Lego Marvel Super Heroes Gamescom Trailer

Another video game convention, another Lego Marvel Super Heroes Trailer. This new trailer was released at Gamescom and shows off a whole lot of gameplay. It is looking like Lego Marvel Super Heroes is going to feature almost every Marvel super hero and super villain, from the famous to the obscure. It is worth noting that Galactus, Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider, Squirrel Girl, MODOK and more are present.

Lego and TT Games have released a few other Lego Marvel Super Heroes videos. The funny “Big Figure Trailer”, the full “E3 Trailer”, and the original “Teaser Trailer”

Make sure to preorder the video game on Amazon on pretty much every platform available (Xbox, PS3, WiiU, PC, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Vita, etc.): Lego Marvel Super Heroes with a special $10 Credit.

“Big Figure Trailer” Released for Lego Marvel Super Heroes Video Game

A new trailer is out for the Lego Marvel Super Heroes video game. Titled the “Big Figure Trailer” it certainly lives up to its name. Featuring all of the oversized Lego Marvel characters, such as: The Hulk, Kingpin, Juggernaut, the Blob, Colossus, Lizard, Rhino and the Thing. Not only that but some of the noraml Lego minifigures are also shown, such as: Jean Gray, Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Captain America, Invisible Woman, Magneto, Dr. Doom, Tony Stark, and Iron Man in his Hulkbuster Armor. Thats right. Hulkbuster Armor.

The Lego Marvel Super Heroes video game will be released in October to pretty much every platform available.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is currently available for pre-order on

Make sure to check out the E3 trailer, it is very amusing:

San Diego Comic-Con (2013) Exclusive Lego Minifigures

Comic Con Exclusive Lego Minifigures 2013, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman

San Diego Comic-Con is the ultimate comic book convention. This year it will be held from the 18th of July through the 21st. USA Today revealed these exclusive Lego minifigures just a few days ago. These four exclusive minifigs will be available only to Comic-Con attendees. This year Spider-Man and Spider-Woman from Marvel Comics will be available. While from DC Comics, Superman and Green Arrow will also have exclusives. These four figures will fit in perfectly with the Lego Super Heroes line.

If you can attend, make sure to pick these up. These usually run out pretty quickly. In previous years, the exclusive Lego minifigures have always become high priced collectors items.

Comic Con Exclusive Lego Minifigures 2013, Green Arrow, Superman

USA Today:

Lego is also offering two exclusive sets at SDCC this year:

Iron Man 2: Custom Lego Whiplash

Surprisingly it is tough finding custom builds based on Iron Man 2. The recent Iron Man 3 and the original Iron Man get all the attention. Although some amazing work has come out of Iron Man 2. For instance, this custom Whiplash minifig. What really sets this minifigure apart is the custom lighting. Here “EL Wire” (Electroluminescent Wire) has been integrated into the figure, creating an amazing effect for the whips, Arc Reactor and backpack. Anton Vanko certainly looks ready to take on Lego Iron Man.

Dawn of the Brick's Lego Iron Man 2 Whiplash 1

This custom Whiplash is the work of Dawn of the Brick, and can be viewed on Flickr:

Dawn of the Brick's Lego Iron Man 2 Whiplash 2

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 Trailer

It is E3 this week, which means there is an overwhelming amount of video game news. The Lego Marvel Super Heroes video game is coming out soon and it doesn’t want to be left out of the festivities. New details and a new trailer debuted this week, reaffirming early impressions that this will be a great game. The first piece of great news is that it will feature open-world gameplay, like Lego City Undercover, and also include the traditional platforming gameplay, like Lego Star Wars. It has also been confirmed that New York city, Manhattan, and Loki’s Lair will all be playable locations.

Lots of Marvel characters will be featured in the game, with Wolverine, Captain America, Johnny Storm (Human Torch), Mr. Fantastic, Thor, Deadpool, the Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Sandman, and Loki all getting the digital Lego treatment. More characters will be announced closer to the release date.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes is currently available for pre-order on

Lego Marvel Super Heroes E3 trailer is available on YouTube:
Also check out the original trailer here: