“Do Not Feed” — Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick's “Do Not Feed” Mosaic Window Display

Hilary Leung and Steadibrick created this wonderful 3D mosaic window display titled “Do Not Feed.” This display is currently up in the Sherway Gardens Lego store in Toronto. It is not everyday that you see people combining a typical Lego mosaic with 3D objects, which is a shame because it can look great. As usual the pixelated 8-bit style design is a great fit with the blocky Lego. Everything is just so cute.

Make sure to check out this project over at Threadless, where you can vote to see it on a T-shirt!

Check out more creations by Hilary Leung on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/hilaryleung/8908017754/
and check out Stedibrick’s page on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/62587416@N07/8908676620/

Hilary Leung has also been featured before on LegoGenre: Lego Mosaics By Hilary Leung: 

Wreck-It Ralph: King Candy Cy-Bug

Bruceywan's Wreck-It Ralph, The King Candy Cy-Bug

Bruce Lowell is back with a super colorful creation based on Wreck-It Ralph’s King Candy Cy-Bug. The whole build uses official Lego parts, except for the custom mouth sticker. The gold mineral vein used for the crown, the bow-tie from the Friends theme, and the pieces from the Ben-10 sets that are used for the hands are perfect. Everything comes together to create a very memorable MOC based on one crazy villain.

Check out Wreck-It Ralph, King Candy Cy-Bug over on Bruceywan’s Flickr:

And, make sure to check out Bruce Lowell’s other work at his website: http://BruceLowell.com

Lego Bob’s Burgers!

Plasmachild's Lego Bobs Burgers Sign

Bob’s Burgers is one of the best animated programs on TV right now. Everyone seems to have a favorite character, from the chef and father Bob Belcher, to the youngest daughter Louise Belcher. This Lego MOC features the restaurant and home of the Belchers. The green and yellow colors would fit right into a Modular Building scene. Everything is pretty accurate, just shrunk down to Lego minifig scale. I can imagine Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, Louise, Jimmy Pesto, Mort & Teddy all having their many adventures here.

Plasmachild, of Flickr, built this MOC. Make sure to check out all the details: http://www.flickr.com/photos/50349134@N05/6239498662/

Plasmachild's Lego Bobs Burgers

Plasmachild's Lego Bobs Burgers Inside

Brickwares Futurama Lego Mosaics

Brickwares: Futurama Lego Mosaic Hermes

“Good news, everyone!” Brickwares has created a small series of Futurama Lego mosaics. Check them out!

With the rumors that Lego has picked up the Simpsons license, there was some hope that they would also be interested in Futurama. But, with the recent news of Comedy Central canceling the show, it seems like that possibility of a Lego license would also be canceled.


Brickwares: Futurama Lego Mosaic: Fry, Bender, & Hermes

Lego Mosaics By Hilary Leung

Hilary Leung’s Where The Wild Things Are Mosaic

Lego Mosaics are a great fit for pixel art. The standard 2×2 and 1×1 brick is a perfect match for a pixel. The constraints put onto this style of building can make for wonderful results. A great mosaic can even be created with a relatively small collection.

Hilary Leung’s Lego Mosaics started out how most projects do, as a neat side project. His inspiration is to create a book to give to his son showcasing the idea to “Make Something Cool Every Day.” At the beginning of this year, he started creating 8-bit animals and posting them on various websites.

Hilary Leung’s Character Mosaics

These little 8-bit animals have so much personality. There are 31 of these in the series, ranging from a beaver, to a donkey, to a tiger, and even a snake. The key to these animal mosaics is the eyes. The theme changed slightly after a month, to creating mosaics based on Hilary Leung’s list of top 28 picture books.

Hilary Leung’s Oh No! Or How My Science Project Destroyed The World

These 28 mosaics are all extremely well done and instantly recognizable. Featuring such picture books as, Where the Wild Things Are, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Olivia, Curious George, the Sneetches, and many more. Ultimately being limited to a relatively small selection of colors can create interesting solutions, and these mosaics are better for it.

Hilary Leung’s Picture Book Mosaics

More Information & Links

You can find Hilary Leung on Flickr and on Blogspot. His “Make Something Cool Everyday” set on Flickr is a great place to see all 69 mosaics. Hopefully more are on their way.

Not only has Hilary Leung created these mosaics but he is also an illustrator. He has a series of picture books out titled Ninja Cowboy Bear. The trilogy is available on Amazon: The Legend of Ninja Cowboy Bear, The Way of the Ninja, and The Call of the Cowboy. Make sure to check them out.

Castle Grayskull

Fraslund's Grayskull He–Man

“By the Power of Grayskull”, who knew that Lego would be such a great medium for rendering 80’s cartoons in 3D!

Flickr user Fraslund’s Grayskull He–Man is perfect. Master of the Lego Universe indeed. All night I will be saying “I Have the Power!”.


Cowabunga: Turtle Party Wagon (TMNT)

LegoJalex’s Turtle Party Wagon (TMNT)

The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) sets have some of the most expressive Minifigs, too bad most of the set designs are based off the newer shows. Now if Lego could release some sets with the animated 80’s style, they would sell boat loads.

Flickr user LegoJalex created the classic Turtle Party Wagon. Totally awesome! For some reason I feel like some pizza…
