These glass dome Lego castles are created by Petronel22. The presentation of these Lego MOCs is above and beyond most creations. Each castle fits inside of an Ikea Härliga Glass Dome, this make them feel like a unique (and fragile) miniature world. Plus they get the added bonus of not having a dust problem. Another way to present these is that each castle has also been digitally composited against a background. These images almost feel like travel posters. The red roofed castle is called Tar’Cen Burg. It occupies all the available room on top of a rocky island. There is even a little Lego stream descending into the ocean. The yellow topped castle is called YuDita has been built on top of a grassy hill. Both of these are great micro scale castles. Each of them feature a lot of well built towers, keeps, bridges, and other small buildings.

You can find more information and photos of Tar’Cen Burg and YuDita Castle over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/petronel22/49939272866/