a whole lot of them here being used as the chainsaw chain, in the handle, and as the grip on the starter rope / cord. Another really interesting part usage in this Lego Chainsaw is in the orange body. There is a 6×6 orange cockpit in there. So make sure to grab a pair of safety glasses, some ear protection, and gloves. It is time to get to work.

You can check out the “Cutting Edge” Lego MOC over here: