A Deadly Lego Chainsaw Build

A Deadly Lego Chainsaw Build

This Lego Chainsaw, called the “Cutting Edge” is created by Bryce Dempsey. This is a great tool for cutting down Lego Trees, and even the Lego Undead. Built as an entry into an Iron Builder challenge. The specific challenge involved using the Minifigure stud shooter in unique ways. You can find a whole lot of them here being used as the chainsaw chain, in the handle, and as the grip on the starter rope / cord. Another really interesting part usage in this Lego Chainsaw is in the orange body. There is a 6×6 orange cockpit in there. So make sure to grab a pair of safety glasses, some ear protection, and gloves. It is time to get to work.

You can check out the “Cutting Edge” Lego MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickbuiltreplicas/49887996941/

Lego Perk-a-Cola Machines From Call Of Duty

Lego Perk-a-Cola Machines From Call of Duty

The Zombies mode in the Call of Duty video game series features a bunch of super colorful “Perk-a-Cola” vending machines. There are a bunch of different types and/or flavors available. In the game theses drinks offer little bonus, such as extra life, better accuracy, and more stamina. These Lego “Perk-a-Cola” machines are built by infamousKONVICT. The machines include Quick Revive, Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Stamin-Up, Deadshot Daiquiri, PhD Flopper, Electric Cherry, and Mule Kick. Each machine is very unique, with some of the stand out designs being Juggernog, PhD Flopper, and Electric Cherry. They go from very classic vending machine designs, to more slot machine looking designs. If you look carefully you can even see some of the new transparent Minifigure posing pieces.

You can find out some more details about these Call of Duty themed “Perk-a-Cola” machines over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/fxbfjj/lego_perkaholic/

The Vaults were never meant to save anyone. – A Lego Fallout Vault

Matt De Lanoy's Lego Fallout Vault
I’ve been playing a lot of the Fallout Shelter video game, or I should say struggling to survive the post-apocalyptic future. With news of the Fallout 4 coming soon there is a surge of interest in related stuff. Even Lego MOCs are being revealed everyday. Matt De Lanoy has created his own scene, titled “The Vaults were never meant to save anyone.” This MOC is part of the Iron Builder challenge, this time it was Metallic Silver Barbell. Can you find them?

Matt De Lanoy's Lego Vault Lighting

Check out this Lego Fallout Vault, built by Matt De Lanoy, over on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pepa_quin/20767875061/