This Lego build of Toothless is created by CheeseyStudios. The designer noticed they had a lot of black pieces in their collection and set on a project to create something with them. The settled on a creature and from there built the famous dragon from the How to Train Your Dragon films. This version is based on the younger appearance of Toothless. The build took almost two years to finish. There are some surprising details in here. You can see that the tail is made out of a bunch of Lego tires. A bunch of tubes, hoses, insect parts, and Bionicle plates can be found in the face. There is even the forked tongue. But, most impressive are the giant brick built wings. They are at least thirty studs tall. This build is bigger than it looks, there are a lot of pieces in those feet. Now imagine if this was the bigger, 30 year old Toothless.
You can find more about this Lego Toothless over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cheeseystudios/49952106483/