Na Na Na Na BA NA NA BATMAN! – Lego Despicable Me Batman Minion

JesperGirl's Lego Despicable Me Batman Minion

“Na Na Na Na BA NA NA BATMAN…. …POW!!!”

There is something enduring about the multitudes of Lego Despicable Me Minions. All sort of builds have popped up everywhere. One thing they all have in common is personality. For some reason the pill shape body and giant facial features of the Minions translates into Lego very well. Jesper_Girl, of Flickr, has recently shared their own Batman Minion; titled “Na Na Na Na BA NA NA BATMAN… …POW!!!” The basic design is built off of the Minions created by Bricksben. The Batman costume is excellent. Especially the Bat belt and cowl.

The Despicable Me Minions are some of the most popular posts on LegoGenre, so check them out here:

Check out this Batman Minion, by Jesper_Girl over on Flickr: