Just How Do Those Westworld Robots Work?

Just How Do Those Westworld Robots Work? Printing.

Westworld is an interesting show. The robots that exist in the park are incredibly lifelike. So human that even the people behind the scenes have a hard time identifying robot from human. The show goes into great detail on how these mechanical people are created. Robot arms work endlessly to print muscle and tissue, bit by bit. The milky white bodies make for a very artistic image. The problem is that the show also goes to great lengths to not show how these Westworld Robots work. How do their white bodies end up looking like flesh? What is their power source? This Lego MOC is a recreation of the iconic scene in the opening credits. “Westworld Host Printing” is created by Mitch Phillips. The figure in the circle is an especially impressive build. Almost as complicated as printing a real robot. You can see a lot of Lego pieces, such as horns, clips, robot harms, teeth and bones. Maybe it is a tiny Power Functions motor operating these bots?

Just How Do Those Westworld Robots Work? Host.

Make sure to check out more photos and detail of this Lego Westworld Robot build over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gamma-raay/49917232533/

The Force is Strong with these Lego Star Wars Posters

For the 2015 Star Wars Celebration, held in Anaheim California, Lego created a whole series of Lego Star Wars posters. The posters are all recreations of famous Star Wars posters, except in Lego. The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith are based on the theatrical release posters, while A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are based on the Special Edition release. This collection makes for a great series by avoiding the teaser posters, and the original trilogy theatrical posters. A continuity is presented that just looks awesome. Maybe in the future Lego will revisit this idea and release more Lego Star Wars posters (the original Star Wars poster sure would be appreciated).

These Lego Star Wars posters were given out at the Star Wars Celebration, if you didn’t attend, there are many of these available online at various auction websites (eBay!).

Lego Star Wars A New Hope Poster Lego Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Poster Lego Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Poster Lego Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace Poster Lego Star Wars Episode 2 Attack Of The Clones Poster Lego Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith Poster

AlienwareSLO over on Imgur created these comparison views: http://imgur.com/a/9rUPs

Sign of the Times: Failure of the Fourth Estate

Mike Doyle's Lego Sign Of The Times

“From reckless corporate consolidation of the media industry to the Presidential persecution of whistle blowers to the targeting of independent wartime journalists by our military, our system has completely failed us. The continuous stream of sensationalism feeds our addiction to drama, hyperstimulating the senses with fear and novelty. The war drums beat to the tune of our racing hearts – which rage with fury over manipulated messages driven by those in power.

Shut off the TVs – which drive us away from any meaningful existence. Ignore all mainstream messages – they are rooted in profit. Focus our thoughts and hearts to kindness, forgiveness and tolerance. The Fourth Estate will burn on its own.” — Mike Doyle

Sometimes you see something that you know will be the inspiration for many in the AFOL (Adult Fans of Lego) community. This MOC, called Sign of the Times is one of those that deserve renown. Created by Mike Doyle, Sign of the Times shows off a most impressive technique for building Lego smoke. Smoke is one of the toughest things to create out of Lego, typically the hard shapes and overall blockiness do not render the billowing clouds very well. What really sells this, is the combination of transparent pieces, and the color palette (only 8 colors!). Plus the decision to contrast the organic smoke with a very geometric building.

Mike Doyle is quickly becoming a huge name, check out Contact 1. A huge castle/city that had its  own Kickstarter campaign:  http://everydaybricks.com/contact-1/

Mike Doyle's Lego Sign Of The Times Detail

Sign of the TImes: Failure of the Fourth Estate by Mike Doyle (photographed by Matt Doyle) can be viewed over on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/7931559@N08/15429701386/

Bricksy: Lego Banksy Photography by The Brick Fantastic

TheBrickFantastic Lego Banksy, Pulp Fiction Bananas

“Never bring a gun to a fruit fight.”

Banksy is well know for his graffiti art, activism, directing and painting. So well known that his most famous works are being recreated in Lego. The Brick Fantastic has produced 20 different Lego Banksy vignettes based on the artists work. These are expertly made images. A great deal of work went into recreating each scene, with lighting and backgrounds that do their best to create a believable Lego world. These vignettes are also good example of using perspective and depth-of-field in your Lego photography.

You can even buy prints of your favorite pieces.

TheBrickFantastic Lego Banksy, Bouquet Thrower

“Strong-arm Flower Delivery specializes in tragically forbidden love.”

TheBrickFantastic Lego Banksy, Balloon Girl

“There is always hope. Especially if you tie it to your wrist.”

Check out all 20 Bricksy: Lego Banksy photographs over at the Brick Fantastic: http://www.thebrickfantastic.com/new-gallery-bricksy-lego-banksy/

Custom Lego Minifigures from BrickUltra: Wave 2

BrickUltra has just released information about their Wave 2 release of their Custom Lego Minifigures. These new Minifigs are digitally printed, meaning that the quality and detail is amazing. These feature printing that completely covers the Minifig head, arms, and legs. The first four Minifigures all appear to be based on popular video games. I recognize Titanfall, and Borderlands 2, but for some odd reason I can’t place the other two. They are being sold for $30, and ship will be shipping in March.

BrickUltra's Custom Lego Minifigure: MechPilot

“Prepare to drop! Each Mech Pilot’s body armor is equipped with a jet pack which allows them to hop across the battlefield! Despite these abilities, the Mech Pilot can still be squashed like ants if they are not careful around an enemy Mech.”

BrickUltra's Custom Lego Minifigure: Psycho

“Psychos are bandits who have gone insane with a freakish obsession for loot. Shirtless, wearing a white mask and dressed in orange pants, these outlaws can be immediately identified by their homicidal cries, psychotic laughter and constant desire to get into close combat.”

BrickUltra's Custom Lego Minifigure: Ultra

“Ultra was constructed by a famed scientist/adventurer, who experimenting in high-intelligence robotics. Ultra became sentient and rebelled, hypnotizing the scientist and brainwashing him into forgetting that Ultra had ever existed. He immediately began improving upon his rudimentary design, quickly upgrading himself.”

BrickUltra's Custom Lego Minifigure: Carmine

“In the Carmine family, military service was simply an expectation; they didn’t do it for a sense of duty or honor or patriotism. Instead, they “simply loved to shoot guns, blow stuff up, and never turn down a knock-down, drag-out fight.”

For a review of the Mech Pilot check out this video by BrickQueen:


Check out the BrickUltra store for more information on these custom Minifigs: http://brickultra.com/store/