Lego and StarCraft
have always seemed like a great fit. It seems like an official Lego StarCraft theme is probably not in the future. The developers of StarCraft, Blizzard, have recently teamed up with Mega Bloks (the arch nemesis of Lego) to produce World of Warcraft sets. If anything, the mediocre sets produced by Mega Bloks has just increased the desire for an official Lego set. The space creatures and aliens would make for some amazing MOCs. For instance the StarCraft Ultralisk. This build has been scaled back a bit, the Ultralisk is normally 20 meters long, and 5 meters high. An organic tank. The zerg swarm use these alien behemoths to support its zergling and hydralisk armies. Featuring a super strong carapace, gigantic scythes known as “kaiser blades,” and extremely violent tendencies. Any terran marine would be unlucky to cross paths with one of these.

This Ultralisk is an amazing Lego MOC. With good clean lines, no stray studs, and some really inventive uses for basic Lego bricks. Check out the main attraction: those tusks are simply genius. Giving a great impression of an organic structure with incredible deadliness. The properly proportioned feet look perfect for trampling and stomping. Even the Lego built face is pulled off well, with mandibles and and other details bringing this Ultralisk to life. Searching for Lego StarCraft you can find all sorts of amazing builds like this.

Go check out more photos and details of this Lego Ultralisk on Retinence’s Flickr page:
Also check out his Charizard, previously featured on LegoGenre: