A Motorized Lego Lighthouse

A Motorized Lego Lighthouse, Day and Night

A lonely lightkeeper keeping all those ships from crashing into nearby rocks is a job for the most hardy. After months alone a shift change is eagerly awaited. This Lego Lighthouse is created by Roses Must Build. The main feature of this build is that a lightbrick mounted in the tower can be turned. A hand crank is hidden among the rocks, but the whole model is cleverly wired up for Power Functions. Hiding behind one of the rocks you can access a hidden door that controls the Lighthouse. Make sure to check out the video below to see it work. This scene has been built in nano-scale so that a sense of imposing loneliness can be properly portrayed. For shift changes, and supply refills a short dock can be used. Built into the rocky island are some precarious stairs leading up the island. On top you can find a very classic cozy house, and attached Lighthouse, all in classic red and white colors.

A Motorized Lego Lighthouse, Lightkeeper

You can go find more details about this motorized lighthouse over on Lego Ideas: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/a8055a23-30d5-45a4-b046-7f5988722a3f

And, make sure to check out the video below, or over here: https://youtu.be/5W0N48JURiQ

Can’t Miss This Lego Bus

Lego Bus Rapid KL

A good public transit system is a necessity in our society. Taking people to and from all sorts of destinations. Lego people also need to go places, and any good Lego city needs at least one bus. There have been many official Lego bus sets released but none as detailed as this Lego MOC. This bus the creation of The Eleventh Bricks. It is a recreation of one of the Rapid Kuala Lumpur Busses. A lot of custom made decals/stickers help to lend this build realism. Not only is the exterior a great build, but it has a fully detailed interior too. Holding a lot of Minifigures, 25 to be exact, just like a real bus. Each seat can recline and there is even a signal cord. All built with about 500 Lego pieces. The whole MOC is fully lighted with headlights, taillights, break lights, and interior lights. This is one good looking Lego Bus, even at night.

Lego Bus Rapid KL Interior

Check out this Lego Rapid KL Bus over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/162930136@N03/49654641481/

Lego Bus With Lights
Lego Bus Night Lighting

The Lego Head Of Julius von Brunk

Julius von Brunk Lego Head Shock Treatment

The best thing about a great Lego creation is that you when you get board of it you can modify it into whatever you want. Check out this pair of heads created by Julius von Brunk. The Lego head features movable eyebrows, a compartment inside the head, and the option to wear glasses. One such version called Shock Treatment (above) features built in lighting that is stored inside. It would make a great and creepy nightlight. There is also Game Over (below) which incorporates a whole lot of transparent red pieces. Originally the effect was done with a solid red, but ended up looking too cartoony.

Julius von Brunk Lego Head Game Over

If you want to see more of the Lego head project check out the album over here, there are over 10 different versions: https://www.flickr.com/photos/baronvonbrunk/albums/72157668738617282

StarkLab: Helmet Rapair. A Slick Lego Iron Man MOC.

Vlad Hernandez's Lego Iron Man, StarkLab Helmet Repair

“Tony’s helmet had been malfunctioning lately so he brought it out to make some repairs.”

Small Lego vignettes are super popular right now. There is a certain charm about creating a tiny set for your favorite Minifigures. Vlad Hernandez took his recent Lego Iron Man themed StarkLab: Helmet Repair display to another level by adding multiple light sources. There are a total of 4 LEDs embedded in an 8×8 stud space. The most impressive is the customized Tony Stark Minifigure, where the LEDs help show off that embedded Arc Reactor. Iron Man’s helmet and 2 gizmos are also lit up. Now if only someone could take this level of care creating some sort of super Hall of Armor.

Vlad Hernandez's Lego Iron Man, StarkLab Helmet Repair 02

Check out more of StarkLab: Helmet Repair over on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/futuristicvlad/15551683175/

Also, you can see a whole lot more Iron Man stuff here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/iron-man/