Look At These Tiny Lego Robots!

FLAVIO'S Tiny Lego Robots, WIFFY: Rotary Saw

Look at these tiny Lego robots. They look so cute, you almost want to give them a hug (watch out for the chainsaw arms!). These WIFFY robots are the creation of Flickr user F L A V I O. They look like they belong in a Mega Man video game. And, could fit in with the Tachikoma walker/robots from the Ghost in the Shell universe. In which case lets hope they never learn to revolt and overthrow their human masters. Their cuteness could kill us all.

FLAVIO'S Tiny Lego Robots, WIFFY: Explorer

Check out these WIFFY robots over on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/68486426@N02/9570783976/

Lego Valor Hover Bike Inspired by Radio Kootwijk

Silvain's Lego Valor Hover Bike Inspired By Radio Kootwijk

Silvain, from Flickr, has created this futuristic hover bike out of Lego. There is a whole lot of detail and Lego pieces crammed into this little bike. The hover bike has been biult around an unofficial Lego piece, the BrickForge Tan Scooter. The Scooter does an admiral job blending in and looking like the official Lego pieces. There are also a few modified Lego pieces to assist with connections. And, a rare Lego Motorcycle Windshield from the 1980’s. This hover bike is fantastic.

Just remember to wear your helmets while flying the skies of New New York.

Check out the Valor Hoverbike over on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_zenn/7282199592/

Hail Mary! – A Lego Friends MOC Starship

The Architect's Lego Freinds MOC: Hail Mary

Hail Mary! is another great entry in the Lego Friends MOC flight genre. There is Mia’s Beauty and Olivia’s Flash, both extremely well made MOCs. Hail Mary is a starship with an experimental design. Having an almost “U” shape, this ship looks like it could be out of Star Wars. The use of the green donut pieces works very well here. The green color gives the impression that Mary is some sort of rogue or bounty hunter. Having two cockpits means that Mary will never have to go alone on a mission. The whole starship looks very impressive.

Lego Friends seems to have found a great place with the rest of the Lego Themes. Showing up in many MOCs and blending in very well. It will be very interesting to see if Lego Friends is here for the long run, so far, it is off to a great start!

The Lego Friends MOC: Hail Mary! by the The /\rchitect is over at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/natelego/9387738371/

Old Lego Truck

Carl Merriam's Old Lego Truck

This old style Lego truck makes you wish that Lego would release some historical sets. Treat it like the current architectural sets, but with a more historical/museum quality theme. This Lego Old Truck is designed by Carl Merriam, and can be viewed on Flickr. Using a window piece worked out perfectly for the old style radiator, and including such details as wooden spoked tires, and a wooden truck bed help to sell the retroness of this vehicle.

The wood tiles used to create the truck bed, were specifically chosen to showcase the custom printing from Print-A-Brick. They help to create a retro look to the pickup that would be harder to achieve without. The logo featured on the door is also a custom brick from Carl Merriam.
