A Close Shave With Shaun, Wallace & Gromit

A Close Shave With Shaun, Wallace & Gromit, Lego MOC

After a mishap in the kitchen with breakfast Wallace and Gromit are ready to wash windows and save the day. It’s been a busy day, meeting a very hungry sheep named Shaun. The robot dog Preston is up to no good and Wendolene will need to be saved. Good thing they have a fast motorcycle. This “A Close Shave” Lego MOC is built by grubaluk and hides a nice surprise. This Lego build is an actual working RC Motorcycle. I’m sure Gromit doesn’t mind, but he is sharing the sidecar with a the motor. The Lego RC motorcycle can go forward, and make turns. To help sell the illusion that Wallace is driving, a clever system of gears and strings attach his arms to the handlebars. The rest of the Lego work is great too. The studs being used to represent a rough wool sweater is a great detail. As are the Lego snakes, and wool hat used for details on Gromits face. They motorcycle looks good too! But is it fast enough for Lego Wallace and Gromit to save the day from the malfunctioning Preston?

A Close Shave With Shaun, Wallace & Gromit, Lego MOC Motorcycle

Check out this “Wallace and Gromit RC Motorcycle with sidecar” from A Close Shave over here for more information: https://www.flickr.com/photos/10098915@N07/49723316366/

And, make sure to watch this video showing how the motorbike works: https://youtu.be/EQ8jgiALteM

How To Build A Lego Poké Ball (Great Ball Version) – Instructions Video

How To Build A Lego Poké Ball (Great Ball Version) - Instructions Video

“The Great Ball” is a Lego MOC built by Tiago Catarino. The Great Ball is a slightly better version of the Poké Ball. Which is one of most iconic items from the Pokémon video game series. It features a striking blue and white color pattern, with red highlights. Luckily all of these things can be replicated with Lego. Even the button and seam stripe are accounted for. Building a Lego sphere is a great challenge that requires a lot of little plates. To learn how to build your own Lego Poké Ball make sure to check out the video instructions below. There are a few surprises if you have never built one before!

Check out the Lego Great Ball over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/catarino0937/49691467396/

Also, make sure to watch the Lego Poké Ball instructions over here, or below: https://youtu.be/vMHPuonAxvc

A Working Lego Mechanical Keyboard, Cherry MX Switches

A Working Mechanical Lego Keyboard, Cherry MX Switches

There is something about the tactile feeling of a mechanical keyboard. The loud key clicks and the distance of travel make the keyboard very satisfying to type on. A whole community has formed around these keyboards. Many custom and commercial versions are available. If you want to go even further down the rabbit hole, there are custom keycaps with all sorts of designs and colors. This custom Lego mechanical keyboard is the work of JK Brickworks. They started with a base; by gutting a Cooler Master Quick Fire Rapid and some 3D printed custom Cherry MX compatible LEGO keycaps. This allows Lego bricks to be clicked onto the working keyboard. Kind of similar to the new Lego Dots theme. The finished design features a lot of printed tiles, some of which are extremely rare. The caps lock is a bit more tactile and features a classic Lego hat. The best part is that at any time the keycaps can be changed out with different colors and/or newer printed Lego tiles.

A Working Mechanical Lego Keyboard, Cherry MX Switches Prototype

Another earlier version of this project was built up using a membrane style keyboard. Which was gutted and built back up with a Lego Technic skeleton. Not as satisfying as the newer mechanical kind, but still an amazing project.

Cherry MX Switches Keyboard, Custom Lego Keycaps

The designer of the custom Lego compatible keycaps offers them for sale in the Shapeways store. This way you can customize your own keyboard, with out going all Lego.

You can find out more about this Mechanical Lego Keyboard over here: https://jkbrickworks.com/mechanical-lego-keyboard/

Also make sure to check out the video below, showing the whole thing being built, and how it works. — https://youtu.be/2jP6MFBXFaA

Building The Retro Power, A Lego NES Raspberry Pi

Building The Retro Power, A Lego NES Raspberry Pi with LGR

The Nintendo Entertainment System is an icon in video games. The original NES had some 700 or so games released. Having a collection of the whole library would take up way too much space, and cost way too much money. But the idea of playing every video game in one place is very popular. There is the official NES Classic Edition, which was never as widely available as the market wanted. It also only contained a selection of the more famous games.

The good news is that you can create your own version. A Raspberry Pi system is cheap, and easy to work with. Which is why a whole community has formed with people putting the system in all sorts of old electronics. To create a NES Raspberry Pi the hardest part is finding a shell, or old system to work with. If you have some Lego, you can even build your own.

Here the YouTube creator LGR has put together the Retro Power. A Lego NES Raspberry Pi System. If you have all the bricks, you can even put it together following along with the video. LGR goes through all the instructions and goes over everything from design to final product.

A Lego NES Raspberry Pi With LGR

You can watch “Building a ‘Lego’ NES Mini Console (with a Raspberry Pi)” over on YouTube or below:

Looking for more Nintendo Lego stuff? Check out this page: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/nintendo/

Play Some Games With This Lego Nintendo Switch And Dock + Instructions

Play Some Games With This Lego Nintendo Switch And Dock Instructions

The Nintendo Switch is a phenomenon. It is an almost perfect blend of portability and console. Proving to be the best way to play most video games, especially indie games. The Switch even has a lot of Lego video games. (Lego Worlds, City Undercover, Marvel Superheroes 2, Ninjago Movie Videogame, The Incredibles, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, Lego Movie 2, and DC Super-Villains. With many more coming!) Making a Nintendo Switch out of Lego is a fun build too. 3DS Animation has provided a few video instructions, showing how to make a Lego Switch, a Dock, and Joycons. Check them out below.

Lego Nintendo Switch And Dock + Instructions

Another Lego project you can build is a working Nintendo Switch Dock. Through the top you can slot the system into the Lego Dock. Then you can attach optional Lego Joycons to finish the illusion. A cool detail is that you can build multiple Joycons in different colors. This build is also from 3DS Animation, who again provides video instructions for the Lego Dock.

Lego Nintendo Switch Dock And Joycons, Instructions

For instructions on how to build these Lego Switch projects, check out these two videos below, or over here: https://youtu.be/zI2eL7oNycs and https://youtu.be/GqnqBjsNc5A

Also check out other Nintendo Lego MOCs and stuff over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/nintendo/

Important Question: Can Lego Break Steel?

Important Question: Can Lego Break Steel?

There are lots of things Lego can do. One thing it is good at is being incredibly strong. Have you ever tried breaking a Lego brick? They are so tough, that some people think you can build a house with Lego, and some do not. A good question to put to the test is: Can Lego Break A Steel Axle? Thats just what the people at Brick Experiment Channel over on YouTube have found out. They did the homework, and all the Math. And, even a series of tests with Technic beams and pieces in which they apply a surprising amount of torque. All working towards the question, can Lego break steel? You will have to check out the video to see what happens…

Can Lego Break A Steel Axle Maths

Check out the embedded video below or over here: https://youtu.be/jRn5waE0qfk

Go Back To 1999 With Lego Racers

Lego Racers (1999) on PC

Lego Racers is one of those early 3D games from the late 90s. Specifically 1999. Even though this is around the same time Lego Star Wars was released, the game only features original Lego themes. Choose from a selection of drivers and racers from classic Lego themes such as: Pirates, Space, and Lego City. You can even mix and match, and create your own racer. Which you will need to do, as you will eventually have to go up against Rocket Racer.

Lazy Game Reviews, or LGR, has put together a great eight minute video showing off the whole game. LGR even offers some tips on how to get the video game to run. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/qNBFNFbFlNo

This Lego Baby Yoda Is Full Of Cuteness + Instructions

Lego Baby Yoda from the Mandalorian, by hachiroku24

There are so many lego Baby Yoda builds out there, and this is one of the best. This cute little guy was built by hachiroku24. It is completely made out of Lego parts. The key pieces are the ears, which are from a recent Lego Elves set (part 11089). They did make a small cheat, the 2×2 rounds with a hole, near the ears, have been photoshopped to match the rest of Yoda. Below you can see him being built.

Lego Baby Yoda Building Instructions, by hachiroku24

Check out the Lego Baby Yoda building instructions above, in a handy YouTube format, which can also be found here: https://youtu.be/SgIMLmKoOGU

You can also find hachiroku24’s Flickr page here, full of a ton of MOCs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hachiroku24/49178685288/

You Probably Won’t Lose A Finger In This Lego Woodshop Stop Motion Video

Lego Woodshop Stop Motion Video

A woodshop is an inherently dangerous place. They are full of sharp and pointy tools ready to stab an eye out or chop a finger off. But, a Lego woodshop is slightly more safe (as long as you meet the restriction: ages 5+). BrickBrosProductions imagines what this would look like. They have produced a 3 minute and 27 second Lego stop motion video. Starting with blueprints and unfinished lumber; after a lot of hard work they end up with something new.

Some of the highlights include sanding, chiseling, and painting. All done with Lego. Check out their video below or over here: https://youtu.be/930TWN-_6og

Lego Batman vs Joker At The Art Deco Gotham Theater

Paul Hetherington Lego Batman Gotham vs Joker, Gotham Theater Showdown

There are a whole bunch of Lego Batman MOCs out there (click here). And for some reason people put a whole lot of time creating some of the most massive Lego scenes out there (see this one, and this one). The great thing is that there is always room for more. Check out this beautiful Lego MOC, titled “Lego Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown” built by Paul Hetherington. The scene depicts an epic fight between Batman, Robin, and Joker in the streets of Gotham. This MOC is essentially three smaller builds in one. The center piece is the Art Deco styled Gotham Theater, there is the street and trolly outside, and there is a huge brick built background. There is even a detailed story:

“Once again that Mad Harlequin of Hate, The Joker, brings menace to the citizens of Gotham. Beware as the Streetcar named Destruction advances into Gotham, and the Joker’s henchmen unleash horrible Joker Gas! Listen to the eerie dreadful laughing — has the Joker taken control of everyone?!? Wait — look above – that symbol of justice descending from the sky — The Batcopter! Piloted by the plucky Robin, The Boy Wonder and the courageous Batman! Are the tornado team of crime crushers in time to oppose the Grim Jester in the gripping tale of — Gotham Theater Showdown!”

Paul Hetherington Lego Batman Gotham vs Joker Detail Paul Hetherington Lego Batman Gotham vs Joker 02

Paul Hetherington has created one of the most beautiful Lego Art Deco style buildings. The Gotham Theater was originally inspired by Marbro Theater of Chicago (sadly torn down in 1964). This build features a limited palette of beige, brown, black, and gold detailing. Check out all of the unique patterns and textures on the facade.

Paul Hetherington Lego Batman Gotham vs Joker Art Deco Gotham Theater

Gotham Theater Power Functions Video

The Lego Batman vs Joker Gotham Theater Showdown has a secret. Power functions have been built into the scene and carefully hidden. The street car moves back and forth. The Joker is moving/aiming the balloon cannon up and down. The cops are all laughing out of control, spinning and falling down. And the Batcopter is hovering/twirling in place amid all this chaos.

Check out this epic Batman MOC over here for more details: https://www.flickr.com/photos/14964802@N07/28083801676/