Lego Casino Royale

Bricktease uploaded this frame by frame remake of the opening of Casino Royale in Lego. These projects are impressive for how much work it takes to get the camera angles just right. Make sure to check out the frame by frame comparison below to see just how accurate everything is. I do believe that Lego James Bond is my new favorite, way better then Roger Moore. Maybe for the next film we can replace Daniel Craig with a minifig version of him. Do Do, Do Doo, Do Do Dooooo…

New Lego Architecture set: United Nations Headquarters (21018)

Lego Architecture United Nations Headquarters 21018

It looks like the next set in the Architecture theme will be the United Nations Headquarters (21018). This set has a lot of creative details. The little Lego joysticks/levers for flagpoles, a technic brick for a fountain, and little Lego grill pieces set together for windows.

This years Architecture sets have all been great. With the Imperial Hotel (21017) and the Leaning Tower of Pisa (21015) being released so far, it will be interesting to see what else Lego will release this winter.

Big thanks to Flickr user motayan for posting the first photo.

Upper levels of Minas Tirith

Chairudo’s LOTR Minas Tirith 1

“For the fashion of Minas Tirith was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so the paved way that climbed toward the citadel turned this way and that and then that across the face of the hill.” — The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Chairudo’s LOTR Minas Tirith 3

Minas Tirith: The City of Kings

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is the source of a many My Own Creation (MOC) builds, second only to Star Wars. Every few months a newer and more epic build is revealed to the public. It looks like the recent Helms Deep MOC has some series competition for the title of the greatest Lord of the Rings build. All the credit goes to Flickr user Chairudo, who is responsible for this massive Minas Tirith.

The current status for this build puts the brick count at 120,000 bricks, and roughly 6 feet tall. These 120,000 bricks only represent the top 2 levels of the total 7 that Minas Tirith is composed of. What you see here has taken a little over 2 years to build. Imagine what that means if this thing ever gets finished.

Chairudo’s LOTR Minas Tirith 4

Just look at all the details. From the impeccable rock work, to the White Tree of Gondor. Even the Citadel is completely build up on the interior. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Palantír of Minas Anor was included. This build is epic.

Chairudo’s LOTR Minas Tirith 5

Recently Minas Tirith was on display at Lipno Point in the Czech Republic. If this thing ever goes on tour, make sure to go see it. I have a feeling that we will be seeing many more updates to this build in the coming years.

Chairudo’s The Lord of the Rings, Minas Tirith 2

Check out many more photos and updates on Flickr:

Lego Bob’s Burgers!

Plasmachild's Lego Bobs Burgers Sign

Bob’s Burgers is one of the best animated programs on TV right now. Everyone seems to have a favorite character, from the chef and father Bob Belcher, to the youngest daughter Louise Belcher. This Lego MOC features the restaurant and home of the Belchers. The green and yellow colors would fit right into a Modular Building scene. Everything is pretty accurate, just shrunk down to Lego minifig scale. I can imagine Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, Louise, Jimmy Pesto, Mort & Teddy all having their many adventures here.

Plasmachild, of Flickr, built this MOC. Make sure to check out all the details:

Plasmachild's Lego Bobs Burgers

Plasmachild's Lego Bobs Burgers Inside

Ryloth Refinery Battle

I Scream Clone’s Ryloth Refinery Battle

Star Wars: Clone Wars is an interesting series, that doesn’t inspire as many MOC builds as the other Star Wars themes. This scene jumps out at you for its excellent use of color. The gooey green looking toxic water, and the tall dangerous looking red tanks. It all has a wonderfully industrious feel to it.

“The planet of Ryloth is the scene for a desperate battle between Shaak Ti, Eeth Koth and Commander Gree’s clones against the might of the Trade Federation. The refinery must be held lest the planets resources fall into the Separatists hands.”

I Scream Clone built the Ryloth Refinery Battle. Go check out the Ryloth Refinery Battle on Flickr:

I Scream Clone’s Ryloth Refinery Battle Detail

Star Wars Jedi Defender-class Cruiser (75025) Announced

GRogall’s Photos: Star Wars Jedi Defender Class Cruiser The Old Republic

The newest Lego Star Wars set has been announced, and it is the Jedi Defender-class Cruiser (75025) from Bioware’s Star Wars the Old Republic. Every time I see a new set released from Lego based on The Old Republic it makes me smile. This is a set based on a video game, from the extended universe, ultimately based on the original films.

The Jedi Defender-class Cruiser comes with 4 minifigs, 3 of which are all new. 2 of the 4 happen to be Jedi’s, so thats great, and of course the obligatory Sith to fight with. The new spaceship comes with 937 pieces, and is rumored to be priced around $100. If so, that would make this a pretty good deal for a Star Wars set. The set should be out soonish, so if you cannot wait, just log in to The Old Republic and admire the Cruiser in all its digital glory.

Thanks to GRogall of Eurobricks for breaking the news on this new set, for more photos go here:

GRogall’s Photos: Star Wars Jedi Defender Class Cruiser The Old Republic Detail

The Lone Ranger: Cavalry Builder Set (79106) Reviewed

KielDaMan’s The Lone Ranger Cavalry Builder Set Review

The Lone Ranger theme sure does have a lot of interesting sets. The Cavalry Builder Set (79106) is one of those sets that everyone wishes Lego would create for every theme. Having a full Cavalry in a wild west theme is almost essential. Who else is your collection of surly bandits and outlaws going to harass? You get three Cavalry soldiers, a cannon, a horse and the Lone Ranger. The only downside to this set is that the Lone Ranger won’t be alone for long if you buy more then one set in this theme. As an added bonus, most of these pieces (except the minifigs) can fit right in with a Pirate theme.

Check out the new review on Eurobricks by KielDaMan:

And check it out on Amazon if you want: The Lone Ranger Cavalry Builder Set (79106)

KielDaMan’s The Lone Ranger Cavalry Builder Set Detail