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Tag: minifigure
LegoGenre | 00282
LegoGenre | 00281
The Lego Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon’s Chopper by Project Azazel
The Lego Walking Dead is probably the last theme Lego would ever license. Easily one of the most emotionally devastating comic/television
/video game
series out there. The creator and author of the Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, made a wise decision to focus on the living characters instead of the zombies. The scariest moments are always what the humans are doing to themselves. With truly horrific characters, such as the Governor, Negan, and Merle Dixon. But for every memorable villain there are many more memorable “heroes,” and everyone has a favorite. (Lee Everett!)
Here, Flickr user, Project Azazel has created a Lego vignette titled “The Walking Dead ‘DD’ Chopper.” Showing off a Lego Daryl Dixon and his motorcycle. A perfectly assembled scene, completely capturing the character of Daryl. Everyones favorite good guy with a bad guy reputation. He is easily underestimated, even though he may be one of the strongest in the surviving group. Nobody is going to mistake this as anything other then the Walking Dead. The Lego motorcycle may be the star here, it is a great example of how to assemble seemingly useless pieces into something greater.
Check out more Lego Walking Dead over at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/project_azazel/9218969092/
LegoGenre | 00280
Lego Minifigures by 713 Avenue
The Lego Minifigures have sure made an impression. There are well over 150 minifigures spread across 10 releases (and 1 special Olympics release). From several Roman soldiers, to futuristic spacemen and robots, these collectable (or is it collectible?) minifigs have covered almost every topic and theme imaginable. It is hard to imagine just how many of these blind packages figures have been created. There are just so many…
Flickr user 713 Avenue has created many group photos showing off the amazing variety of these collectable minifigures. These would make for some great backgrounds if high resolution photos are ever released. For now 1024 pixels wide versions on Flickr will have to do.
Lego Minifigures on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seven13avenue/9246224307/
LegoGenre | 00279
LegoGenre | 00278
Lego Castle: King’s Castle (70404) Reviewed @ Eurobricks!
Lego has recently restarted its Castle theme. This may be the first time that two fantasy based Lego themes have overlapped. Lego Castle and Lego the Lord of the Rings / the Hobbit are both themes that share common designs. It has never been a better time for fantasy Lego fans. The new Lego Castle theme is actually very similar to the previous Kingdoms theme. Almost matching up set for set, with very few new ideas. For collectors of Lego Castle the minifigures are going to be the main draw here.
oo7 has recently posted up a full pictorial review over at Eurobricks of the new Lego Castle: King’s Castle (70404). This is the big flagship set for the theme and seems to have hit all the checkboxes for a Lego Castle. The standard Gatehouse, Kings keep, curtain wall, and two towers all combine to create a great modular castle. Perfect as the Crownies seem to be defending against the included siege engine and Red Dragon minifigs.
This castle comes with the Lego King, Knight, and two Archers. While on the “bad guy” side you will get a Red Dragon Knight and two Raiders. The Lego King usually comes with a chromed sword, but here comes with a pearlized sword. It comes off looking not as regal, but is also not that much of a loss. The best minifigs here are the Crown Knight, and Red Dragon Knight.
As usual the Castle set is modular and can integrate with other Lego Castle sets. For instance adding the Lego Castle: the Gatehouse Raid (70402) to the castle will match the design and scale perfectly. There are a lot of different options that you can choose for the castle layout.
Check out the full review of the Lego Castle: King’s Castle (70404) over at Eurobricks:
You can find the new King’s Castle over at Amazon