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Category: The Lord Of The Rings
LegoGenre Giveaway Giveaway
LegoGenre is off to a great start. To celebrate our 3 month anniversary, LegoGenre will be having a contest to give away a digital copy of the Lego Lord of the Rings PC video game.
To enter the drawing, follow @LegoGenre on twitter and tweet the following:
That’s not all! We are also going to give out a digital copy of the Lego Batman video game. You can enter this giveaway by tweeting about your favorite posts (with link) at One entry per day, feel free to enter everyday until the end. In order for your entry to be counted add “@LegoGenre / #LegoGenre3” to the end of your tweet. Example:
“Trooper Class Photo. @LegoGenre / #LegoGenre3”
The giveaway will end at midnight on 06/30, and the winner will be notified shortly thereafter! Good Luck.
UPDATE ~ Winners!
Twitter user @PaulBZee won the Steam copy of Lego Lord of the Rings.
And, Twitter user @encurtit won the Steam copy of Lego Batman.
Congratulations to each winner, and thanks for following LegoGenre!
The Lord of the Rings, the Tower of Orthanc (10237) Reviewed @ Eurobricks
The first full review for the new Lego, the Lord of the Rings, the Tower of Orthanc (10237) has been released, and it is over at Eurobricks. Rufus has written up a super cool review, showcasing every tiny detail of this towering tower. Oddly enough Lego has made two conflicting sets in the same release. To put it bluntly the Wizard Battle (79005) is a mini version of the Tower of Orthanc. So, if you cannot afford the full price, the smaller mini set is a good alternative. As Rufus points out in his review, the white wizard Saruman is actually different in both sets, meaning that if you are a completist then you will need both.
The Tower of Orthanc is a full six floors, with 2,359 pieces, and really is one of the tallest Lego models to date. It measures 28″ tall (71cm), which is over 2 feet! The inclusion a fully posable and working brick built Ent is wonderful. And although, the inclusion of an Eagle is also great, it is a shame that it is a molded figure. At least it can be replaced with the Lego Creator Fierce Flyer (31004) which makes a great brick built eagle.
The overall opinion is that this is a great set from Lego, which features an unbelievable amount of black bricks. The price to brick ratio (8.5¢) is also reasonable, which is rare for a licensed set.
Go read the full review at Eurobricks:
More information about the Tower of Orthanc can also be found at:
Lego the Lord of the Rings: Pirate Ship Ambush (79008) Reviewed
The new Lego Lord of the Rings sets are now available, and the reviews are starting to come in. The big set of this wave is the Pirate Ship Ambush (79008) and comes with 756 pieces, 9 minifigures, and a whole lot of printed shields. Although a tad on the expensive side, the set does include a giant boat, and when compared to other boat sets, the price is just about right ($99 US). Oddly enough a tiny catapult is included with the set; perfect for your Army of the Dead to attack. The boat/corsair comes with some strange pieces, such as 24 shields (printed and unprinted), dragon wings, and a loaf of bread. Just in case Gimli gets hungry.
Speaking of Gimli, he just happens to be included with this set. As is Aragorn and Legolas, just in case you missed them in the first wave of the Lord of the Rings releases. The new minifigs are surprisingly great, and are almost worth the price of the set. The King of the Dead, and two Soldiers of the Dead are the center attraction here. They feature a pasty green color scheme, and even glow in the dark (just like in the film!). There is also two Orcs and a corsair of Umbar included. I would have liked to have seen more pirates, but I guess Orcs are good too. The one corsair of Umbar included is based off of the cameo that Peter Jackson made as a Castamir of Umbar in the extended edition of the Lord of the Rings: Return of the Ring.
Check out the full review of the Pirate Ship Attack (79008) by Lego Freak over at Eurobricks:
LegoGenre | 00265
New The Lord of the Rings Lego sets on sale now: 79005, 79006, 79007 & 79008
The second series for the Lord of the Rings Lego theme is now available for sale on These sets help to fill out a lot of the missing characters from the first release. Such minifigures as Elrond, Arwen, Saruman, Gandalf the White, the Mouth of Sauron, the King of the Dead, and many others. These sets are great, and it looks like the Tolkien themes may have many more updates in the future. You can even get an exclusive Lego Eagle that can help you set up plot holes and your favorite Deus ex machina! (HAHA!)
The Lord of the Rings: The Wizard Battle (79005)
The Lord of the Rings: The Council of Elrond (79006)
LegoGenre | 00263
Bag End
“Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bar, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.”
— The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Bag End is Bilbo’s Hobbit-hole from the Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings. It being located in Bagshot Row of Hobbiton. The desire of all the Shire, or at least the Sackville-Bagginses. With the notable green door, and immaculate garden kept by Samwise Gamgee. Bag End may be the most innocent location in all of Middle Earth.
Lego did a great job with their official set, offering just the right amount of detail to feel complete on its own. Bag End is one of the best Lego sets currently available.
When built the whole thing inspires people to add to the set. It can easily be expanded upon, and in this case expanded out.
LBaixinho, of Flickr, built this expanded Bag End. With the exception of the larger tree, and crooked fence, the actual Hobbit-Hole is straight from Lego’s set. What LBaixinho did, was offer up a more complete version of Bagshot Row. Filling in a front yard full of vegetables, flowers, roads and paths. Even Gandalf is stopping by, maybe getting ready to set up an Unexpected Gathering.
Check out Bag End and all the little details at Flickr:
LOTR: The Three Hunters
When Merry and Pippin are stolen away by the Uruk Hai in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (LOTR) it is up to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli to hunt them down. This little vignette recreated the scene of the three hunters running after the Uruk Hai through East Emnet and Rohan very well.
This is an excellent MOC to showcase the new building trend for Lego rocks. By placing them at odd angles and on their sides the rocks come off as much more fluid and organic. It seems that this is increasingly popular, which is good news, because it looks great. The green grass molding and wrapping over the rock looks great too.
The Three Hunters is an MOC created by pif500 over at Flickr, check it out: