Chapter 3: The Sin, A Lego Mandalorian MOC

Chapter 3: The Sin, A Lego Mandalorian MOC

“Chapter 3: The Sin” is the latest creation by @ctr_bricks, and is another entry in their series of Lego Mandalorian MOCs. A recent Star Wars theme that has been exploding with creations. The Sin is a highly detailed city scene filled with aliens, bounty hunters, and smugglers. A very bustling street. Here the Mandalorian is on a mission to rescue Baby Yoda. The planet Nevarro has a lava setting, some of which can be seen peaking out between the stones. Check out some of the little details: the lego dice being used for an electronic box, the various space junk littering the scene, and the interesting curtain/doorway design.

Chapter 3: The Sin, A Lego Mandalorian MOC Minifigures

You can find more of “Chapter 3: The Sin” over here:

Chapter 3: The Sin, Lego Mandalorian Details

Chapter 2: The Child, A Lego Mandalorian MOC

Chapter 2: The Child, A Lego Mandalorian Star Wars MOC

“Chapter 2: The Child” is the creation of @ctr_bricks, and is the continuation of their Lego Mandalorian MOC series. This newest Star Wars theme has been extremely popular for builders, and has created a lot of great MOC content. This scene features an appearance from “The Child” also known as Baby Yoda. Here is a very simple and very effective Minifigure scale build. The famous Yoda ears are made of two green lego hands. The scene also features a new custom Mandalorian, four Jawas, and an Alien friend. The star of this build is the Sand Crawler. A very definitive vehicle that has been built on a relatively small scale here. The forced perspective is spot on and really helps make this thing look more imposing then it actually is.

Chapter 2: The Child, A Lego Star Wars Mandalorian MOC

Check out this Lego Mandalorian MOC, “Chapter 2: The Child” over here:

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian, A Lego MOC

Chapter 1: The Mandalorian, A Lego MOC

The Mandalorian has certainly left a mark on people. There are an incredibly large amount of MOCs being created based on the Disney Plus Star Wars Show. Here is “Chapter 1: The Mandalorian” created by @ctr_bricks. It is based on the first scene, and some of the details were really worked hard on. The door is made of overlapping flag pieces, and the trim around the door was made with a lot of horizontal bar pieces. It created a great effect. The other key to this scene are the characters, with lego versions of Mando, Mythrol, Garindan, and Quarren. It seems this is the first in a series. Hopefully we will see many more!

Mandalorian Characters Lego MOC

Check out “Chapter 1: The Mandalorian” over here:

Baby Yoda Lego MOC Is Having A Good Day Out

Lego Baby Yoda Figure

Who doesn’t want more Baby Yoda stuff? This Lego Baby Yoda is the creation of Wilson Du. This model is pretty close to full scale, and manages to keep a lot of the cuteness. Most of the Lego MOCs for Baby Yoda are much smaller. Some of the details that really stand out with this creation are the posable arms, huge reflective eyes, and cute button nose. The nose especially stands out. Also note the use of the reverse side of the lego bricks for the inner ear texture. (Bonus dog below!)

Lego MOC Baby Yoda Hands

Check out many more photos of this Baby Yoda MOC over here:

Baby Yoda Lego MOC with Dog

Also, check out other Baby Yoda stuff on EverydayBricks here:

The Titan, A Lego AT-ST Mech

The Titan, A Lego AT-ST

The Titan AT-ST is what you get if the classic Star Wars walker had a more modern mech design. Created by I-Have-An-Alibi, this Titan comes equipped with a huge (mini?) gun, Boba Fett style shoulder cloak, legs, and fully working arms. Overall a huge upgrade over the rather basic AT-ST. If the empire had these mechs, they may have won the Battle of Endor. But they didn’t. Oh-well.

Check out The Titan Lego AT-ST over here:

The Lego Prototype Anti-Droid Exosuit

The Lego Prototype Anti-Droid Exosuit

This trooper is armed with 2 Z-8 chain guns. Droids won’t know what to do as they are blasted to bits. The Lego Prototype Anti-Droid Exosuit is an MOC created by tommilorenzo. It is amazingly compact and fits a single Lego Minifigure perfectly. The reactor core on the back of the exosuit is a great detail, as are the various vents and pipes (for cooling?). It all comes together pretty well!

The Prototype Anti-Droid Exosuit Lego MOC Rear View

Check out the Lego Prototype Anti-Droid Exosuit over here:

Lego Darth Vader Says Welcome To Portland

Lego Darth Vader Welcomes You To Portland

This brick built Lego Darth Vader is the star of “Welcome to Portland: This is Your Guide.” A Lego MOC built by Patrick Biggs. Darth Vader was built for Bricks Cascade 2019. “So this year, let’s keep it weird! The Unipiper is a uniquely Portland personality, and I appreciate the sense of levity and quirk that he helps imbue the city with.” Check out the awesome Lego Bagpipes, and the Darth Vader approved kilt. Another great detail is the bare skin represented at the knees, and forearms.

Check it out here for more info:

This Lego Baby Yoda Is Full Of Cuteness + Instructions

Lego Baby Yoda from the Mandalorian, by hachiroku24

There are so many lego Baby Yoda builds out there, and this is one of the best. This cute little guy was built by hachiroku24. It is completely made out of Lego parts. The key pieces are the ears, which are from a recent Lego Elves set (part 11089). They did make a small cheat, the 2×2 rounds with a hole, near the ears, have been photoshopped to match the rest of Yoda. Below you can see him being built.

Lego Baby Yoda Building Instructions, by hachiroku24

Check out the Lego Baby Yoda building instructions above, in a handy YouTube format, which can also be found here:

You can also find hachiroku24’s Flickr page here, full of a ton of MOCs:

Three Droids And A Princess, A Lego Star Wars Collection

Miro Dudas Lego Star Wars Collection Leia And Droids

Here is a Lego Star Wars collection of brick built figures based on Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. There is Princess Leia (the only human), R5-D4, R2-D2, and C-3PO. They are built mostly in scale with each other. R2-D2 and R5-D4 are great little builds with a lot of character. In fact the R2-D2 reminds me of the new and rare R2-D2 polybag (30611) from Lego. C-3PO is a great build, and a lot of time went into making sure he was perfect. The key was finding all the correct gold pieces. The Lego vent pieces as the torso wiring is a great solution. Last but not least is Princess Leia. Her brick built figure has the famous hair buns, and is much more posable then she looks. Check out the photos below to see what she can do. A rather large set was also built of the space ship Tantive IV. Allowing a recreation of one of the most famous scenes in the series.

Miro Dudas Lego Star Wars R2D2 And Leia

The Princess Leia and R2-D2 were built as a tribute for Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker. Below, you can really see how well these Lego figures work together. The title of this photo is “”Did you miss me?”

Miro Dudas Lego Star Wars Princess Leia R2D2 Hug

This Lego Star Wars collection of figures is the creation of Miro Dudas. Who will be at the upcoming Bricks LA if you want to find out more. See here for details:

Also, check out more Lego Star Wars stuff on LegoGenre over here: