Brooklyn Nine-Nine
recently featured Lego in a scene with Detective Sergeant Terence “Terry” Jeffords (played by Terry Crews). Afterwards something awesome happened. Reddit user austoncall posted a whole bunch of behind the scenes photographs showing what went into creating the Lego tower. Although it took a whole lot more work then someone would expect, the Lego tower looked great as it was being destroyed on set.

The whole project started out as about $300 worth of brand new Lego. Everything was built with 2 complete sets of the Lego King’s Castle (70404), 2 Builders of Tomorrow (6177) sets, 2 Lego Creative Buckets (10662), 1 Lego Creative Building Kit (5749), 1 Lego Education Doors, Windows, & Roof Tiles set (9386), plus a few baseplates and other miscellaneous parts.

The greatest challenge to creating these props, was figuring out what kind of style to build the tower. A sleek modern tower that the best AFOL would create, or a tower created out of a hodgepodge of bricks (like a child would build). After a few attempts, the show decided on something in between. A good decision, as it is instantly recognizable as Lego. In the end three towers were needed, so that the crew could film multiple takes and angles. If you look closely the three towers look similar, but are actually slightly different.

Make sure to check out all the photos of this Brooklyn Nine-Nine Lego Tower prop: https://imgur.com/a/khn83
Plus, here is the original post over on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2jxexh/i_was_the_one_who_built_the_lego_tower_that_terry/
And, a follow up AMA here: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2jxrbs/iama_guy_who_built_the_lego_tower_that_was/
*Nevermind!* If you happen to find a clip of the scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine please share!