EveryDayBricks | 00427: Spider-Girl

The Playstation 4 Spider-Man video game is one of the best open world video games. The game chose to feature a Spider-Man that is unique to it, by mixing a bunch of previous versions into theirs. As he swings around Manhattan, Peter Parker eventually creates a new Advanced Suit. Which is the version that Ethen T used for his giant Lego mosaic. The whole build is 128×192 studs, which is a lot of space to work with. In another dimension, it is over 5 feet tall. This mosaic uses a few techniques besides the normal mosaic style, the blue and black areas are multi-level greebled patterns. The white logo is made out a bunch of 1×2 grate pieces. Altogether over 17,000 pieces (which is like 6 1/2 modular buildings worth of Lego). Because of the variety of pieces and techniques, this mosaic look different in various lighting situations. Check out a more more dynamic low light version below. Peter Parker would certainly be impressed with this Lego portrait.
Swing on over, and check out this Advanced Suit Spider-Man Lego mosaic over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/137864009@N08/49765258716/
There are so many official Lego Minifigures out there. Thousands and thousands of unique designs. Many of the Minifigs are worth a lot of money, but a few of them stand out. Over at Mental Floss they have compiled a short list of some of the most rare and exclusive Minifigures. Most of them are promotions chase figures associated with certain events. If you happen to have a Red Sox Fan, Cloud City Boba Fett, New York I Love Yoda, International Space Station Alien, or other rare Lego Minifigures, you may have something worth over 500 dollars!
Check out the full list here: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/55576/20-rare-and-really-expensive-lego-minifigures
There are a whole bunch of Lego Batman MOCs out there (click here). And for some reason people put a whole lot of time creating some of the most massive Lego scenes out there (see this one, and this one). The great thing is that there is always room for more. Check out this beautiful Lego MOC, titled “Lego Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown” built by Paul Hetherington. The scene depicts an epic fight between Batman, Robin, and Joker in the streets of Gotham. This MOC is essentially three smaller builds in one. The center piece is the Art Deco styled Gotham Theater, there is the street and trolly outside, and there is a huge brick built background. There is even a detailed story:
“Once again that Mad Harlequin of Hate, The Joker, brings menace to the citizens of Gotham. Beware as the Streetcar named Destruction advances into Gotham, and the Joker’s henchmen unleash horrible Joker Gas! Listen to the eerie dreadful laughing — has the Joker taken control of everyone?!? Wait — look above – that symbol of justice descending from the sky — The Batcopter! Piloted by the plucky Robin, The Boy Wonder and the courageous Batman! Are the tornado team of crime crushers in time to oppose the Grim Jester in the gripping tale of — Gotham Theater Showdown!”
Paul Hetherington has created one of the most beautiful Lego Art Deco style buildings. The Gotham Theater was originally inspired by Marbro Theater of Chicago (sadly torn down in 1964). This build features a limited palette of beige, brown, black, and gold detailing. Check out all of the unique patterns and textures on the facade.
The Lego Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown has a secret. Power functions have been built into the scene and carefully hidden. The street car moves back and forth. The Joker is moving/aiming the balloon cannon up and down. The cops are all laughing out of control, spinning and falling down. And the Batcopter is hovering/twirling in place amid all this chaos.
Check out this epic Batman MOC over here for more details: https://www.flickr.com/photos/14964802@N07/28083801676/
This Lego Batman figure is the creation of nobu_tary. They capture one of the most definitive styles of the Batsuit. The only thing missing is the iconic chest logo. The cape even drapes over the shoulders, which is a detail you don’t see often in Batman MOCs. Also check out those 6 stud abs, and massive pecs. This Batman spends a lot of time in the gym. You can just imagine this guy standing on top of a skyscraper saying: “I Am Batman!”
Check out this Lego Batman figure, by nobu_tary, over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/127525305@N02/29788268145/
Check out these great Minifigures Displays for the Lego Batman Movie Collectible Minifigures. All of these are the work of Sebastian Bachórzewski, who has done a whole series for these Minifigs. Because of their small part count these types of displays, or vignettes, are easy to build. As long as you have the design, and inspiration needed to pull them off well. Here we have Commissioner Gordon, Glam Metal Batman, Harley Quinn, Leisure Batman, and the Joker. All of these little displays are great at complimenting each Minifigure. Helping to create a story for your shelves. Gordon looks like he is on the hunt for the Joker, which should be easy as he is already in jail. Glam Metal Batman shows off a (complete?) collection of printed guitars, which are hard to find. And, Harley is getting ready to do some doctor stuff.
There are many more of these displays in the series. If you cannot find your favorite character then check out all of these Lego Batman Movie Minifigure Displays over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/legoinsomnia/32390496702/
Lego Batman enjoys a good Saturday morning mowing the grass with his Bat MOWbile. Afterwards, he enjoys cruising down the highway to the local hardware store to pick up some weed killer. For his Poison Ivy problem.
This is a super simple Lego MOC that ended up being awesome. Check out the blade guard area. The Lego Bat MOWbile is the creation of lego_panda, and you can find more about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/3cnu3r/bat_mowbile/
Lego is once again offering a whole lot of exclusives at this years San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). There are at least 6 exclusives this time around. Last year you needed to stand in super long lines in order to purchase these, and most people who waited found out they were sold out. This year they are trying something a little bit different. Lego has set up a drawing/raffle system that winners will get to make their purchase at their leisure. Hopefully this system is an improvement. As usual, these are exclusive Lego sets so they will not be sold anywhere else. These have already started popping up on eBay at extremely high prices (here).
This year there will 3 sets, 2 minifigures, and 1 Bionicle exclusive. The 3 sets include DC Comics Super Heroes Action Comics #1 Superman, Marvel Super Heroes Throne of Ultron, and Lego Star Wars Dagobah Mini-build.
There are also 2 exclusive Minifigures this year. A Marvel Super Heroes All New Captain America (Sam Wilson), and DC Comics Super Heroes Arsenal.
Finally, there will be a transparent green Bionicle Mask exclusive too.
Lego has also set up a big giveaway. There will be a total of 46 exclusives given away over the weekend (July 9th 2015 — July 12th). In order to enter into the contest, you will need use Twitter to retweet a specific tweet each day. Rules and stuff can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/LEGO?sk=app_1107464609280941
RT for chance to win @DCComics Action Comics #1 Superman @Comic_Con exclusive! #LEGOSDCC #SDCC http://t.co/JEm9iqmRwc pic.twitter.com/xRUUMRsEii
— LEGO (@LEGO_Group) July 9, 2015
There have been rumors for a few months that Lego would be releasing a SHIELD Helicarrier (and many huge Lego Ideas projects). It is not a rumor anymore, Lego has just announced the Lego Super Heroes, The SHIELD Helicarrier (76042) from the Avengers film will be released soon. The biggest problem about such a set is the scale, it is just so large that what everyone wants is just not a feasible release. It would be either too big or too small. What we get here is an amalgamation of a few scales in order to best represent the massive flying fortress. Interestingly, there is a whole set of Minifigures, and Microfigures (Mini-Minifigures).
The Helicarrier will include 2,996 pieces, and will retail for about $349.99. It will be available on March 1st. Just in time for the Avengers: Age of Ultron film in May.
This thing is huge. It is 2 1/2 feet long (31″ or 80cm) long and almost almost 1 foot tall (11″ or 29cm). The included Quinjets are a nice touch; even if they are way out of scale. The tinnier Fighter Jets fit in much better but are less recognizable. This seems like a good compromise, by including both Lego is giving you options for how to display this.
Even though this is not the typical kids playset, Lego has still included a handful of play features. The engine rotors are internally connected and can be turned with just one handle movement. The top deck, runway, can be removed to reveal a fully featured bridge. Both of these features can be connected with the Lego Power Functions, which will light up the interior and spin the engines automatically.
One of the coolest details is the fully detailed bridge. With the Microfigures it is looking semi-accurate to the film version.
There are 12 Microfigures! 4 of the main heroes and 8 SHIELD agents. These are a great way to incorporate the characters into the Helicarrier without being too far out of scale. Interestingly, the two female characters that are included as Minifigures are not represented as Microfigures. The good news is that SHIELD Agent Maria Hill gets an exclusive Minifigure here. Hopefully she won’t stay exclusive for too long…
Build and display the huge SHIELD Helicarrier!
Take on the challenge of building this awesome LEGO® model of The SHIELD Helicarrier. Construct the flying aircraft carrier with 2 runways, microscale Quinjets, fighter jets and ground support vehicles. The set also comes with many of your favorite LEGO Marvel Super Heroes minifigures, plus 12 microfigures to display on deck and within the highly detailed interior. Includes 5 minifigures: Nick Fury, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Maria Hill.
Also, make sure to watch the Lego Design Video embedded above or over here: http://youtu.be/3O422YCyzjs
A lot of the DC Comics superheroes have had a lot of attention lately. Especially Batman and Superman. But there are many more that seem not make the jump from comic book to film. Wonder Woman is one of those superheroes. She will finally get her own film in a few years, but until then fans will have to create their own stories. This Lego Wonder Woman vs. Ares vignette is the creation of Tim Lydy. This MOC started out as an adaption of an episode of Justice League titled “Paradise Lost.” Which lead the builder to replace Hades, with Ares (a more famous Wonder Woman villain). Ares is sporting the new helmet from the Hobbit theme.
“The god of war, Ares, has kidnapped the Amazonian Queen Hippolyta—and it’s up to the queen’s own daughter Diana; otherwise known as Wonder Woman; to save her and all of Themyscira from the mighty god’s wrath!”
Check out this Lego Wonder Woman vs. Ares vignette over on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/72036844@N04/15674501957/