Where’s the Rum? — A Lego Jack Sparrow

Where’s the Rum? — A Lego Jack Sparrow

Keep your booze locked up, this brick built Jack Sparrow is looking for some rum. This Lego bust of Captain Jack is created by Bryce Dempsey. Built as an entry into an Iron Builder challenge, specifically to use the Minifigure shooters in new and unique ways. You can see a lot of them being used to create the hair, mustache, and goatee. A great detail is the single white shooter. Who knew that these even came in other colors. For a brick built figure this is a difficult scale to work in. Just big enough to get some extra details, but not small enough to rely on super simplified caricature. The nose and eyes are extremely well done in this scale, combined they form an instantly recognizable Jack.

You can see more of this Lego Jack Sparrow over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brickbuiltreplicas/49898702221/

A Place To Keep All Your Tools: A Lego Garage.

A Place To Keep All Your Tools: A Lego Garage.

This Lego Garage is the perfect place to store all of your tools. This “Grownup’s Toy Box” is created by Daniel Church. The Lego build is an entry into the Iron Builders challenge, this time it is to use Minifigure wrenches and hammers in unique ways. You can find some of the wrenches being used to hold up a ladder, as handles and parts in the lawn mower / snow blower, and as part of the roof. The hammers can be found holding up a bunch of shelves and even the motorcycle. This Lego garage is a perfect example of using lighting to help make the presentation look better. The soft afternoon glow, mixed with the green background (seen through the windows) gives off a very nostalgic feeling. The only thing missing from this garage, are a bunch of spiders hiding everywhere.

A Place To Keep All Your Tools: A Lego Garage Detail.

You can find out more about “Grownup’s Toy Box” Lego MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/30041364@N08/49851119562/

A Lego Caffeine Science Lesson

A Lego Caffeine Science Lesson

This is the skeletal formula for caffeine, completely made out of Lego. “Caffeine” is created by Miro Dudas as an entry into the 2nd round of Iron Builders. The challenge this time is to use the wrench and hammer pieces in unique ways. The skeletal formula is where you will find all these pieces, specifically in the covalent bonds. A bunch of blue spaceman Minifigure helmets, and round Lego balls make up the individual molecules (correct me if I am wrong). It would tough to get all of these elements in the correct places, and here it has been achieved well. This Lego MOC also features a cup of coffee (humanities preferred source of the drug), which is probably the inspiration of this build.

For more information you can check out “Caffeine,” created by Miro Dudas over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/miro78/49852922072/

Boom Goes The Lego Tiny Tank

Boom Goes The Lego Tiny Tank

This Lego Tiny Tank is rolling its way to victory. The little tank is built by Tyler. Another Iron Builders build, these have all been trying to use Minifigure Legs / Pants in new and unique ways. You might be able to spy a lot of legs in the tank treads (or is it called a continuous track?). This cartoon’ed version of a tank features a giant top mounted machine gun, and a huge main gun. Presumably firing something a little less deadly. Besides the armaments, a few details to check out include the Nexo Knight shield used as an insignia, and the little diesel fuel exhaust pipe in the back.

You can check out this Tiny Tank Lego MOC created by Tyler over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/legohaulic/49837495033/

The Deadly Dragon Knight Is Ready To Duel

The Deadly Dragon Knight - Lego MOC

This is the Lego MOC called “The Fearsome Dragon Knight” which is created by Thomas Jenkins. It is another entry into the latest Iron Builders challenge (there sure are a lot of these!) which is where you try to implement Minifigure legs in unique ways. Here you can see a whole bunch of them if you look carefully. The shield is ringed in legs, the chest armor is made up of legs, the tan underside of the Knight is made of legs as are its nose, ears, and toes! There are probably a lot more hidden too. Some other fun stuff included the giant sword topped off with one of the new Nexo knights shields, and the yellow lever base pieces being used for reptile eyes. This Dragon Knight looks deadly, and would make a formable boss for a group of adventurers.

You can find out more about this “The Fearsome Dragon Knight” Lego MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomas_jenkins_bricks/49839965492/

The Hanging Gardens, A Lego Wonder

The Hanging Gardens, A Lego Wonder

One of the seven wonders of the world. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are named after the ancient city they were built in. They were also known as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis which is named after the Queen who had them built. This lush garden was built on a sort of ziggurat, with water flowing down each level. Pumping the water up to the top was achieved by a system of giant screws, known as Archimedes Screws. This Lego version, called “the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis,” is built by Simon Hundsbichler. The gardens were built for three different challenges: the Style it-up challenge (no exposed studs), the Iron Builders challenge (use Minifigure legs/pants), and the Switch My Lantern Up challenge (use a lantern). There is a lot going on here. If you look as some of the details you might notice: stairs built out of stacked tan window inserts, Minifigure legs both short and normal representing columns and even water, green Minifigure hair as a tree, blue Minifigure hands as water detail, and tan Minifigure side bags (satchels) as stairs. This plastic garden is almost as wondrous as the original.

Check out “the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis” in all its detail over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138986803@N03/49833198053/

Add Heat And Magic To Bread, And You Get Lego Toast

Add Heat And Magic To Bread, And You Get Lego Toast

To make Lego toast you just need to add some heat and magic to bread. Or, you can pull your Minifigure legs apart, whichever is easier. This Lego MOC is created by Ted Andes and is titled “Boom! Toasted!” The little scene was built for the latest Iron Builders challenge, which has been extremely popular in the last few days. The goal is to use Minifigure legs / pants in unexpected ways. This scene features a classic toaster doing what it does best, making Lego toast. The light tan Minifigure legs represent a loaf of bread surprisingly well, and the detail of the toasted bread turning into dark tan Minifigure legs is perfect. The only thing missing is a stick of butter.

Check out this Lego MOC, called “Boom! Toasted!” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ted_andes/49838829498/

A Lego Totoro And Catbus!

A Lego Totoro And Catbus!

Totoro waiting for Catbus in the rain is an iconic scene from the film My Neighbor Totoro. Totoro is a nature spirit, but Catbus is something else. Some sort of weird yet charming public transport vehicle/animal. With headlight eyes, and interior seating. MadLEGOman has created these two characters in Lego. They were built as part of an Iron Builders challenge, the goal of which is to build using Minifigure Legs / Pants in unexpected ways. You can find some of them here on the backside of Totoro’s head, and as part of Catbus’s Legs. There is some very clever building here, such as the bus using bucket handles for windows, and lever bases for eyes. This is one of the best Minifigure scale Lego Totoros around.

Check out this Lego Totoro and Catbus MOC called “LegOtoro” over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/madlegoman/49832375242/

Looks Like Meat’s Back On The Menu – Pokemon Roadkill

Cecilie Fritzvold Lego Pokemon Roadkill

According to Cecilie Fritzvold, this is what happens when you play Pokemon Go while driving. They created this humorous Lego MOC as part of an Iron Builder compitition. The challenge piece is the new Modified 2 x 3 Pentagonal Tile, which first started showing up in Nexo Knights sets. They made a convincing tire tread, which is something that would have been hard to do without these tiles. Poor Pikachu.

Check out this Pokemon Roadkill MOC over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cecilihf/32456170180/

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, (Start)

Chris Maddison Lego NES Controller, Up, Up, Down, Down…

The NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) controller is the most iconic design of video gaming. The grey, black, and red are instantly recognizable. This Lego version is the creation of Chris Maddison. Who built this MOC for the Iron Builder 5.0 competition. The challenge piece is the new Nexo Knights shield. You can find them being used to recreate the D-Pad. The Start and Select buttons are another perfect recreation. The whole thing makes you want to try out the famous Konomi code: Up, Up, Down, Down…

Check out this Lego NES Controller, by Chris Maddison, over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmaddison/32564599751/