Prologue: Concerning Hobbits, A Lego LOTR Series

Prologue: Concerning Hobbits, A Lego LOTR Series

The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien opens up with a prologue titled “Concerning Hobbits.” A humorous chapter about what a Hobbit is, their history, and their love of smoking pipe-weed. Micah Schmidt has started an ambitious Lego project of recreating scenes from each chapter from the trilogy. No better place to start than the beginning. This build features Bilbo writing in the Red Book of Westmarch the prologue from The Lord of the Rings. The Lego hobbit hole looks fantastic. The walls are gently curved, a cozy round window, and half of a wooden archway set the scene. The Lego furnishing are great; the messiness and general disarray works well. Check out the sideways built flooring with the square mosaic cutout in the center. A great way to create a detailed rug without adding extra depth. Now if only Bilbo can only find some time to finish planning his birthday party.

Check out “Concerning Hobbits” by Micah Schmidt over here:

You Can Rock And Roll After Homework

You Can Rock And Roll After Homework, Lego MOC

Studying for school, doing homework, these things go by a lot quicker with some good music. “The Rock & Roll Dream” is a Lego MOC created by DOGOD Brick Design. Inspired by their own experience of finishing their studies before rocking out. This build has a few really nice details. The lion figure is a great design. The bushy beard works well with the different browns. The hands are especially well done. It is hard to fit all five fingers on a hand when building with Lego, but here just one or two fingers are represented per hand, giving the impression of more. The desk is well made, the bars and small joints combine well to give the impression of metal legs. On top of the desk an old CD player is hooked up to a pair of headphones. The headphones are perfect. The Lego tires for ear cups, and the droid arms combine well. The huge guitar in the background features strings made out of Lego grates, and good flowing curves. When the studies have been completed the reward of rock and roll will be all the sweeter.

Rock And Roll Homework, Desk Details, Lego MOC

Check out the “The Rock & Roll Dream” by DOGOD Brick Design over here:

Advanced Suit Spider-Man, A Lego Mosaic

Advanced Suit Spider-Man, A Lego Mosaic

The Playstation 4 Spider-Man video game is one of the best open world video games. The game chose to feature a Spider-Man that is unique to it, by mixing a bunch of previous versions into theirs. As he swings around Manhattan, Peter Parker eventually creates a new Advanced Suit. Which is the version that Ethen T used for his giant Lego mosaic. The whole build is 128×192 studs, which is a lot of space to work with. In another dimension, it is over 5 feet tall. This mosaic uses a few techniques besides the normal mosaic style, the blue and black areas are multi-level greebled patterns. The white logo is made out a bunch of 1×2 grate pieces. Altogether over 17,000 pieces (which is like 6 1/2 modular buildings worth of Lego). Because of the variety of pieces and techniques, this mosaic look different in various lighting situations. Check out a more more dynamic low light version below. Peter Parker would certainly be impressed with this Lego portrait.

Swing on over, and check out this Advanced Suit Spider-Man Lego mosaic over here:

Advanced Suit Spider-Man, A Lego Mosaic, Dark Version

Slaughter Is The Best Medicine – Joker’s Truck

Slaughter Is The Best Medicine - Joker's Truck

Slaughter is the best medicine. A perfect pun seen on the semi truck that Joker has stolen from Hyams Amusement Parks. This “The Dark Knight Joker Truck” is the creation of The Eleventh Bricks. The build has a huge custom sticker on the trailer for Hyams. Huge stickers are not always popular but in this case everything is accurate to the film, and the branding fits in perfectly with this Lego MOC. The semi truck has some nice features too. The off center license plate, and the side mirrors are well built. The sunlight screen/bug protector is another great detail that looks great in Lego. The truck has been built to scale to fit in with the recent Lego Speed Champions theme. Which means that two Minifigs can fit in the cab, side by side. Joker will flip out when he sees Lego MOC.

Slaughter Is The Best Medicine - Hyams Truck

Check out a lot more photos of this “The Dark Knight Joker Truck” over here:

And, if you are looking for more Lego trucks there are some over here:

Terminator 2 Motorcycle Escape Lego Version

Terminator 2 Motorcycle Escape Lego Version

One of the most memorable moments from the Terminator films is the motorcycle escape through Bull Creek. The concrete flood and drainage design of the creek is a perfect location for a truck and motorcycle chase. This Lego version called “Pieces of Cinema 23: Terminator 2: Judgement Day” is built by totallyawesome_me. Who has been building and recreating famous film scenes in Lego. For this vignette they chose to have a brick built motorcycle, instead of the official Lego one. The Harley Davidson has some great details in the handlebars (claws holding pistols) and in the exhaust system. The characters are all recognizable, especially the Terminator and the T-1000. The shotgun is a really interesting build. A pirate style pistol with two Lego bars rubber banded together. The brown plant base as gun fire is great. Altogether it works really well. Can John Connor make it out alive?

Check out more details of this Lego motorcycle escape, called “Pieces of Cinema 23: Terminator 2: Judgement Day,” over here:

It’s Robby The Robot – A Lego MOC

It's Robby The Robot - A Lego MOC

Forbidden Planet is a classic science fiction film from 1956. The film had a character that for its time, was one of the most unique robots. This Lego “Robby The Robot” is based on that character, and is built by j-p-30. This robot is completely built out of official Lego pieces. Lots of hoses and tires went into this build. The technique of folding a tire inside-out is used here for the lower torso area. The smoothness breaks up the tire tread texture from the legs. Giving the robot more contrast between its parts. The glass dome is a Lego cockpit filled with all sorts of tiny pieces to recreate the mechanical face and brain. A few custom stickers helps to lend detail to the control panels. These retro robots would prove popular in all sort of movies, tv, and toys.

It's Robby The Robot - A Lego MOC from Forbidden Planet

Check out this Lego Robby the Robot, including more photos over here:

If you are looking for a lot more different robots you can find them over here:

Thomas The Tank Engine Is Haunting My Nightmares

Thomas The Train Is Haunting Your Nightmares - Lego MOC

“Thomas was never the same…” is a Lego MOC built by Leonid An. It is a horrific combination of Thomas the Tank Engine and a spider. A serene smile and eight legs ending in pointy red claws. This type of build is really interesting, as it is combining Duplo, Lego System, and Technic pieces. Most of the connections are made in the middle part of the train/thorax. A complicated setup of legs all meet up in this spot to support Thomas the Train. The two black printed circles on the cab of the train almost look like false eyes. A great detail. Something that may be haunting my nightmares.

Check out this “Thomas was never the same…” creation over here:

The Lego Terminator Will Be Back

The Lego Terminator T-800 Will Be Back

There are so many different types of Terminator robots. You have the tank version, a bunch of different android versions, some are made out of liquid metal or nanomachines, and some are a mix of all the different versions. Now we have a Lego Terminator. This deadly T-800 Terminator was built by Aaron. The finished model is over 500 pieces. Which is enough to give it an amazing range of movement. The articulation in the arms and legs (neck and hands too) gives it a lot of different ways to pose for display. The Lego MOC robot has some fun details. The piston/shocks in the chest area, all the tubes and hoses look great, the red center of each eye, and the pipe based chrome dome looks good. Another great detail is the light tan 1×1 round plate, and the 1×1 round plate with no stud, the two combined create rather believable teeth. I wonder if this Lego Terminator takes a shotgun blast to the chest, if it could rebuild itself? One brick at a time.

The Lego Terminator Will Be Back, Full T-800 Robot

This Lego Terminator has a set of instructions you can purchase. A great way to build your own. You can find those and more photos of this T-800 Terminator over here:

Accidents Happen With Lego Calligraphy

Accidents Happen With Lego Calligraphy, Ink Blot

A blank page. It could be the beginning of a novel, a new journal, a secret diary, a life study, even a comic page, or it could be a giant ink blot. An all too common problem, even for Lego calligraphy. This Lego MOC is called “Blot” and is the work of Milk Mocer. It features a writting desk, a blank book, pen and ink, a pencil, and an eraser. All the tools need to start your next project. Now is a perfect time to practice your Lego calligraphy. The pen is made up of a bunch of the clicky hinge pieces for the handle, and claws for the pen nib. The book has a great shape made with slopes. Everything here is built using SNOT techniques. For some reason the pink 1×1 round really stand out as the pencil eraser, simple and perfect.

Check out this Lego MOC called “Blot” over here:

Painting A Rainbow With Lego

Painting A Rainbow With Lego

“Rainbow for Children” is a Lego creation by 0937 Superfan. The rainbow painting is a great Lego MOC. Especially the effect used for creating a wrinkled piece of paper. The white plates broken up and angled at various spots works well. The paper looks like it is mostly two layers of Lego, with maybe a few sections of only one layer. This allows the rainbow painting to be on the same level as the paper. The paint brushes and pencil are also Lego creations. The brush tips are all different. The yellow is using a banana piece, blue is a Minifigure helmet feather piece, and the red is a snake. The tops of the paint brushes use soda can 1×1 prints, and a padlock 1×1 print. This rainbow is part of the Lego challenge, #LetsBuildTogether, in which the goal is to create and share rainbows. For this challenge, Lego will donate 500,000 sets to children in need.

Check out the “Rainbow for Children” Lego MOC over here:

There is also a lot more information about the #LetsBuildTogether challenge over here: