The Tumbler, A Lego Batman MOC with Instructions!

Brent Waller's Lego Batman Tumbler

Batman’s Tumbler is one of the most iconic vehicles in recent cinema. Lego quickly released a version of their own, titled “Lego Super Heroes Tumbler Chase (76001).” While popular, a lot of fans were underwhelmed by the actual design of the Tumbler. It was small and simple. Lego has recently given it another try with the release of “Lego Superheroes The Tumbler (76023).” This one is scaled up larger then the Minifigures, but is extremely detailed. One of the coolest vehicles Lego has released.

But, Lego is still missing a good Minifigure scale Tumbler. Brent Waller has decided to create his own, and best of all has created instructions to build your own. This Batmobile is perfectly scaled for Batman, while preserving the detail and shape of the famous car.

Brent Waller's Lego Batman Tumbler Details

A Lego Ideas (CUUSOO) page was created to support this MOC, and it quickly earned its 10,000 votes. Ultimately Lego announced that this would be “not approved.” But don’t worry, if you have enough Lego bricks at home, you can create your own.

Check out the PDF instructions here:

And, more information about the “The Tumbler” Batmobile can be found here:

Lego Gardening: Beautifully Themed Lego Flower Pots

Jin Kai Soo's The Lord Of The Rings Lego Flower Pot

Sometimes you want to build Lego. Sometimes you want to plant a garden. Sometimes you want to do both, at the same time. Jin Kai Soo has created a mini series of Lego flower pots. Built around popular themed sets. The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and the Simpsons make up the first round of pots. These vignettes have captured some of the most iconic scenes in Lego form, and then integrated living plants. The end result is amazingly beautiful.

Jin Kai Soo's Lego Star Wars Flower Pot

The little details really stand out. The choice of plants in each plot is spot on. The knobby roots for the little Hobbits to hide behind. The mossy and lush plants recreating the Forest Moon of Endor. And, the tiny and in scale plants outside the dinner from the Simpsons movie. The other details are great too. The skeleton Stormtrooper and the hungry crocodile fit in perfectly.

Jin Kai Soo's The Simpsons Lego Flower Pot

These Lego flower pots have been proposed as a project over on Lego Ideas. Go check them out, and vote for them. Other ideas have been proposed, such as Life of Pi, and Jack and the Beanstalk. You can find more photos featuring construction and water flow allowences.

The Lord of the Rings:

Star Wars:


Lego Ideas, Winter 2014 Review Results – Female Minifigure Set

Lego Ideas, Winter 2014 Review Results - Female Minifigure Set

Lego has recently announced the results of their Lego Ideas Winter 2014 Review. This is the first officially branded Lego Ideas Review, but all of the projects were approved under the old CUUSOO system. This review had a whole lot of projects. With Macross, the Legend of Zelda, Adventure Time, Back to the Future, Sherlock, and Japanese Old Style Architecture being considered. In the end, none of these projects were approved, but an older Lego CUUSOO idea will be the 8th Lego Ideas model. The Female Minifigure Set (Research Institute) has been announced, with a release date of August 2014!

It is interesting that over time these reviews are becoming more and more opaque to the public. Check out the whole video below:

Lego Ghostbusters Video Review (21108) by 1980s Something

1980sSomething's 21108 Lego Ghostbusters Video Review

Cade and Brent from 1980s Something have released a full video review for the new Lego Ghostbusters (21108) set. It is a 17+ minute review covering all of the tiny details. A favorite part is the time lapse build of the Ecto-1. This set looks incredibly detailed and surprisingly complicated. Lego Ghostbusters (21108) will be released in June with a $49.99 price tag. Make sure to watch the full review below:

Lego Ghostbusters Video Review (21108):

Lego Ghostbusters Review (21108) by DrDaveWatford at Brickset

DrDaveWatford's Lego Ghostbusters Review 21108 Car

DrDaveWatford has posted one of the first reviews of the new Lego CUUSOO (Lego Ideas) set over at Brickset. The Lego Ghostbusters review (21108) features a detailed look at the packaging, Ecto-1 vehicle, and Minifigures. The set will be released in June with a $49.99 price tag. Based on the part list in the instruction booklet it looks like Lego Ghostbusters will come with an estimated 481 pieces.

DrDaveWatford's Lego Ghostbusters Review 21108 Ecto-1

It should be noted that this Lego Ghostbusters set is a little bit smaller then the original proposal, but the end result still looks great. No odd changes here, like there was in the Lego Back to the Future DeLorean. This build is heavily reliant on SNOT (Studs Not On Top) techniques which allow the Ecto-1 to keep a sleek appearance. A great accomplishment for Lego. The Ecto-1 is able to hold 3 of the 4 Ghostbusters comfortably, and can probably hold all 4 with some modifications.

DrDaveWatford's Lego Ghostbusters 21108 Review BoxDrDaveWatford's Lego Ghostbusters 21108 Review Box Back

The Lego Ghostbusters set is packaged like the previous Lego CUUSOO and Architecture sets. With a high quality box that opens up from the top. It also contains a perfect-bound softcover booklet style instruction manual. Filled with Ghostbusters quotes, trivia, and history. Coming in at over 100 pages, these instruction manuals are a huge feature for these sets.

It is also notable that this set comes with a few rare pieces, and even some exclusive pieces. The best inclusion is all of the printed parts. There are no stickers in this set.

DrDaveWatford's Lego Ghostbusters 21108 Review Pieces

The Minifigures are all recognizable. Lego changed Peter Venkman’s hair cut for the official release. Egon Spengler, Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz and Winston Zeddemore all feature exclusive printed torsos and unique heads. The end result is an extremely cute set of Ghostbusters.

DrDaveWatford's Lego Ghostbusters Review 21108 Minifigures

Go read DrDaveWatford’s full review of the Lego Ghostbusters (21108) set over on Brickset:

Lord of the Rings – Lothlorien Swan Ship at Lego Ideas

reekardoo's Lego LOTR, Lothlorien Swan Ship

Then Frodo kissed Merry and Pippin, and last of all Sam, and went aboard; and the sails were drawn up, and the wind blew, and slowly the ship slipped away down the long grey firth; and the light of the glass of Galadriel that Frodo bore glimmered and was lost. And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed on into the West, until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise.” — The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King

The Lothlórien Swan Ship is the creation of reekardoo. The iconic ship makes an appearance in The Return of the King, as the ship that carries the ring bearers across the sea and into the west. These beautiful ships are a project over on Lego Ideas, where they are trying to gain 10,000 supporters within 365 days. The current idea is to include Minifigures of Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. With options to include Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Cirdan and a couple of Lindon Elves. The Grey Havens have not made an appearance yet as an official Lego set, and this ship would certainly be a great representation.

reekardoo's Lego LOTR, Lothlorien Swan Ship, No Sail

Check out and vote for reekardoo’s The Lord of the Rings, Lothlorien Swan Ship over on Lego Ideas:

Lego CUUSOO is dead, long live Lego Ideas!

Lego CUUSOO Closed, is now Lego Ideas

On April 30th Lego will be terminating the Lego CUUSOO project and replacing it with Lego Ideas. Lego CUUSOO has been in Beta since it opening in 2011, even though it has launched many successful Lego sets. Because of this success they will be integrating the CUUSOO concept into Lego Ideas. The new site will come online on April 30th. According to Lego:

Once LEGO Ideas launches, you’ll be able to continue promoting your existing projects and participate on the new platform…”

There are two big changes that have been revealed. Lego Ideas will have one year to earn 10,000 supporters, and after that will have to restart at zero. The other change is that people can now submit projects if they are 13+ years old.

Check out the full details here:

Lego Ghostbusters: Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Friends on CUUSOO

BrentWaller's Lego Ghostbusters: Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Set

Lego is gearing up to release their first Ghostbusters themed set. After the Lego CUUSOO Back to the Future project was accepted and announced the idea of a Ghostbusters themed set gained popularity. The creator of Lego Ghostbusters (21108) is BrentWaller, who has recently proposed a new Ghostbusters set. The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. This guy is huge, and when it is taking over your Lego Modular City, who are you going to call?

This giant gooey monster is not alone, he is being proposed with three accompanying Minifigures. Everybody’s favorite bad guy, Walter Peck. Dana Barrett as the Gatekeeper. And, Louis Tully as the Keymaster. These three are ready to foil whatever plans the Ghostbusters have ready.

BrentWaller's Lego Ghostbusters: Louis Tully, Dana Barrett, Walter Peck

“Random Facts:

  • Over 34cm or 13 inches tall
  • If I was to use a similar ratio of a human compared to the Stay Puft as there is in the movie, That Marshmallow Man would be 68cm or 27 inches tall, which makes this version exactly half scale compared to a minifig.
  • Estimated 1800 Pieces (This could be reduced fairly easily, it was more due to my limited piece library and budget)
  • Estimated 60 hours design and build time.”

BrentWaller's Lego Ghostbusters: Mr Stay Puft

Go vote for the Lego Stay Puft Marshmallow Man over on CUUSOO: