Every kitchen needs a stand mixer. The easiest tool to mix up bread and cookies. But they are much more versatile than expected. With a few attachments these mixers can make pasta, grind meat, cute veggies, make ice cream, and make juice. One of the biggest brands of stand mixers is KitchenAid. Their design has stayed roughly the same for decades. This KitchenAid Lego Stand Mixer is the creation of Breado’s Bricks (Who recently made a Lego Coffee Maker). Featuring a bright red mixer, with shinny chrome parts. A nicely printed decal/sticker helps to complete the model. The curves of these mixers are very hard to recreate with Lego pieces, and this version is instantly recognizable. The neatest feature is that the KitchenAid folds open, just like some of the real versions. The bowl can also be tipped open. Making this a super easy way to cook in a Lego kitchen. The whole build is sitting on a classic black and white floor. This checkered pattern is a classic design that fits perfectly with these Mixers.

You can see a lot more of this KitchenAid Lego Stand Mixer over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/29785585@N08/49710641036/