EveryDayBricks | 00427: Spider-Girl

“Thomas was never the same…” is a Lego MOC built by Leonid An. It is a horrific combination of Thomas the Tank Engine and a spider. A serene smile and eight legs ending in pointy red claws. This type of build is really interesting, as it is combining Duplo, Lego System, and Technic pieces. Most of the connections are made in the middle part of the train/thorax. A complicated setup of legs all meet up in this spot to support Thomas the Train. The two black printed circles on the cab of the train almost look like false eyes. A great detail. Something that may be haunting my nightmares.
Check out this “Thomas was never the same…” creation over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/th3ch0s3n0n3/49762751607/
In Star Wars Stormtroopers and the Galactic Empire have all the coolest toys. AT-ATs, AT-STs, Star Destroyers, a Death Star. Why not add a gigantic robot spider to their arsenal? This Lego Bio-Storm Mechanical Spider Stormtrooper is the creation of Yichen King. It is a giant over engineered mecha with a bunch of lasers. We all know how well trained Stormtroopers are with lasers. The whole robot features an open cockpit. Perfect for sight-lines, and fresh air. Maybe not so safe in battle. Well it should be okay, the pilot is wearing a helmet. As a Lego MOC there is a lot going on. The greebling is top-notch. The fuel canisters and engine in the back look great. And the spider robot even has its own face, with cute little black fangs.
Check out this Lego Bio-Storm Mechanical Spider Stormtrooper over here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158069963930912
Trying to find a free Wifi signal can take you to some weird places. Even willingly sitting for hours in a small bathroom. This little Lego MOC is based on the recent film titled Parasite, and is the creation of dewback1. The weird split-level tiled bathroom is one of the films memorable locations. The lego 1×1 flat plates are perfectly misaligned. It is quickly recognizable as a basement. Thanks to the small narrow window, and the spider infestation. One of the best details though, is the sock on the ground. A great use of a Harry Potter piece!
Check out this Parasite Lego vignette over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/fdccus/i_made_a_scene_from_parasite/
A Lego Alarm Clock. — AuntiePesto
Bricklies is a monthly lego webcomic created by AuntiePesto and hosted by LegoGenre. Updates on Friday.
The Lego Spider — AuntiePesto
Bricklies is a weekly lego webcomic created by AuntiePesto and hosted by LegoGenre. Updates every Friday.
The Lego Minecraft theme has been one of the most successful lines. The first few Micro World sets capture the spirit and look of the super popular video game, but the tiny Lego pieces and small size were deterrents to the smallest Lego Minecraft fans (and people with large fingers). The good news is the there is a whole new theme for Lego Minecraft coming in 2015. There will be 6 sets in this release, including a super interesting Crafting Box. This new style of playset reminds me of the more imagination friendly Brick Boxes. This is a really interesting direction to explore, and it will more then likely prove to be very popular.
Official set descriptions for two of these new Lego Minecraft sets have been found:
The Cave (21113)
Venture into The Cave on a dangerous quest for vital resources! Wield the iron pickaxe to dig and battle against hostile zombie and spider mobs. Blast out valuable ores and minerals with the TNT and combine the flowing water and lava to create precious obsidian! When you’re done battling and mining, restore your energy levels with the chest of bread. Proceed with caution! Rebuild the set for more LEGO Minecraft creations! Includes 2 minifigures with assorted accessories: Steve and a zombie, plus a spider
The Farm (21114)
Yield renewable resources with The Farm! You’ll need food to survive, so fence in the livestock and channel the flowing water to nurture the crops. Harvest pumpkins, wheat, sugar cane and carrots. Use the crafting table to create a pumpkin helmet or jack-o-lantern. But watch out for the skeleton with his bow and arrow after nightfall! Rebuild the set for more LEGO Minecraft creations or combine with 21115 The First Night and other sets in the series for an even bigger Minecraft adventure! Includes a Steve minifigure with an accessory, plus a skeleton, cow and a sheep.
Thanks to The Brick Fan for rounding up some of this information: http://www.thebrickfan.com/lego-minecraft-minifigure-scale-sets-official-box-images/
Check out more Lego Minecraft stuff here: http://everydaybricks.com/?s=minecraft&submit=Search